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Once again the magical Bvtt3ers with these genius ideas 💕


Craig: 17
Tweek: 17


The time is 7:30.

I'm on my way to Tweek's house to pick him up so we can go to prom. Yes, that's right. PROM. Tolkien said I didn't have the guts to ask Tweek out to prom. He also bet $20 that I'd chicken out. But I asked him yesterday when I picked him up from the airport and he said yes! I'll show that asshole. Actually, I'll call him right now.

Calling: Tolkien 🤠

"What's up?" I hear a static voice say through my phone.

"Dude, Tolkien," I reply, "Remember when you said I was a pussy and I didn't have the guts to ask out Tweek?"

"Uh, yeah. I do. Are you calling to give me my side of the bet? And to admit you're a pussy?"

"No. I wanted to tell you that I'm pulling into his driveway and bringing him there. Have the money ready or I'll send Tricia to beat your ass. You remember what happened last time, right?"

As I pull into Tweek's driveway I hear Tolkien curse under his breath and sigh.

"Fine. I guess you're not as much of a pussy as I thought." He replies. "Also, please keep your psycho-ass sister 1000 light years away from me."

"I will, you got nothing to worry about. Also, you bringing Nichole?"

"Yeah, duh."

"Alright. See you there."

"Good luck."

I hang up the phone and walk up the porch steps to Tweek's place. I take a deep breath.

You got this Craig. Just be brave.

I ring the doorbell and about 30 seconds later, Mrs. Tweak answers the door. "Oh, hello dear!" She greets me.

"Hi, Mrs. Tweak." I reply.

"I'm terribly sorry, but Tweek is having a bit of trouble with his suit, you wouldn't mind waiting a tad longer, would you?"

"Oh, no. Not at all!" I smile softly.

"Aww, my baby has the sweetest boyfriend ever!" She exclaims.

"ACK!" I hear someone yell, "MOM, STOP IT! YOU'RE EMBARRASSING HIM!"

That must be Tweek, I think to myself.

He frantically puts his shoes on and pauses in front of his mom, and she kisses him on the head.

"Now, you boys have fun, okay? And be safe! No alcohol!"

"Y-yeah mom. I know."

"You got it, Mrs. Tweak."

She closes the door and I pick up Tweek and pepper his face with kisses.

"AGH! Craig! You don't think I've been embarrassed enough tonight!?" He yells.

"Not nearly enough." I laugh.

"I'll give you a pass..." He sighs.

I walk him over to my car and I jump in the driver's seat.

"Let's go! C'mon, get in! I haven't seen you in a week 'cause your family went on vacation, and I finally get to spend an entire night with you, just dancing and partying with our friends!"

"I know, I know, just start the car!" He says as he gets in the front seat.

I lean over and kiss him on the lips before hitting the gas.

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