22. You have my control

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Seven red roses,

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Seven red roses,

I plucked seven red roses from the garden, cut their thorns and collect them together as a bouquet. If I was a creative person, I might have put a ribbon on it.

I did something I have never done for anyone before. Rather, I have never plucked any kind of flowers from garden. I only knew flowers because people put them on a grave. I'd have never touched them if not for Miss Diaz.


"Are those roses I'm seeing?" Light's voice echoed in the living room at the wrong time. People say he has hawk's eyes and now I know why. His still climbing down the stairs and yet saw the roses I threw in the nearby trashcan.

"I assume it's a garbage since it's in the trash." I answered, stopping at the main door of our house when Light interrupted my talk. I almost made my way out but-

"Are those for Moon?" He asked with surprised tone but when I turned back to look at him, his face showed more of a shock.

"Were." I corrected him. "She doesn't want those." Miss Diaz told me to get those roses out of her sight.

"In all those flowers, you chose red roses for Moon?!" Light cocked his brow and slide down the glasses on his nose.

"Why? Is she allergic to red roses?" I sighed the frustration of getting kicked out of my own house's balcony.

"It's worse than allergy." Light affirmed. Light's eyes moved on the roses in the trashcan and I stood at the door for explanation of what he just said.

What could be the reason if not allergy? Maybe she doesn't want flowers from me. Maybe, she hated the way I gave her the flowers. Maybe, she hates me and that's why she told me to get out with flowers. Maybe-

"She is scared of red roses." Light revealed. Scared of red roses?! What the fuck does he even mean?! "Moon has some bad memories with red roses." Light knows her well than me.

"Bad memories?" I want to know. "What bad memories?!" I need to know.

"I don't know the reason, brother, but, it's something related to her mother." Light answered with low voice, "And Moon is very sensitive when it comes to that subject."

I can tell how sensitive she must be about her mother. Or else, she wouldn't have run for the fucking container in order to see her mother. I wish the world was as innocent as she is, because, she wouldn't be much happy to know what her mother is like.

I know where her mother is. I have found her address the day I found Miss Diaz on my container port. I dug every information about Portia Salvatore Diaz that very night and I have her exact location. Where she lives, what she does, who is she with, what her new name is, I have every damn information.

I can fly Miss Diaz to her mother in next three hours, or, I can fly her mother to Italy if I decide to but,


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