《22》Uncanny Truth

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《22》Uncanny Truth

cover art by  h0pe.lez 

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Gojo&Haru Spotify 










"Hey Freak!! Heads up!!"

A bouncy ball was seen being thrown across the field, aiming right at the head of a little girl. It was a harmless act, but she knew deep down that this was intentional. There was no need for her to turn to see who did this to her. Especially when she recognized their childish laughter. 

"Whoops~ My bad freak~" The boy chuckles again, as the rest of his buddies side with him. As usual.

The little girl they picked on was none other than Haruka Andō. It was day-to-day bullying, picking on her for her unusual interactions with Curses that they could not see. Her parents have warned her many times to not speak about the imaginary creatures...and she learned the hard way when she spoke about them. Now, she was labeled as a freak, and thus the bullying was a daily occurrence. She's gotten used to it and often ignored them when they did what they did. Their actions never went too far.

But one day was different......it was a hot summer day...heat waves must have clouded their minds.

"Grab her!! Pin her down!!"

Three of the boys pin onto Haru, each grabbing onto her arms as she begins to move frankly by their harsh actions.

"Stop!! Let me go!!" Haru yells, trying to free herself. The boy standing before her grins, now turning towards a bush which Haru was hovering earlier. Her eyes widened when she came to realize what he was going to search. She calls out to him with a shaky voice. 


The boy leans over, picking up something hidden, "What's this~?"

It was an injured bird that Haru found a few days ago when she was wandering in the woods. She's been trying to help it heal, giving it food and shelter for its health. Haru hadn't realized that she was being followed, otherwise, she would never have come here.

"A bird? Now what were you planning on doing to this poor birdie?" The boy asked, looking at Haru curiously, "Were you going to sacrifice it, freak?"

Haru gasped, "N-No...! I was just---"

"---I knew it!! She's a witch!!" One of the boys's comments pushed her down onto the dirt floor. Haru grimaces, feeling her cheek rub roughly against the rocks below. It was going to hurt for days. Haru pushes, trying to peer up at the boy before her...her glare fixed on him.

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