A New Job

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Craig: 23
Tweek: 24

Narrator POV:

Craig had just come home from a long day at work. He was exhausted, but thrilled. He had very exciting news to tell his husband, Tweek. Craig had gotten a rare job opportunity that would pay both their insurances.

But there was one setback that he wasn't looking forward to telling Tweek.

With Craig's current job with Nasa, every year he would work on a space shuttle for two months and come home after that. But it was only once per year,  maybe two. With this new job, Craig would have to leave once a year for five months.

Craig didn't want to be away from Tweek or his family that long but he knew the money would help both of them... But he didn't know how Tweek would react.

As Craig pulled the front door open, a very excited Tweek ran up to him and wrapped his arms around his husband's neck and peppered Craig's face with kisses. In response, Craig kisses him back, leaning into him and ruffling Tweek's messy hair with one hand and the other on his hip. Craig breaks away from the kiss and smirks. "Hello to you too."

"You have no idea how long I've waited to do that." Just as Craig was about to kiss him again, he paused and lifted his head up. "Do I smell chicken?"

"Oh yeah!" Tweek exclaims, "I made dinner special tonight! Come see!" They both get up, and Craig follows Tweek into the kitchen where he sees a sharp red tablecloth and a chicken salad with wine next to the two plates.

"Honey..." Craig whispers, this is wonderful. It looks amazing!" Tweek nods his head and proudly walked over to the table, satisfied that Craig was happy with his hard work. They both sat down, and Craig eagerly downed his food. Once he finished, Craig decided he should tell Tweek the news about his job. "Uh, Tweek? I got a job offer today."

Tweek lifted his head up from his plate. "Really? That's awesome babe! Where is it?"

"Aspen." Craig replied. "Oh, that's not bad. Only three hours away, right?" Craig sighed. "Yes. But they want me to work on the shuttle for five months. Every year."

Tweek's eyebrows furrowed and his look grew from excited and enthusiastic to concerned and angry. He dropped his fork. "Are you fucking serious?"

"I knew you would say that, but listen. It'll pay more money and we can pay off both our insurances and get that new car we're saving up for." 

"Five months?" His voice grew slightly louder. "If you being away from me for five months is what it takes to get a stupid car, than I don't want it." 

"Tweek, it's not just about that. We can't live in an apartment our whole lives, think about our future."

"It won't be OUR future if you're gone half the year!" He shouted back.

"Twee-" "NO." He cut Craig off, "Honestly, did you even think about me when you made this decision?" Tears started to form in his eyes. "What about your family, did you forget about them too?" He snapped, holding tears back. "I'm sleeping on the couch tonight." Tweek picked up his plate and stormed off to the bedroom.

Craig sat there, speechless. He felt terrible about what happened. He wanted to be with Tweek but he also wanted to provide the best life for him, and in order to do that, he needed this job. He was stuck and didn't know what to do. He put his plate in the sink and walked to the bedroom. Just as he was about to knock on the door, he heard Tweek crying. A lot. Craig felt awful. He gently knocked on the door.

Tweek sniffled. "Come in"

Craig walked in and scanned the room for his husband. He found him sitting on the side of the bed away from the door. Craig walked over to him and sat next to him. He rested his hand on his. Tweek glanced over at him. He looked heartbroken. He wrapped his arms around Craig and sobbed on his shoulder. "Are you not gonna miss me?"

Craig instantly hugged him back and ran his fingers through Tweek's hair. "I'm so sorry. I don't want to leave you. I promise I won't. I realized we're getting by just fine with the job I have already. I don't need anything but you. I love you so much."

Craig nuzzled his head into Tweek's chest, attempting to muffle the tears that were slowly streaming down his face. He cried. He cried a lot. "I c-can't spend that much time away from you. I'm not strong enough. I swear on my life I will never leave you."

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