Truth or Dare

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Craig: 17
Tweek: 17


"Pfft, stop being stupid Cartman. Just accept the fact you're not getting Heidi back. Cut the shit!" Kyle yells.

"Shut up Jew, you don't know what it's like to date a girl. They're a different species, I'm telling you." Cartman snaps back.

"Whatever, can we stop talking about girls for once? Remember, this is supposed to be Guy's Night, not talk-about-relationship-issues night." Stan says.

"Yeah, Stan's right, guys. Let's play truth or dare!" Kenny replies.

"Craig, do you know where the bathroom is?" Tweek asks him.

"Yeah, lemme show you babe." Craig replies back kindly.

Cartman makes a retching sound, and Kyle hits him.
"Shut up, fatass. At least they have a stable relationship." Kyle argues.

"Meh meh meh meh meh meh." Cartman mocks him, and Kyle just rolls his eyes.

"Now about truth or dare, fellas?" Butters asks.

"Oh, yeah. Let's do that." Stan replies.

I forgot Butters was here... Stan thinks to himself.

"Alright. Since you mentioned it Butters, you get to go first," Cartman says. "Truth or Dare."

"Uh, well geez, I guess I'll pick truth."

"C'mon Butters, don't be a pussy. Pick dare!"

"Dude knock it off. Let Butters pick." Kenny says.

"Why did we invite Cartman again?" Kyle whispers to Stan. Stan shrugs his shoulders.

"No, don't worry about it Kenny. I can pick dare! What's the dare, Eric?"

"I dare you to go see what Tweek and Craig are doing." Cartman snickers. "They're probably fucking the shit out of each other." Cartman laughs. Kyle hits him again.

"What? It's true!" He snaps.

"Well, uh, okay, I could do that! They shouldn't be messing around anyway..."

"GOOD LUCK BUTTERS!" Cartman screams at him as Butters walks down the hall.

Butters turns around the corner to Craig's room and hears... Moaning? Nah. That couldn't be them. Cartman was probably just playing tricks on him by moaning through the vents.

Butters slams open the door to Craig's room and stands there in horror. Both boys are stripped down to the nude on top of each other, and seeing butters standing in the doorway caused Craig (by accident) to drop Tweek in shock and giving him a "hole-in-one" and fell onto Craig's dick. Tweek howled in pain. Craig threw a pillow at Butters while still trying to comfort Tweek and screamed at him: "BUTTERS WHAT THE FUCK? GET OUT, DUDE!"

Butters quickly shut the door with his foot and before he walked away he heard a popping noise and Tweek started crying. Oh man, did he feel bad.

Butters ran down the hallway back to the living room with a traumatized look on his face. He paused and stood there with his hands on his knees and caught his breath. Then he continued to walk towards his friends like nothing happened.

"So, Butters, what happened?" Kenny asks him.

"O-oh, well, gee, they were doing... Some nasty things." He muttered.

Cartman burst out laughing, Kyle looked disgusted, Stan started asking a billion questions, and Kenny just seemed unamused, like he was expecting Butters to say that.

A/N; This story is so short sorry guys 🙏😭 I wanted to do a story that involved Stan's gang and GAY SEX so here you go 😝

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