
920 12 28


Tweek: 10
Craig: 10


"Tweek! Over here!"

I turn around to see Craig waving at me from across the room.

"Baby, I have to tell you something!"

I run over to him and he starts to cry.

"Craig? What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"Because Tweek, I have to go..."

"What? Why do you have to go?"

"I need to leave..."

"CRAIG! WAIT! Please don't leave me!"

I try to hug him but he fades away.



I open my eyes to see my boyfriend, Craig, rubbing my head.

"Are you okay? You were screaming and crying in your sleep!"

I quickly wrap my arms around him and start sobbing.

"Honey what happened? Did you have a bad dream?

I nod. He hugs me back and kisses me on the head.

"What happened in the dream?"

"You... You disappeared..." I whisper.


"How did I disappear?" I ask him, concerned.

"You don't w-want to know..."

I don't want to make him talk about something he doesn't want to, so I just let it go. Tweek buries his head into my shirt and I pull him closer.

"I'm not going to leave you, okay?"

"But what if you do! What if you decide you don't want me anymore and leave me?!"

I tuck his hair behind his ear and kiss him on the cheek.

"I promise I'll always lo- um, I'll always care about you."


"I swear on Stripe!"

I lean over to my bedside table and take Stripe out of his cage, and hold him up to Tweek.

"Here, you wanna pet him?"

"Yes please!"

Tweek slowly strokes Stripe's fur and giggles as he nudges his fingers.

"Do you feel a little better?" I ask him.

"Yes... Thank you. I don't know what I'd do without you."

I put Stripe back in his cage and kiss Tweek on the cheek again, and throw the blankets over us.

"Goodnight, honey... I... I love you." I whisper.

But Tweek already fell asleep.

I'll tell him someday.

Someday. Just like someday, I'm going to propose to him with a shiny ring. And we'll have a big wedding and invite all our friends.

And we'll live in a big house. And adopt a million guinea pigs.


A/N; AWWWWE did you guys like the ending 🥰 I hope they live happily ever after 💖

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