Ch.13 Joining ÆSPA?

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A/N: this is all fiction no hate to Giselle

Main Rapper of ÆSPA Giselle Announces Departure From Group

2 days ago at around 2pm on Giselle's Instagram she posted and statement revealing she would be leaving SM and ÆSPA but never started the reason what do you guys think?

I was about to go home since my practice was over I wondered if I would even debut they haven't gotten anybody to be in this group yet I had been training for 3 and a half months now. A staff pulled me aside and told me one of the higher ups wanted to see me.

"Hello you requested me?" I siad after knocking.

"Yes come in," she smiled. "We good and bad news for you what do you want first?"

I was scared were they going to tell me they don't need me anymore?

"The bad news," I answered.

"We are cancelling the girl unit."

"What why does that mean I have to go?" My heart sank after how hard I worked but hard work doesn't always pay off and some things are ment to go the way they are.

"But that doesn't mean you have to go I bet you've heard about Giselle leaving," she smiled at me I was confused what does that have anything to do with this?

"I would like to offer you to join ÆSPA in her place," I was so surprised this would be a great opportunity but I can't do that to Giselle or the members I can't replace her.

"WHAT me but I can't replace her."

"Honey you're not replacing her you're gonna be a new member I know it's a lot to process but think about this it," with that she sent me off I didn't know what to do I would love to take this opportunity but I just can't do it.

I got home and called Ji first thing.

Calling ✨LeLe sImP🙄

"Why'd you call? I was sleeping"

"I don't care get your ass up"

"What the fuck let me sleep why are you so mean," he sounded like he was gonna beat my ass any second.

"I need an second opinion-

"I don't know call someone else," he said cutting me off and hanging up.

"Ugh stupid idiot," I cursed how could he do this to his bestie of all people. I decided to call Ning Ning.

Calling 🍋Ning x2😈

"Ning Ning I need your help"

"Ning Ning you mean Jie," she dramatically gasped.

"What do you mean you're literally the same age as me," I'm not going to call her that ever.

"But I'm '02 you are '03 therefore you should call me Jie"

"That not what you're height says I think you should call me Jie"


"Okay but I actually need help SM gave me an offer to join ÆSPA but I'm not sure"


"I only got told about it today but what do I this is a great opportunity for me but I can't do that to Giselle Unni," I was really stressed to the point my hair might fall out.

"If you ask me I think you should....
545 words

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