15. A solution

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"There was no necessity for this meeting at all

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"There was no necessity for this meeting at all." I said, taking a seat on the box couch, right in front of Miss Berenguer who appeared in my office out of nowhere.

"True," Miss Berenguer said, with her egoistic smile covered in bold red lipstick. Her long brown hair tied in ponytail and waved every time she nod. "Maybe I just wanted to see you, Mr. Grasso."

We were friends. Long time ago. We met at the business conference. I wouldn't really call it a friendship and just a business-relation but, people who went on a three lunches and two dinners together are knows as friends in the human world.

"Now that you've seen me, can we get back to the business?" I affirmed. I have no time for make friends or play friends. Especially with Miss Berenguer, being friends with her often leads to destruction.

"You haven't changed, have you?" She asked, she asked and I saw Miss Diaz gawking at her with big blue eyes. Miss Diaz indeed looking like a sixteen year old girl in my clothes, but, I have to say, she looks good in any attire.

"Of course he didn't." Miss Diaz answered before I could speak anything and I glimpsed at Light who was minding his own business by sitting right in the middle of Miss Diaz and Miss Berenguer. "He's the same old sociopath."

"People who cannot handle such extreme behavior tends to name it with mental illness." Miss Berenguer replied to Miss Diaz and her fist clenched. "I can understand, handling Mr. Grasso isn't that easy."

Miss Berenguer's eyes flicked at me and I glimpsed at Miss Diaz who was looking at my face without a blink. I have no idea-

"Who would know better than me," Miss Diaz said, crossing her legs as her blue eyes moved on Miss Berenguer's face. "I'm his psychologist anyway." Wasn't she the one refusing to call herself my psychologist?

"Didn't know you are seeing a psychologist, Dark." Miss Berenguer said to me. Her palm placed on her knee when she sit straight with interest. "What on earth has happened to you?"

"What happened to me isn't the topic of today's meeting, Miss Berenguer." I cleared my throat when Miss Diaz simply stared at my face with offense. "Today's topic is your connection with Valentino Diaz."

"Oh right, we could talk about your mental heath over a dinner, can we?" Miss Berenguer crooked her brow and I again glimpsed at Miss Diaz. Why am I even looking at Miss Diaz every time Miss Berenguer speaks? "Dinner at nine? At our old restaurant?"

Miss Berenguer is not someone who let go of the subject until she gets what she want. She's stubborn, ambitious and most powerful woman in whole Italy. I don't care who she is or what she could do with her royal rights but, arguing with her is arguing with the wall.

"Okay," I nod, accepting her invitation because it's easier to argue with her. Although, our dinner meeting are all about money and business, nothing personal nor anything romantic.

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