Ch.26 Falling

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WARING⚠️: Depression, Suicide attempt

"binnie after we broke up I didn't eat I locked myself up for days," she said. Drunk out of her mind and crying with a bitter smile.

"I lost all contact with the outside world all I did was sit and stare at the wall I cried every day didn't even sleep I felt like a fucking fool for believing you. You had promised me being a star having fame wouldn't change you wouldn't change us."

"So what happened binnie I thought you would always keep your promises to me?" She looked him dead in the eye but he didn't know what to say. "ANSWER ME BINNIE WHAT HAPPENED?"

"You know I thought about it a lot I couldn't take it anymore I was all alone in my room at night. I can still remember my brother banging one my door everything day asking for me to come out. He came visit me with injun ge they have always been close friends and I was pretty good friends with him too my brother decided to stay the night because he was worried. That night I decided I was done I unlocked my door and went up to the rooftop I got up on the ledge the wind breezing in my hair."

"Chen Chen..." Wonbin siad thinking how stupid he was how could he have hurt her so much he broke his Chen Chen in pieces.

"I was really thinking about doing it but I was pulled back from behind it was injun he screamed 'WHAT ARE YOU DOING' he proceeded to talk to me in a calmer manner

'Chen Chen no matter how hard it gets remember you weren't put in this world for nothing don't just throw you life away because of something or someone. This is your life take responsibility for it' hearing those word made me ask 'Why did you save me? And why don't you asking what happened he responded 'I've been there too I saved you not just because it's the right thing to do but because you're still young you can't be ending it short someone always told me theres a reason for everything and there's a reason for you life so make sure to take care of it. I didn't ask because when I was feeling the same way you did want to commit I didn't want to share or tell anyone why or what I was feeling'

"Injunie made me realise he was right I needed to get my act together. For the rest of that night we talked shared our stories and ever since then I really do owe him. It was hard getting my life back together no talking to anyone and trying to talk to everyone again was hard I didn't know how to talk to them I was scared I couldn't talk to them just like back then. So binne I owe him a lot he did save my life"
500 words

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