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Author's POV,

As Rudra lounged on the couch in the living room, his eyes remained fixed on his laptop screen, which displayed the camera feed from the main gate. Every move and expression of Pihu was captured, analyzed, and processed by his watchful gaze. As he observed her, he detected a shift in her demeanor, a transformation in her expression.

Initially, Rudra had harbored thoughts of punishment and retribution. He wanted to make her understand the consequences of defying him, to ensure that she would never dare to escape again. Yet, as he saw her standing in the scorching heat, her face etched with tension and fear, something inside him stirred. The ruthless desire to break her clashed with a more complex emotion-a desire to protect her, to ease her suffering, and to erase the fear that had held her captive.




Summoning every ounce of courage within her, Pihu decided to confront Rudra head-on. With a fiery determination burning in her eyes, she started moving towards him, casting aside the suffocating grip of fear. This time, she refused to let him see her trembling.

As she closed the distance between them, her steps were firm, her posture resolute. She met Rudra's gaze without flinching, her eyes blazing with a mixture of anger and defiance. She could feel his calculating gaze upon her, like a predator studying its prey, but she refused to be his victim anymore.

Her voice trembled slightly, a result of both fear and fury, as she spoke with a steely edge, "Where is my family, Shivani, and Shaurya?"

Rudra's calculating gaze met hers, and for a moment, a subtle shift occurred within him. He saw her vulnerability and strength intermingled, and a pang of conflicting emotions surged through him. The predator in him acknowledged her defiance, while the other side-the part that wanted to ease her pain-yearned to protect her. Still, he wore a mask of composure, his smile unwavering, as he considered her question.

As seconds turned into agonizing heartbeats, Pihu's frustration grew. She felt the weight of his gaze and his deliberate silence, yet she was determined not to break. The fear he had instilled in her for so long was now mingled with a burning anger that refused to be contained.

The air between them was thick with tension, an unspoken battle of wills. Pihu's emotions churned within her, a tempest of conflicting feelings that threatened to overwhelm her. And yet, she held her ground, meeting Rudra's gaze with unwavering determination.

Frustration tinged Pihu's voice as she pressed forward, her urgency palpable, "I demand to know what you've done to them. Where are they?"

Rudra's enigmatic smile remained firmly in place, his gaze unwavering as it locked onto hers. The intensity of their silent exchange hung in the air for a few heartbeats before Rudra finally chose to break the silence, his voice calm and composed, "How are you, Pearl?"

Pihu's response was a mix of astonishment and confusion. His unexpected question caught her off guard, momentarily sidelining her demand for answers. Her mind struggled to reconcile his query with the situation at hand.

As Pihu doesn't respond, Rudra moved with an air of casualness to a nearby table, poured water into a glass, and carried it towards her. He extended the glass, his voice almost coaxing, "Take it."

Pihu's eyes flicked between Rudra and the glass, her hesitance apparent. Despite her thirst and discomfort, she was wary of any gesture coming from him. The turmoil within her was mirrored in her trembling hands, which hovered uncertainty over the glass.

Rudra, ever perceptive, saw her hesitation and confusion. He addressed her concerns directly, his words delivered with a mixture of reassurance and command, "Don't worry, there's nothing mixed in it. And I think you need the glass of water, especially after standing in the sun for over two hours. Take it, or forget about seeing your loved ones."

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