9. Piss him off

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I regret every time I think the slightest good for Dark

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I regret every time I think the slightest good for Dark. In a moment, I think Dark might have an actual heart but in another second he proves he doesn't. By heart, I mean sympathetic emotions.


He is empty. All hollow. All vacuumed.

Except the extreme pride, lust and wrath, he is hollow as the black hole.

Yes, he is a black hole. Full of darkness, full of vastness, full of emptiness, full of power and swallowing everything that stands in his way. I might as well add another characteristic of black hole and that is Gravity.

Things are allured to it. The gravity is so high, nothing can resist it and end up in it's hollow and uneasy emptiness.

Same goes with Dark, despise of how scary he is, people are allured to him. Maybe, not just romantically but nominally, theoretically or in a platonic way.

His aura is powerful, personality so well maintained, wealth-and-health, face-of-a-fucking-god and abilities to rule the fucking world. It's hard to resist him even if you know you'd only end up lost.

I don't know why I thought that. I shouldn't look for anything good in him. Not when I know him and his insensible habits. He is lost in the power he holds, he is lost in the blood he wears of people he killed and he is lost in the world that is nothing less than a hell.

Just because he let a sixteen year old girl stay in his house, doesn't make him a good person. He is a sociopath.


"This way, Miss Diaz." Martha led me on the last room of the second floor as her eyes refused to look into my eyes. I knew Martha, she's been working at Dark's place as a maid since ten years. She used to serve tea to Dark and me between our therapy session.

"How could you survive here for so long, Martha?" I asked walking beside her even though she tried not match my steps. "Aren't you tired of facing Dark everyday?"

"No, Miss Diaz." She answered quickly as if that was the mind-AI answering behalf on her. "It's an honor to work in Mr. Grasso's house." Honor? More like a nightmare.

"You lie so well." I sighed knowing what person would risk his life by bad-mouthing Dark Grasso. "But I can understand, bitching about Dark is handling your soul to the Satan." Martha didn't reply. Not that I wanted any reply.


Martha opened the door and I entered the room. A room which is more likely to be a wardrobe. A room full of clothes. Women's clothes. All types of clothing. Dresses, jeans, shorts, skirts, midis, jackets and whatever else there is to wear for a woman. Every single piece of it looked like it costs fortune.

Why is there's a women wardrobe in Grasso house when clearly no woman was living under this roof until two days ago?

"Is anyone live here who happened to be a woman?" I explored the huge wardrobe with my eyes. Not just clothes but there was bunch of footwear, accessories and jewellery as well.

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