i can't do this alone - soap

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uh.... spoilers :/ 

also, i cried the entire time i wrote this hehe love ya <3


Something was wrong. I could feel it in my soul. I didn't know what it was but the clouds, though admittedly always dark and gloomy, felt extra depressing. The rain seemed to hit the windows like a threat and the lingering sense of doom hung heavy in the air.

I thought I was overreacting. I tended to do that a lot. 'Nervous Nellie' Johnny would call me. Always a little panicked about everything. But after he would tease me about it I would remind him how panicky he gets. The littlest thing would send him into a spiral. Paper cut? "Do you need stitches?" Rolled ankle? "Let me carry you, bonnie." Didn't arrive exactly on time? "Where were you? I almost called Price to send out a fleet to find you." "I'm six minutes late, Johnny." He worries and cares so much about the things he loves. He feels a sense of duty to protect them.

Which is why he does what he does. I knew what he was getting himself into way back before we started dating. I had grown up with Johnny. Neighbors since birth, all the way through schooling, and so on. He had finally built up the nerve to ask me out when we were 16 and each moment spent with him throughout my life was warm and happy. When we got married everything seemed to get better. There wasn't a moment where I doubted his love. There wasn't a moment where I didn't love him. Even if we fought about something, it would get resolved within the hour. He was perfect. We were perfect.

Though the anxiety for his safety always lingered in my heart, I knew Johnny would do anything and everything in his power to come back home. He always said coming home was his favorite part of the job because the house smelled like home and I felt like an angel when he hugged me. He swore up and down that food wasn't as good if I wasn't making it, which I knew was a lie because I'm an awful cook.

To Johnny, I was the most precious thing in the world. His greatest joy. His biggest pride. He was so excited to introduce me to all his friends. And they were all very kind and accepting. When they were over for dinner for the first time, Johnny was so happy to show them all our pictures and the house we had freshly moved into. I could tell that Ghost, Simon I learned after a couple of years of them working together, though I wouldn't call him that until he gave me permission to, was slightly uncomfortable to be in such a domestic place. He sat stiffly on the couch while in attendance and it made me feel guilty. Johnny said I worried too much when we had guests over, and I had to admit, he was right. I did worry. I wanted people to enjoy their time in our presence.

"It's nice to finally be able to meet Johnny's best friend." I smiled, sitting on the chair near the couch.

"I don't think I hold that title. He talks about you too much for it to be anyone but you."

I hummed. "Yeah. He does talk about me a lot, doesn't he?" I chuckled. "But he talks about you all the time. Says you've got some funny jokes."

Ghost nodded once. I had been told he wasn't much of a talker.

"He also says that you are a very kind person," I told him. "I don't think I'm supposed to tell you this, but he worries about you a lot. He didn't have much say in anything about the house, but he put a lot of thought and effort into the guest bedroom. I don't really think it's a guest bedroom. I think it's a Ghost bedroom. And you're welcome to it at any time." I told him.

Ghost took a deep breath. "Thank you." He said quietly.

"And for the record, he does say that you're his best friend." I chuckled.

Ghost let out a short breath which I deemed to be a chuckle.

"Can I ask-" I stopped, worried I might be overstepping. I wasn't allowed to know anything about what the 141 participated in. I knew that. And it didn't bother me. The only time it did was when Johnny would come home in a certain mood and I knew I couldn't do anything to help other than just hold him. "It's-" I didn't know how to ask really.

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