Chapter 17

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The table at breakfast has been tension filled since Ocean and Piper joined

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The table at breakfast has been tension filled since Ocean and Piper joined.

Everyone is quiet,well except for Eduardo who is teaching his sister how to eat with the big spoon on her own.

They both looked so adorable.

"So Antonio,have you thought about the course you want to offer in Caspian"Dario asks his eldest son,who tensed a little beside me.

"No papa,I haven't thought about it. Maybe business"he shrugs.

"Antonio,we want you to do something you want,not because you are going to inherit the bratva once you turned 20. We want you to do something you love"Piper says and I roll my eyes at her.

"Okay mom,I'll think about it. Application doesn't start until next week"he tells her and she smiles proudly.

"Mama,I am full,can I please go watch Barbie"Allegra asks with a pout.

"Sweetie,I thought you wanted to spend more time with nanna and nonno"Pipers and Allegra's eye widen with realization.

"You can go and watch till nonno is here you"Dario says and Allegra giggled happily before jumping out of the chair and running to the living room.

Eduardo follow quiet, just to make his sister is safe.

"Mama will be traveling to see Alessia this evening,we have plans for the following weeks,dad won't be available because Araceli and her husband need help with their company,we need someone to take care of the kids"Dario tells Piper.

"Why don't you send them to America. Dad misses them,they barely get to see him and they are also his grandchildren"I tell them.

"No, your brother is getting married soon,they are probably busy with everything"Piper answers with a sharp tone.

"They are your brothers too Piper and you know damn well the ladies won't let the men anywhere near their preparation. Annalise is sending her kids, why don't you let yours join,so they spend more time with him"I tell her.

"I don't think that is a good idea. Jane wouldn't want that"she says.

"You know damn well mom would love to have them over. I don't want your deal is with my mom but stop painting her as the bad woman. You damn well she is a good woman. Dario I think that isa good choice for your kids. You can send them in your jet"I tell him.

"I'll give Mr. Dolan a call" he says and stands up leaving the table.

Once he was out of earshot Piper turns to face me with a death glare.

"I don't like you meddling in my marriage,much less making decisions for my husband and I. This is my house and my life and I won't allow you ruin it for me"she hisses

"And when did I ruined your marriage Piper. You are the own who is always insecure about herself. You think I would steal Dario away from you,you paint me like a prostitute when you don't even know me. Grow up Piper"I tell her sharply

"Shut up! You don't know anything. I love and trust Dario with my life and I don't need you speaking thrash about me. I am not the one whoring myself about in New York! You are being just like your mom"she says

I bang my hand against the table and stand up.

"Shut up! I won't allow you insult my mother Infront of me Piper! You are here because of her. The next time you talk about my mom that way,you won't like me one bit. I am going to show what power really means. You may be rich now but I am rich and powerful. And if I wanted Dario by any chance,I would have done that the night of my 18th birthday,when you almost killed me. I can be very dangerous when my mom is at hand"I tell her and then stormed out of the room.


I bang on Alessio's door again for the third time and I am starting to get annoyed.

Where fuck is he?

I waited for a few more seconds and when he didn't answer the door,I signed and turned around.

I really need to get a car. Staying in this confined place will make me lose my mind.

I took two steps away when I finally heard the door open.

Fucking finally.

"bellissima. What are you doing here?"Alessio's soft yet husky voice says.

I turned around to see him wearing only white sweat pants. His hair is disheveled and messy.

"Did I wake you up from your nap"I asked softly, suddenly feeling guilty about disturbing him.

"It is fine. Come here"he mutters and my body moves on it own into his arms.

"You look upset. What happened?"he asks,

"I don't wanna talk about it"I tell him with and frown. He didn't say anything afterwards, only ushers me inside and closes the door behind us.

I need a distraction. Piper really spoilt my day.

Without thinking,faced him again and smash my lips against his.

He looked surprise for a moment but kissd me back with the same urgency.

"I need a distraction. Can you help me?"I asked after we broke from the kiss.

He looks at me sceptically before nodded.

I smiled and kissed him again.

He gently carries me into his room and drops me on the bed gently.

My fingers are unsteady, but the top button on my shirt finally pushes
through, coming undone.

I pull the front of my shirt open
before shrugging it off my shoulders.

The material floats to the floor,
pooling at my feet.

For the first time in my sex life and I am actually striping for a man.

He raises his hands, ghosting them over the flesh at my hips… my
sides… his thumbs brushing ever-so-softly along the underside of my breasts.

“This isn’t going to be gentle.” His sentence is punctuated by his hands
closing around my breasts.

Oh my goodness did he just say that.

Oh my goodness did he just say that

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