Warming Up!.

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"Danny?", Mark said thoughtfully as Danny massaged his leg, making sure that the now unbandaged stump was clean, free of fluff from Marks joggers and that his left leg was okay, considering that was the one taking all the weight.

"Mmmm?" Danny hummed as he worked, gentle nimble fingers working the muscles in those stocky hairy thighs.

Mark had put on a fair bit of weight but that didn't bother Danny, he loved him all the same, and he knew that when Mark got his prosthetic he'd lose some of it again anyway, however it bothered Mark that he'd got bigger.

"The flat!" Mark said cautiously, "have you decided if you're going to give it up?".

"Yes, yes I am" Danny said sitting back on his knees, "if you and your mum and dad are happy for me to stay then........I'll give up the flat, but I've been thinking" he mused.

Mark looked confused.

"Connie........I know I know, what she did to me but......." Danny sighed at Marks hard gaze.

"I think, if she's serious about making a new start, maybe I can talk to my landlord and......I might be able to sign the tenancy over to her" Danny said, avoiding Marks rolling eyes, "Danny, you're just too damn soft, sometimes I despair of you" the grey eyed man chuckled, "sure, yeah, it's a good idea, if she and Gerald Ambrose agree, then why not?, might as well put that new door to good use" he laughed again.

"I'll speak to Harry later, there's only about four days left on the rent before it needs to be renewed, so I'll get onto it this afternoon" Danny smiled as he lifted himself from the floor, "now, that's your leg muscles sorted, what say we go through to the bedroom and exercise that other muscle, hmmmm?".

Mark smirked, "well hellooooo confident Danny, come on through to my room and I'll show you my etchings" he grinned, "that's so old fashioned Mr Chandler" Danny laughed as he pulled Mark up, handing the man his crutches, "I'm just an old fashioned guy at heart" Mark beamed as they made their way to his rooms.

Danny and Mark had not as yet, made love, there never seemed to be the urgency to do that in their lives, they had only been together less than a month and things had moved so fast there was little time to think about sex.

They did however love their couple of hours 'rest' in the afternoons after Marks physio was done, and the beautiful groans and jerking soft orgasms that rocked their world.


"I don't see a problem with signing the tenancy over Danny, your landlord seems quite happy to do that, as long as the rent is paid on time", Dannys uncle Harry smiled widely at the fact that Danny had come to him, feeling that the younger man trusted him, and felt comfortable enough to come to his office.

"I'll contact Mr Ambrose and see what Connie thinks, at the moment she's in a support group that will help her if necessary, but if your flat is up for grabs then I think that's a great solution, and she's interviewing for jobs as well, she's never had one, she seems just happy to be out in the world" Harry beamed as Danny smiled widely at him, thanking him for his help Danny left, feeling that he could actually put something right in the world.

Yes Connie had been a total skank, but she'd suffered far more than he had, and he felt bad now about dwelling so much on his issues, which were nothing compared to hers.

He didn't like to hurt people and he didn't like seeing others hurt, this way he could be the bigger person and accept Connie into his life, and make sure the Taylors treatment of her didn't ruin her life like the trio of Taylor, Cross and Mathers had ruined so many.

As he walked back through the door of the house he noticed a letter addressed to him on the mat, seeing a familiar header he hoped it was what he wanted it to be, an acceptance onto a course to train as a physical therapist.

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