20. Talk to me

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Dark is a devil

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Dark is a devil. A big, bad devil. A cruelest devil of all the time. He is unforgivable, unbearable and unacceptable. There's no words for to describe him. Lord, he makes me want to lose my temper. He makes me want to-

"Miss Diaz, will you at least say a word?" Dark asked me as he drove the car on slowest speed possible. Didn't know he could drive so slow because every other time, he drives like he owns the road. "You've been quiet for past fifteen minutes."

I don't want to talk. I will not talk. What can I talk? Will it change anything? Will it change the fact that he locked me in the restroom compartment while there was a shootout happening outside? Will it change the way he kissed me and made me feel things I shouldn't feel? Will it heal the wound on Dark's shoulder?!

His stomach wound hasn't been healed yet and he is wounded once again! What am I supposed to react?! Praise him for another successful gunshot wound or cry over the fact that it scared me to death when I saw a blood on Dark's white shirt?!

"Miss Diaz, will you fucking talk?" Dark grudged, "I need you to fucking talk to me!" Look at him, shouting at me instead of a request. "I've been asking you questions for past fucking eternity, will you at least look at me?!" No, I have no interest. "Miss Diaz?!" Blah, blah and blah.

I refused to look at him even though I was sitting on the passenger seat. Light went to drop Lilith home even though she threatened Light to fuck off. On the other hand, Dark is forcing me to open my mouth but I'm so done.I'm so done with his reckless torture.

He shouts on me, he threatens me, he orders me, he kisses me out of nowhere and then he tortures me with his touch as well. I don't know what he wants from me. He told me he'd take me to my mother and yet, there's no sign of him doing anything about that.

I know there's a new problem named 'Valentino Diaz' have appeared but it was Dark's fault in the first place. If he had just let me travel through that cocaine container, I'd have gone even before Papa finds this out.

But no! That arrogant, cruel and stubborn bastard had his plans with me. Plans to prison me, plans to use me against Valentino Diaz and plans to torture me for no fucking reason.


"I need you to fucking talk to me." Dark pulled the car to the side of the road and pushed the break hard. I almost crashed on the car desk but Dark was already holding a hand in front me. "Talk to me, Miss Diaz."

What does he want me to talk?

"At least look at me." He said as his voice soften. I was looking outside the window, avoiding his stare, avoiding his words and avoiding his whole existence even though I was in his car, sitting right beside him. I'm not going to talk to him no matter what-


What? What did he say? Did he just?

I looked at him with surprise. I don't know what I just heard but it sounded like a please. Did he say please?! Dark Grasso just said please?! I must be daydreaming, Dark cannot say please. He doesn't have that word in his vocabulary.

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