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Author's POV,

A week had passed since their forced marriage, and Pihu and Rudra were at the breakfast table as usual. Pihu had a burning desire to talk to Rudra, but she hesitated, fully aware of his potential reaction. She furrowed her brow and pushed around her food, lost in thought. Rudra, ever watchful of her every move, noticed her unease and sensed that she wanted to discuss something important.

With a concerned look, he asked, "What's on your mind, Pearl? You're not eating. Is something bothering you?" Pihu, caught off guard by his question, shook her head and began eating her food without a word.

As Rudra prepared to leave for his office, Pihu gathered her courage and called out to him. "Rudra," she said softly. Rudra halted and turned to face her, his expression expectant. Pihu continued, "I want to work."

Rudra, however, immediately denied her request without further consideration. "No, you don't need to," he replied firmly, and he began walking toward the door to depart for his office.

Pihu was taken aback by Rudra's swift rejection, her confusion and frustration etched on her face. She hadn't anticipated such a resolute dismissal from him. Rudra, unwavering in his determination, continued on his path towards the exit, unwilling to engage in an unnecessary argument.

Refusing to let the matter rest, Pihu rushed to intercept Rudra, blocking his way with a resolute expression. She confronted him, her eyes challenging his, as she declared, "What do you mean, 'I don't need to'? This isn't just about necessity; it's about my dreams."

Rudra attempted to calm his escalating emotions. He cupped her cheeks in his palm, his gaze intense and possessive as he tried to reassure her. "Pearl, I know you're a strong and independent woman, but you don't need to work. I can provide for you. I want to treat you like a queen, my queen. You just need to love me, that's all, and leave every responsibility to me."

Pihu felt a momentary wavering as she sensed his sincerity, but she also saw through the possessiveness and insecurity he was trying to mask. Her resolve remained unwavering as she replied, "Even if you can provide for me, it doesn't mean I can't pursue my dreams. I have responsibilities to my family, even if you won't let me meet them. I won't neglect those duties."

Rudra attempted to reassure her more. "If it's about your family, you don't need to worry. I can take care of those responsibilities for you. When you became my wife, they became my family too."

Pihu's frustration with his unwavering stance intensified. She tried desperately to make him understand, but it seemed he was beyond reason. Finally, she erupted with a mix of intensity and frustration. "Rudra, you can't stop me from chasing my dreams. I want to work, and that's final. Besides, what happens when you get bored of me? I need to prepare for the future, too."

In the week since their forced marriage, Pihu had engaged in deep contemplation. She had unequivocally concluded that she couldn't bear to sit idly at home. Throughout her life, she had been a whirlwind of activity, whether it was studying, aiding her mother with household chores, assisting her father in the bakery, or spending time with her brothers. Her existence had been defined by constant busyness, and she had never known true free time.

Yet, within the confines of the mansion, she found herself with an abundance of idle hours. In this opulent setting, even the simplest tasks like fetching a glass from the kitchen were performed by others. This newfound inactivity had led to a dark spiral of rumination. Pihu had clung to the belief that Rudra's obsession with her would inevitably fade, leading to her freedom. She couldn't fathom how a man like Rudra, who exuded control and perfection in every aspect, could be content with a lifetime alongside someone like her, who felt utterly inadequate in his world.

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