Chapter 1 - A welcome home.

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A/N: As promised, the first chapter, of this new story, would be published in the new year, I hope you all enjoy it. I most certainly have, as I have been writing. I have a few notes to make; 

1: TW!!! This chapter will involve a lot of sad stuff as well as Sexual Assault. If you do not wish to read about the sexual assault, I will be leaving !!!! <- those marks, at the beginning, and leave a large gap for when it is done.
2: Even though the r*pe is only in this chapter, throughout the story, there will be many times, where it will be brought up and discussed, in lesser details, like how the victim is feeling after and his sensitivity to touches, as well as the declaration of it having happened.
3: Have fun reading <3! And welcome, to 2024! Happy new years!

Eyes glistening emerald green, long black curls flowing in the wind, the red cape covering their body, shielding him from the cold, basket filled with groceries over their arm, just wanting to get home, and get started on the list of things that needs to be done, before his relatives return home, he was unaware of his surroundings. Even if the hairs on the back of his neck stood up defiantly, he couldn't make out what was causing the unease to stir within him.

Harry had been home from Hogwarts for almost a week now, his relatives had left over Christmas, and Ron had left with his family for Egypt, to be with his older brother. Arthur had gotten another bonus, and Bill couldn't come home, so they went to him, Charlie joining them there. And Sirius, he was sitting in a holding cell, awaiting trial in a few days, the crucial part being that Harry shows up, and Harry was excited to move in with him when the time came. Going back to Hogwarts in just five days.

But the feeling of being watched wore heavy on his mind, as he walked through the park, only two more miles... He should have gone shopping earlier on in the night, it was late, almost ten in the evening. But he had had other things that needed to be done too, food was spare-able.

And now, his mind was occupied with those heavy thoughts of Christmas alone, so much so that he didn't register the thing that came right at him. He tumbled into the snow, with a startled gasp, eyes wide as he looked around. His groceries having flung away and strayed out over the snow.

What is happening?!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As promised! Rape begins here! Skip to the next large gap, to avoid !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Harry felt cold hands on his skin, moving up his torso, lifting the shirt to expose his stomach and chest to the person that straddled his legs. "Perfect..." A thick accent laced voice spoke, Harry couldn't make out where the accent was from, not that his mind could provide him with anything but, fear in that moment. He tried to let out a scream as he fought the other. But as he tried, a large hand went over his mouth, making his attempt, futile and silencing him, cutting off Harry's air-supply.

The man's, for Harry was certain that it was a man, other hand went up Harry's torso, ripping the shirt apart. Harry looked onto the man's face and tried to make out who it was, if he knew them and if he survived this, he might be able to go to the police...

Who was he kidding, the Dursley's had ensures that no one in the whole town would believe him. But he could hope... And he did. All Harry wished was to see his friends again, his godfather and Remus! He didn't want to leave...

Harry felt himself being flipped around, and as he did, he caught sight of fangs and blood red eyes, making him scream into the hand, that must have started to leave bruising on his mouth, tears streaming down his cheeks. A vampire, a fucking vampire!

"You're mine now... Mine!" The creature growled and Harry sobbed into the hand, feeling his pants being ripped away and the cloak shredding at the bottom. It was the only article of clothing he had from his mother... Now it would forever be ruined, tainted with what had happened here, as it was ripped off of him, and thrown away, along with the remnants of his pants and shirt.

And just as Harry wished that it would all be over, that someone would save him. Anyone! It didn't matter who at this point, he felt it... And then the fangs dug into his neck, causing him to give out a desperate scream, into the large hand that held him. Clawing at the ground, getting dirt and snow under his finger nails, he wanted to be free of this, he just wanted to be free...

A fisted hand made contact with his back, cracking it and making him fall flat to the ground, his arms going limp before him. He sobbed and screamed into the hand, that was sure to leave a bruise. The Vampire grunted and moved to his shoulder, biting there too, leaving bites all over Harry's body, anywhere the creature could reach.

Something stirred deep inside of him, something that was sure to rip apart his whole being, but Harry just laid still, the fight leaving his body as paralysis took over. He could move, if he wanted to, but there was no need... No one would save him. He would die... Alone.

End of Assault.

***My little Red***

"What did you do with the body..?" Carlisle grumbled, rubbing his hands over his face. Jasper sat with wide eyes, staring at the table in front of him. "I... I put him in the bushes... With... With his clothes" Jasper looked horrified.

Carlisle ran his tongue over his teeth, disappointment evident on his face. "And what did you do to him...?"

"I didn't do anything!" He exclaimed and stared at Carlisle with wide and betrayed eyes. The blonde coven leader sighed and crossed his arms, leaning back against the counter, staring at his son.

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