your obedient servant - ghost

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 How dare he. I am not a child. I am not lower than him. I earned my spot on the 141 just as he did. I've worked my ass off to be who I am, to get where I am. I've done everything that it takes to be me. How dare he disrespect me and undermine me? He is a higher rank, sure, but that is no reason to treat me the way that he does.

"Just relax, (y/n). You're- you know he doesn't mean it." Gaz tried to calm me down. He was moving in an awkward side shuffle to keep up with me.

"Doesn't mean it? You have to be joking." I grumbled. "Four years. For four years, since day one, he has had it out for me. I'm just as strong, I'm just as smart, I'm just as capable at my job as any of you are. He doesn't care. He hates me and I am sick and tired of it."

"He's just grumpy."

"Grumpy? Seriously? That's what you're going with?" I stopped and stared at him with furrowed brows. "Grumpy doesn't explain away his undermining comments and rude remarks. I am done." I started walking back to the barracks again.

"You're leaving the 141?" He asked worried.

"What?" I stopped again. "No. I'm not letting him get to me that much. I've earned my spot on this task force whether he likes it or not. He will not demote me out of spite." My legs moved again, carrying me across the base with fury in my eyes.

"So what are you going to do?"

"I'm not going to sit back anymore. I'm no longer going to try and be his friend. I'm going to speak my mind and act like nothing more than a coworker. A teammate. He may be willing to let me die in the field, but I won't stoop that low." I muttered.

"Maybe you just need to calm down. Let's go talk to Price about it and-"

"I'm not tattling to daddy. I'm a big girl and I'll deal with it on my own, Gaz." I snapped. "I don't need you to do what you're doing. I'm not going to roll over anymore. I'm not going to take it. I am not scared of him and he needs to know that."

Gaz sighed when he realized I wasn't going to let up. I had made up my mind, and he knew that when I did that there was no stopping me.

I continued on, not caring that he had stopped. When I made it to my room I pulled out a paper and a pen. If my words spoken didn't do anything, then maybe my anger in writing would do something more.

I hoped that maybe if I called him out on his asshole behavior then maybe he would ignore me, which would be a vast improvement.

'Dear Ghost,

I am slow to anger but I toe the line, as I reckon with the effects of your life on mine.

I look back on where I failed, and in every place I checked, the only common thread has been your disrespect.

Now you call me immoral, a dangerous disgrace. If you got something to say, name a time and place, face to face.

I have the honor to be your obedient servant.

- (Y/n)'

He had called me reckless and dangerous to the team. He scolded me for every mistake I have ever made, even when they weren't really my mistakes. He always seemed to blame me for anything that went wrong. He never hides his anger and his sly remarks had grown to be harsh and more frequent. They had developed from underbreath comments to open remarks in front of whoever was around. And what I hated the most was how he treated me like I was stupid due to my lower rank.

I read over the letter and stuffed it in an envelope. My face was still hot with anger as I left my room and stormed over to where his door was. I pounded on it. Over and over my fist slammed down so hard on the door it would definitely leave a pretty purple bruise by tomorrow morning.

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