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siktirgitprofilimden came up with this one >:3

(Sorry if it seems a bit rushed, I wanted to get it out for you guys 😅)


Craig: 15
Tweek: 15


Craig has been spending a lot of time with Thomas lately. Obviously, it's okay for him to have friends, but he's been much more distant lately.

I'm nervous... I don't want him to leave.

Oh! There he is now!

"H-hey, Craig!" I holler after him, "Can we go out today? Like for brunch or something?"

Craig winces his teeth. "Uh, no, sorry babe. I'm going out with Thomas today. Maybe tomorrow?"

"Oh. Okay." I respond in a dull voice. He kisses me on the cheek and walks out the door.

I wave goodbye to him as he walks down the sidewalk.

Why didn't he kiss me on the lips...

About half an hour later, he calls me. I picked up the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey honey, I just wanted to let you know that I won't be able to hang out tomorrow, me and Thomas are going to the new burrito place, is that okay?"

Goddammit. No. No, it is not okay.

"Uh... sure." I reply.

"Okay, thanks babe! Love you."

And I hang up. Just like that.

(Slight smut warning ⚠️)


"God, I love you so much..." Tweek moans into my ear, as I thrust myself in and out of him.

"C-craig! I'm gonna cum!" He shouts as he runs his fingers through my hair.

"Shit... me too baby. Cum for me." I whisper.


I turn over to my alarm and slam the "off" button.

"I fucking hate you..." I mumble.

I was about to go back to sleep when I realized why my clock went off. It was 7:30. That's my second alarm... Shit! I gotta get up!

I throw the blankets off my body only to see a huge, pale-ish stain on my pants.

Goddammit... Again? Who even has wet dreams at 15?

I walk to the bathroom to change out my clothes, pack my lunch, and start walking to school.

Thomas greets me at the door and gives me a fist-punch.

"H-h-hey man- DONKEY FUCKER! - How are you?" He asks politely.

"I'm okay, I had fun yesterday, thanks for inviting me. Have you seen Tweek around?"

"No...? Isn't he y-your b-b-SHIT BALLS!- boyfriend or something? Or is that just a rumor?"

"Yeah, he's my boyfriend. Since fourth grade. Why do you ask?"

Thomas looks down and swings his foot back and fourth.

"Just wondering."

I look up and down at Thomas, who's staring at me. He's trying real hard not to make it obvious that he's doing so. But I can see right through him. I can see his plan. I understand why Tweek's being so cold around me. Why he isn't saying 'I love you' back.

"Thomas, I'm taken... I have a boyfriend," I say, "You do realize that, right?"

He looks up at me into my eyes.

"W-w-well yeah, b-b-BULLSHIT! -but he doesn't ever have to know!" He stutters, "It can just be a thing between you and me!"

I can feel my body begins to flare up in anger and disbelief as Thomas continues blabbering on about cheating.


His eyes flash a spark of embarrassment as he proceeds to think of another excuse.

"I-I... I thought you felt the same way..."

"No! You knew I had a boyfriend even before we started hanging out! Cut the shit!" I continue, "You tried playing dumb with your stupid questions! God, just fuck off!"

I turn around to the road and start running.



I sprint down the road and turn towards Tweek's house. I suddenly stop on the porch and knock on the door gently. After about 30 seconds, Mr. Tweak answers the door. "Why, hello Craig!"

"Hi, Mr. Tweak. Is Tweek around?"

"Oh yes, he's upstairs in his room. Sorry he wasn't at school today, he said he wasn't feeling well. Come on in!" I walk into the house and make my way upstairs.

"I'll be right back, Mr. Tweak."

I turn the hallway to Tweek's room and knock on the door gently.

"W-who is it?" I hear a teary, stuffed up voice say.

I take a deep breath.

"It's Craig."

I hear footsteps and Tweek opens the door.

Tweek looks terrible...

He has heavy eye bags, probably from crying, his voice is cracking and weak, and he has dirty sweatpants on... He wipes his tears away from his eyes and forces out a weak "Come in."

I nod, and Tweek moves out of the way and sits down on his bed. "Shouldn't you be hanging out with Thomas?" He says in a hushed voice.

I sit down next to him on his bed and scooch close. I wrap my arms around him and start to sob.

Dammit Craig, don't start crying...

But I couldn't help it. All I could do is hug Tweek and hope that he'll forgive me.

"I'm so sorry... I didn't realize..."

And Tweek hugs me back.

Tears stream down my face as I embrace my boyfriend. He breaks away from the hug and cups my face in his hands.

"I'm sorry too... I should've communicated..."

He kissed me for the first time in two weeks. "I love you. So much."

"You really are incredible, Tweek... I love you too.

We both make out for a good ten-ish minutes, overwhelmed with joy and happiness. Tweek gets dressed and we make our way downstairs, hand in hand.

"Tweek?" Mr. Tweak says, "Are you going to school?" Tweek turns around and replies, "Yes, I'll be back at normal time. is that okay?" His dad nods, and I pick him up and start walking down the sidewalk. "Is this okay?" I ask, still carrying him.

"Yes, this is perfect."

"You're perfect."

Tweek wraps his arms around my neck and kisses me on the cheek. "Tweek, I don't know how I'm going to make it up to you... I completely ignored you for the past two weeks... I feel terrible."

"I forgive you, honey. and right now, all I need is you right next to me." I kiss him back, on the lips this time. It felt...


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