Anxiety (Ft. Laura and Thomas)

922 12 82


Craig: 14
Tweek: 14


I sit down at the table after washing some dishes on a Sunday morning, preparing to eat breakfast. Just then, Laura walks into the kitchen with a green polo shirt on.

"Hi honey," I greet her, "did you sleep well?"

"Yes, thank you dear." She replies hastily, 'I have to run to the Tweak's to grab some stuff I ordered, I'll be back soon!"

As she says that she walks out the door, leaving me in the kitchen. Right now, I'm the only one awake because Craig and Tricia are still asleep, so might as well go wake them up for breakfast.

I make my way down the hallway, looking at the pictures on the walls.

There's one picture of Craig when he was 7, cradling Stripe when he was just born. He looks so happy...

I lean towards another one, which is a little higher on the wall, which is Tricia's kindergarten graduation photo. Her smile in that picture is terrifying... But we keep it up anyways.

And the most recent one is a picture of our whole family on Thanksgiving... With Tweek. I know at first, I was really cold to him, but quite honestly, I do care about that kid.

As I approach Tricia's door, I hear the front door open and heavy footsteps.

"Laura?" I shout down the hallway. "Is that you honey?"

"Thomas! Get over here! We need to talk!" She shouts back.

Uh oh.

I walk towards the kitchen table where Laura's sitting.

"Thomas, you will not believe what I saw at the Tweak's coffee place."

I pull out a chair and sit across from her angered and tense face.

"What?" I look at her confused.

"When I was waiting for my order, I saw Tweek was crying in the corner of the kitchen and Richard was scolding him nonstop! He was breaking down and having a full blown panic attack!"

She puts some creamer in her coffee and takes a sip. "That poor boy..."

I shake my head and sigh. "Sometimes I feel that they don't take proper care of him."

"And Helen had the audacity to thank me for Craig dating him!" She scoffs.

I stare into space in disbelief, astonished by what she just said. Are they really treating Tweek like this?

I get up from the chair and grab my keys.

"Where are you going?"

I sigh.

"I'm... I'm going to get Tweek. He's gonna hang out with us for today."

Laura nods in approval. "Bring Craig with you. I'm sure he'll want to come."

I go down the hallway once again, letting myself into Craig's room.

"Craig, wake up." I demand, "We're going to pick up Tweek."

Craig jolts his body awake and sits up. He raises an eyebrow at me and asks "How come? Is he okay?"

"He's fine. He's just gonna spend the day with us. C'mon, let's go."

Craig throws on a jacket and I kiss Laura goodbye.

Once we're both in the car, Craig taps me on the shoulder.

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