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After we woke up, we both took a shower. My legs were shaking, and the pain was really strong. It was literal pain in the ass. I didn't notice it yesterday because I was aroused, and my will to help Ash was strong enough to erase my pain temporarily. It wasn't the first time I had to deal with the aftermath of our fun. I just have to apply some balm and wait patiently.
We were both clean and packed up. When we were about to leave, we both looked at that table and went back to clean it. After all, I didn't just drip on her shoes, and the fun was pretty intense, so I left a big mess. We also didn't clean the chair yesterday. We were too tired. I went to clean the table, and Ash cleaned the chair. After it was done, we checked out and went home.
As soon as I entered the house, I rushed to the bedroom and laid down.
- You good love?
- Guess - I replied sarcastically while lifting my head from the pillow. - Whole car ride I felt like sitting on thousand needles where there were another thousand in my ass.
- I'm sorry, Darling, I shouldn't go that far.
- No no don't be sorry. I have zero regrets. I would 100% do it again. Remember, if I wouldn't like something, I would use the safe word.
- Do you remember it, tho? You never used it.
- You're just too amazing, and you do everything perfectly, and also I'm gaged 90% of the time. - I giggled.
- It's ,,Daisy". It's good to know it, just in case.
- You're right, thank you. - I smiled, and my face went back into the pillows.
- I'll apply the balm, okay? - I moved my head in approval. I helped her move my pants down. It was cold, so I flinched.
- Have you heard that Madelyn got a new partner?- she said while spreading the balm, making me whimper a little.
- No, I didn't. That's really good for her.
- She asked me if we want to meet up tomorrow in the club after your work.
- Yeah sure it sounds amazing. You know what I'm thinking about.... - my eyes sparkled.
- Yes, of course I know. We all think about the same thing.
- I already can't wait.
- We'll talk about everything tomorrow. You should rest now. You have work, and you need to be able to walk straight.
- Okay, also, thanks for the help. I love you.
- I love you to Darling.
I took a shower and prepared for work. I was stressed but Ash reasured me that everything will be fine. She dropped me off because she had time before work. Whole car ride I considered different scenarios when I fuck up and Ash somehow managed to make me calm. We kissed, and she told me how amazing I am and how perfect for me this job is. I'm really thankful for her. I can't imagine my life without her. I kissed her and thanked her one last time and left.
I got to work perfectly on time. One girl immediately walked up to me and asked if I'm Charlie. I said yes, and she introduced herself.
- Nice to meet you Charlie. My name is Olive, and I'm the manager.
- Nice to meet you too, Olive.
- I'll show you everything, but first, let's get dressed. - she said, and I walked behind her. We entered a staff room. She showed me my locker where my uniform was and where I could change. I thanked her and walked into the changing room, closing the door behind me. I got dressed and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked really good, so I took a quick photo and sended it to Ash. She, of course, said she loved it and that we really need to buy it so I can walk around the house in it. I smiled and walked out.
Olive showed me what I had to do, and soon, we opened.
Everything went well. My previous experience was really useful. Olive pretty quickly put me in charge of more tables because I was doing so well. I was really happy.
My shift ended, so I went to change. When I was packing my things, Olive came up to me and gave me my work schedule. She also said she was really happy to work with me and that I'm really good at this job. I thanked her and finished packing my things.
- Oh, one more thing. There's someone waiting for you at table number 18. - she said when I was about to leave.
- Okay, thank you.
I said goodbye and walked out, wondering who could it be, and then I remembered that today we're meeting Madelyn and her new partner. I had to stop myself from running to that table.
I saw Ash, and she stood up to hug me.
- Hello love.
- Hi darling. - she said and kissed me. We both sat down, and Ash asked me how work was. I told her I really liked it and that I did really well.
- I'm so happy to hear it. I told you you're gonna do amazing.
- Yes, you knew like always. - I said, and we both laughed.
- Madelyn and her partner Lilith should be here soon. - I smiled even more excitedly to meet them.
- I almost forgot to tell you. Madelyn told me that Lilith is a dom and they use she/they pronouns.
- Okay, thanks for letting me know.
- Hello beautiful. Meet Lilith.- Madelyn and Lilith walked up and sat down.
- Hi, nice to meet you, Lilith. - Ash and I said it at the same time, so we all laughed.
- Nice to meet you to ladies. I heard very nice things about you from Madelyn. - Lilith said, and I looked at her. She was taller than Madelyn, had short  blond hair, and really dark eyes.
- Now is the perfect time to learn more about you.- I said, and we started talking. Lilith was really nice. We ordered drinks and had a great time.
Of course, the topic changed to something we all wanna knew.
- Hey, so you know. - Lilith started. - Madelyn told me with details how much fun you had, and I'd really like to join you all.
- Yes, of course. I already talked with Ash, and we both can't wait. - I replied with excitement.
- That's amazing. We also talked about it. - Madelyn said.
- So Lilith and I are gonna have a lot of fun with you two. - Ash said, looking at me and Madelyn.
- No. - Madelyn said and looked at us with a smile. - Let's do 3 doms 1 sub.
- Yes! - We all said and agreed to meet up on Friday after work at our house.
The rest of the week was really painful, and the time was going slow. Luckily for me, Ash is amazing, and we had a little fun alone. Nothing intense because I needed to save health and stamina, but because of that I was able to survive till Friday.
Note: I updated the information chapter:)
Here are the characters I hope you like them:)

 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Note: I updated the information chapter:)Here are the characters I hope you like them:)

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