12. Tie your eyes

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What was I thinking?

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What was I thinking?

Where is my head at?

Was I really going to have an orgasm in front of Dark?!

What the hell is wrong with me?

I must have lost my mind.


You're such a fool, Moon. Dark is not like your ex-boyfriend who was soft, sweet and sensitive.

He is Dark Grasso.

Someone who is ruthless, merciless and could make you regret your decision of an orgasm.


My old boyfriend Elio. He was really sweet and understanding. He always treated me like a fragile glass, had manner to talk and was sugar frosting on top of the candy.

It's been more than six years for we've broken up but he was my first and only love. It's impossible to forget about him. At least, for me. Not that I have feelings for him now but I like to fantasize about how we had found our happily ever after and live on the top of the mountain peacefully.

We were really good together. Perfect for each other. I used to feel peace with him and loved everything about him but, maybe, he didn't like me enough. Maybe he was too scared to date me because of my father.

Anyone could be scared of my father since he is one of the dangerous mafia in the Italy. I wouldn't blame Elio for giving up on me.


When Elio and I decided to have sex,

He wore three condoms at a time for an extra protection. I guess, he just don't wanted to get me pregnant at any cost.

He even pulled out when I broke my virginity while the blood ran out. I thought he was just scared but he refused to finish what we started. We didn't come.

I can say my first time was a waste because I was hoping for surreal feeling that could make me see stars and the moon and the sun above my head but looks like those things are only to be said.

Next time we tried to do it, he came and pulled out before I could finish myself. Another waste.

Third time, I almost thought I was forcing myself onto him because I wanted to be on top but, he pushed me away and I fell on the floor and broke my nose. Well, another waste.


I never really come while having sex. Or should I say, I never really came. Not how like they brag about.

I had touched myself once or twice, using fingers to pleasure myself but, I don't know if I have ever really came.

After when Meley Bianchi tried to rape me, I lost it all. Every single sexual feeling I had ever felt, I lost it all. Eventually, I feared sex, because, some traumas are more powerful than natural feelings. I turned asexual.

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