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Tweek: 20
Craig: 20

Tweek's POV:

Me and my dad and I were driving to the warehouse to pick up some supplies for his café, Tweak Coffee Co. "Someday son, all this will be yours, and you'll make a fortune selling coffee!" He tells me. "Cool." I reply dryly.

"What's wrong Tweek?"

"I think you should know something, dad."

"What's that? Your boyfriend giving you problems? Remember, you two are the symbol of Tweak Coffee, so if you break up with him, you put our family business in jeopardy."

"No. Quite the opposite, actually. Craig proposed to me last night." I spill the tea. I shouldn't keep things from my dad, even if he'd be pissed at me. He just looks at me in awe. "Well that's fantastic, Tweek! What's the issue, then?" I let out a long sigh.

"After we get married, we're moving to Denver because that's where the astrology school Craig wants to enroll in is at. So I won't be able to take over the family business." My dad's face goes from happy and surprised to shocked and angry.

"Do you know how long it took me and your mother to get to where we are with this business?" He snaps. I nod my head, feeling guilty. I knew I had this coming. "Mom and I aren't going to be around forever, and for you to give up our entire life's work over a stupid teenage romance is ridiculous. I need you to rethink this decision, Tweek. What's more important, your boyfriend, or your family's welfare?"

"I have rethought it. Many times, dad. Why do you think I didn't tell you at dinner last night? I've decided already. I'm going to live with my husband in Denver. I'm really sorry about the business, but I just want to be with Craig right now." I don't know how he's going to react, but it won't be good.. My dad shakes his head and swerves over to the side of the road.

"You know what? You love your boyfriend so much, why don't you just live with him, huh? Since he's clearly more important than your own family." He snaps at me "What?" I responded, with tears and fury welling up in my eyes.

"Get out." He says sternly. I step out of the car onto the side of the road. I cannot believe he's doing this. "I'm doing this for your own good, son. Rethink your choices. Come back home when you've thought this through." He then drives off. "FUCK!" I kick a rock out of anger and pull out my phone to try to call my mom. All the sudden, my phone powers off.


Now all I could do is wait, either for some drunk to pick me up off this empty road or for my dad to come back, which I doubt he would.

- 1 hour time skip: 10:40 PM -

It's getting cold. And dark. All I have on right now is a Korn graphic tee, cargo shorts, and Crocs. I wasn't prepared to get stranded on the side of the road. At least, not this time. I don't have any food or warmth and the road I'm on is so deserted the only thing that crosses it is the occasional mail truck. None of those would be here at this hour, though.

I'm starting to lose hope. I'm cold, hungry, and tired, and the further I walk the lower the temperature drops. So I decided to just stay where I was and hope for the best.

Then I see something.


I try to flag them down, and it works.

Good job, Tweek!

The car slows to a stop and I walk to the door.

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