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Craig: 20
Tweek: 20


Today is the day. I'm going to do it. I'm going to propose to my boyfriend, (hopefully, fiance) today.

I'm going to try my best to make it romantic, but I'm not too sure what romantic stuff he likes. Every time we go on dates, we either go to a café, bookstore, park, or something simple like that. We never do stuff at home besides, uh, that stuff...

I decide to take him to the beach and work my way up from there. Tweek's shift at the coffee shop ends in an hour, so I guess I'll use that time to get ready.

I make my way over to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror and take a deep breath. "Craig Thomas Tucker. You can do this. You're going to propose to the love of your life, and you're gonna do it today!"

I think I needed that. Actually, I know I needed that.

I jump in the shower and spend the whole time in there practicing my speech.

"Tweek Tweak, I love you so much, I want to be yours forever and-" Nope. Too basic.

"Tweek, you're my whole world. My moon and stars. I-" No... Too cheesey. I guess I'll work it out when the time comes.

After I finished rinsing off the soap on my body, I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me. I'm so nervous. As I'm combing my hair, my hands are shaking and sweating. Holy shit, I'm turning into Tweek.

I really wanted to wear my white tuxedo or something nice like that, but I didn't want to make it obvious, so I just ended up wearing my Keane band tee and some boot-cut jeans.

Before I leave the bathroom, I notice the hickey on my neck from the other day was extremely noticeable. I didn't pay much attention to it, but I remembered that Tweek's parents were also working at the shop with him that day.

I put a big-ish bandage on my neck and grabbed my keys.

Okay. Here we go.

I hop into my truck and put on some music. I decided on Sarah by Alex G because what gay person doesn't like Alex G? It seemed fitting for this moment too. Our apartment is pretty close to Tweak Bros, so by the time the song ended, I was already pulling into the parking lot.

I got out of the car as soon as my car stopped and ran up to the doors. I pause and take a deep breath before walking into the store.

Mr. Tweak greets me as I approach the counters.

"Hello, Craig! How are you?"

"I'm doing great, thanks. Is Tweek around?"

"Ah, yes, of course" He replies. "Tweek, Craig is here!"


I hear running around in the kitchen and the doors fling open.

"Hi, Tweekers!"


He runs up to me and jumps into my arms.

I've been stressing out all day... But seeing Tweek's beautiful pale blue eyes just makes it 100 times better.

He wraps his hands around my neck and pulls me into a passionate kiss.

"Baby... We're still in the store... I think your dad is looking at us..." I say in a hushed voice.

"So? I missed you... Let him stare..." He whispers back. It was then that I knew I would never regret proposing. We were made for each other.

"Ready to go?" I ask him.

"Yeah... I've only been waiting all day!"

We get in the car and Tweek notices that I'm taking a different route home.

"Are we going home?" He asks, "Or are we going somewhere else?"

"Actually, I think we're going to take a little detour..."

Tweek sits up and sees the sight out the windows.


"Yeah! I know you love the beach and stuff so I thought it was a good place to...uh... hang out!"

"I LOVE IT!" He exclaims.

As soon as I park my car in the sand, Tweek jumps out of the car and grabs my hands.

"C'MON BABE!" He shouts.

We kick off our flip-flops and run across the hot sand.

I put my hand around his waist and twirl him around, and he laughs in pure happiness.

"Craig! Let's go down to the waters!"

I pick him up and run down the beach.

"AGH! CRAIG! DON'T DROP ME!" Tweek yells.

"Don't worry, I got you baby!"

I set him down at the tips of the shore and Tweek jumps into the water and wads around a bit. The water only goes up to his calves so he doesn't get too wet.

"Craig? Are you coming in?" He asks me.

"Yeah, coming!" I reply as I take off my shirt.

I slowly make my way into the shallow water and freeze up. It's a bit cold, but it beats being on the scorching sand.

Tweek wads up to me and I reverse piggyback him and sit down in the watery sand.

"Uh... Hi?" He asks, confused.

I put my hands around Tweek's hips and prop him up so I can properly look him in the eyes.

"Your eyes are so beautiful, you know that?"

"If you keep saying that I might start believing you..." He replies, flustered.


I ruffle the hair on the back of his head and press my lips against his. He kisses back, and we both melt into each other.

After about 5 minutes of making out on the warm summer beach, we get out of the water.

"I enjoyed that, thank you, honey." He tells me as we walk back to the car.

Craig. Do it. Now.

"Uh, Tweek?"

He turns around.

"Yes Craig?"

I walk up to him.


I get down on my knee.

Oh god. Oh god. I'm actually doing this.

"Tweek Tweak..." I begin.

There's tears streaming down his face... God he's beautiful.

"You are the love of my life. I've loved you since I was young, when I first laid my eyes on you I knew I was meant to be yours. The rest of our lives are ahead of us, and I want to spend it with you. Will you marry me?"


Tweek jumps onto me and kisses me, his forehead pressed against mine, and we both break down in tears of joy.

"Shh... Don't cry, baby. It's okay. I'm here."

"I know... I'm just so happy..."

A/N; I've wanted to write this for a while now, so I'm glad I finally got the time to do it :3

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