chapter 13

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The glow of the city lights welcomed us as we boarded the private jet from Los Angeles to New York City, a sleek haven in the sky that Taylor graciously provided for the trip. Travis and I settled into our plush seats, still riding the high from the show's exhilaration. The confined yet opulent cabin offered a momentary respite from the whirlwind of the tour.

As the plane soared through the velvet sky, conversation flowed effortlessly between us. Tales and laughter intertwined, weaving a tapestry of shared experiences, deepening the bond we shared. Travis's presence beside me was a steady reassurance, a soothing presence in the midst of life's unpredictability.

The flight to New York felt like a suspended breath, a tranquil interlude amidst the clamor of the performance and the bustling reality awaiting us in the city that never slept. Here, within the serene confines of the private jet, our connection blossomed, unfettered by the demands of the outside world.

Travis leaned in, his voice a gentle murmur that echoed with warmth. "The energy in that stadium tonight was unreal. You were astounding, Tay."

A soft smile touched my lips, his words painting a serene picture within me. "The crowd was electric. Your presence there made it all the more special."

Our exchange was momentarily interrupted by the flight attendant offering refreshments, the distant sparkle of New York's lights visible on the horizon. Time was transient; soon, we'd be landing in the vibrant city, but for now, we cherished these quiet moments together.

Upon landing, my driver awaited us, ushering us through the lively streets of New York. The ride was filled with shared glances and unspoken gestures, a language of understanding and affection weaving itself subtly between us.

As we arrived at my apartment building, the anticipation of the night ahead was palpable. Travis's reassuring touch brushed against mine, a silent acknowledgment that spoke volumes, fostering a sense of anticipation and meaning between us.

Entering the lobby, the elevator ride was charged with unspoken tension, the anticipation of what awaited us behind the door to my suite palpable in the air.

Unlocking the door, I hesitated briefly, the weight of the moment hanging in the air, heavy with anticipation and unspoken emotions.

The room was bathed in the soft glow of city lights filtering through the windows, casting an ethereal ambiance over the space. A shared understanding passed between us, unspoken yet deeply felt, as we gravitated towards each other in the tranquil space, our eyes locking in a silent communion.

Travis's lips met mine as soon as the door was closed. Before we had greeted the cats. Before anything could be said i was laying on my bed naked with travis on top of me.

call it what you want | Taylor Swift X Travis KelceWhere stories live. Discover now