Chapter 26

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A year has passed…

A year living in the prison…

A year of feeling safe…

A year without Merle…

Sawyer had found it hard to believe Daryl’s story when he had told him that some power-hungry manic called The Governor murdered their older brother. But you know what they always say about him.

Nothing could kill Merle but Merle.

Sawyer couldn't help but feel guilty about Merle's death, even if he wasn't there for it. Perhaps if he really went back to the rooftop in Atlanta, Merle would still be here. Even if he had deserved to be left behind that day.

However, the guilt slowly began to fade away with each visit to Merle's grave. He remembered the first visit that Daryl had taken him. They stood there for hours in silence, though when they got back to the prison, he broke down in front of Cora, who had comforted him that night. Afterward, each visit got a little easier. 

Charlie and Judith were growing up as well. They were monsters. Learning how to crawl around, keeping everyone on their toes, even the older kids who often adored them. Daryl and Carol always teased Sawyer about being a bit overprotective of Charlie, especially when he would fall down, even the slightest sneeze from the toddler could set Sawyer into older  brother mode. But could you really blame him?

Sawyer had gotten up before anyone else that morning. Though he was for sure, Rick was always the first one up. He would always see the man working away in the fields before dawn and was the last one to come indoors after hours. Making his way down to the fence, he picked up a stake and started plucking away.

He was soon joined by Henry,Chloe,David, and Karen. One by one, they all continued plucking the walkers. They were watching as they fell down outside the fence. Later,he would lead a patrol to go out there and burn the bodies once the horde got smaller. It was a lot different killing them inside the fence than outside, that was for sure.

“Hey! Daryl wants to know if you're coming to The Big Spot?” Tyrese called out as he and Karen stepped aside.

“Yeah, when are we leaving?” Sawyer called as he made his way over to the couple.

“Half an hour.” responded Tyresse.

“You guys can handle it from here?” Sawyer questioned Karen, who nodded.

“I'll have Maggie come out and help later.” he reassured them before he followed Tyreese to the vehicles and began to help load them.

“Heading out?” He heard a familiar, causing him to turn around and be greeted by Cora,followed by Beth.

“I was just about to say goodbye.” he claimed only to get a hum from her.

“I swear.” He repeatedly claimed.

“Just come back in one piece,” said Cora.

“You mean living piece, right?” Sawyer questioned. “That's more important, right?” He added.

“Right.” claimed Cora as she kissed him on the cheek before she and Beth walked away.

“You're not even gonna say goodbye!?” Sawyer called after her.


“It's like a damn romance novel.” Claimed Daryl.

“You're just jealous.” joked Sawyer.

“I'll show you jealous.” claimed Daryl only for Daryl to wrap his arm around Sawyer’s neck, practically giving him a noogie.


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