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Craig: 17
Tweek: 17


Every weekend of the summer, Tweek, Craig, Jimmy and Clyde would all get together and go to Tolkien's house so they could all hang out at his pool. The five boys had been doing this every summer since 8th grade. It was kinda like a tradition for them.

Craig was the one who first had the idea of doing this, and loved being able to have fun with his friends and boyfriend over the summer. He would always play volleyball in the water and was known to be very competitive.

Tweek however, hated swimming, or just pools in general. He was a little bit insecure about his body so he would wear a waterproof shirt, but didn't like the feeling of clothes against him while he was wet. He despised how they would cling to his skin after getting out.

He only had two reasons to attend. The first was because he really cared about his friends and wanted to be able to spend as much time with them as possible. But the second was one he kept a secret, and never told anyone.

Tweek was a complete simp for a wet and shirtless Craig. He loved watching him from his beach chair on the side of the pool. Craig was always perfect, but seeing him like this always turned Tweek into a salivating mess. He would lock his eyes onto his boyfriend's bare chest as he watched him aggressively slam the volleyball to the other side of the water.

Tweek found him extremely attractive, especially when he would get out of the water to check on Tweek or talk to anyone hanging outside the pool. He would shake the water from his jet black hair along with all the water droplets along his back. If he was out in the sun long enough, he would get a tan that Tweek constantly fell for.

Craig hated shirts, even when he wasn't in the water. He never wore shirts to bed or even when he was just walking around in his house. He didn't like the texture at all. This made Tweek extremely flustered, but never said anything for obvious reasons.

Craig's only pair of swim trunks were slightly baggy on him, but he wore them anyway because they were a gift from his dad. They showed his v-line slightly, and his shorts dipped down whenever he jumped in the water. Tweek adored when this happened because it showed Craig's small bit of fat around his waist and loved his tummy and the small muffin top he had.

One day when they were at Tolkien's house, Craig was playing a one-on-one volleyball game with Clyde. Jimmy and Tolkien were chatting by the deck. Tweek was admiring his boyfriend from afar until he noticed something. His crotch was showing ever so slightly, but enough to turn him on. Tweek widened his eyes and stood up and got closer to the pool.

Craig noticed this and extended his arms to embrace his boyfriend who was about to get in the water, ignoring his water phobia so he could be closer to Craig. He gradually stepped into the warm water. Craig signaled for Clyde to pause the game. "Gays, I'm gonna go get some soda." Clyde waddled out of the pool in soaking wet shorts and approached Jimmy and Tolkien at the snack table.

"What made you wanna go in?" Craig asked, "I thought you didn't like the pool?" Tweek wrapped his hands around his adorable stomach and slipped the tips of his fingers under his waistline. "You looked really hot." Tweek responded casually. He started to massage Craig's crotch region. "Ah~"

Tweek blushed, looking very surprised. "Did... Did you just whimper?" Craig down at his shorter boyfriend with a guilty look on his face. "I was just taken off guard..." Tweek smirked and lowered his hands further until he felt the base of Craig's dick. He let out a stifled moan of arousal and shot a sharp glare at Tweek.

"You wanna play dirty?" Craig asked in a husky voice Tweek nodded, his blonde hair soaked and slicked back. Craig picked his boyfriend up, with one hand on his hip and one on his neck. "We'll be back!" Tweek shouted at the other boys.

"Ew." Tolkien said.

Craig carries Tweek off to one of the many guest bedrooms, both of them soaking wet. He threw Tweek down on the bed and tore off his swim trunks, revealing his cock, which was dripping a bit, and not from water.

Tweek's eyes wided at his boyfriend's erect and leaking dick. He took off the waterproof shirt and let Craig crawl on top of him. Craig carefully bit Tweek's nipples and licked them over and over. Tweek groaned at his touch and gripped his jet black hair. As the taller boy continued to tease Tweek's nipples, he reached one hand down to the blonde's throbbing bulge. He squeezed it a few times, earning several horned up noises from Tweek.

Craig lifted his head from his boyfriend's chest and looked up at him, asking for permission to continue. Tweek nodded desperately. "Fuck me Craig..."

It's as if a switch was flipped in him and his gay hormones decided to kick in. He ripped, like literally ripped Tweek's pants off, tearing many of the seams. Tweek arched his back so it would be easier for Craig to enter him. They didn't need to use lube because of Craig's excessive amount of pre-cum.

Craig moaned as he felt his dick stir Tweek's insides. He threw his head back and moaned heavily. Once he was fully inside, Craig thrusted his hips slowly. Tweek grabbed Craig's hand from underneath his body, which was Tweek's way of letting his boyfriend know it was okay to move around, since he was very incapable of talking clearly.

Craig was also dying to feel him. He grinded his hips against Tweek's ass and pressed his palm against his groin. Tweek shrieked in pleasure and came immediately. But Craig didn't stop. He only went faster and closed his eyes. The only thing to be heard was the wet sound of Craig fucking Tweek's brains out. With only a few more jucks, Craig came into Tweek. Craig leaned in to kiss his boyfriend. The blonde moaned into the kiss and came a second time.

He sighed, and looked down at his boyfriend. Cum was leaking from his entrance and his breathing was erratic. "That was so good..." Craig nodded in agreement, pulling out of Tweek, who was an absolute mess. They grabbed each other's hand and kissed softly. "We should probably go back outside..." Tweek whispered.

"WHERE HAVE YOU GUYS BEEN? IT'S BEEN LIKE THIRTY MINUTES!" Tolkien shouted, an annoyed tone in his voice.

"I think y-y-ya'll know what they were d-d-doing." Jimmy adds on, disgusted.

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