I Love You

384 7 13

Craig: 12
Tweek: 12


"Craig, come on!"

"I'm coming, Tweek! Jeez!" The boy ran faster through the dense forest, so as not to keep Tweek waiting. Once Craig finally caught up with him, they both sat down on an area with no twigs and little dirt. "You take forever to walk." Tweek giggled. Craig looked at him with an annoyed look. "Well first of all, you're like, really fast. And also, I didn't want to step on anything. Like a slug. Ew." 

Tweek smiled contently at him and looked up into the sky, laying back a bit. It was relaxing. The temperature was decent and the sky was bright blue, with only a couple clouds. This was pretty rare weather for Colorado, so Tweek and Craig scheduled a time to hang out so they could take advantage of the warm weather. They had just been running around, enjoying each other's company.

Craig laid down next to his boyfriend, looking at him in admiration. Tweek's eyes were closed, his face was relaxed,  and the sun shone perfectly on his light skin, defining every crater and detail in his face. Craig hummed happily and interlocked fingers with Tweek. The blonde's face tensed up in surprise, but still kept his body and hand in the same position. "You okay?" Craig asked with a concerned tone in his voice.

Tweek nodded, rolling over to his side so he could maintain eye contact with Craig. "I wanna tell you something." Craig whispered shakily, but still loud enough for his boyfriend to hear. Tweek nodded, letting the other boy know he was listening.

"I love you."

He said it so softly and in a tone he rarely used. He only spoke like this when he was showing emotion or talking to Stripe. He had a slight lisp due to his braces, and tried to muffle it as he said this.

Tweek's eyes widened and he blushed a dark red. His ears started ringing. Craig gripped the blonde's hand tighter as they laid in temporary silence underneath a tree. "You don't have to say it back." Craig said, slightly turning his face away. I just wanted you to know."

"No." Tweek whispered. Craig turned back in confusion and the flustered male took the chance. Tweek grabbed Craig's chin and planted a soft kiss on his lips. "I love you too."  Craig smiled, relived, He returned the favor, pushing the head of the blonde into his and kissed him back.

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