Chapter 13.

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A/N: Another chapter my lovelies, hope you enjoy! Mwuah!

March 23rd

Eyeing all of their reactions, closely monitoring their different responses and ways that they move, Harry realised why the Cullens and the tribe hated one another so much. And why there was a sense of magic in the air. The Tribe was a tribe of wolf shifters. Animagus' of sorts, but different. It was a genetic mutation, rather than a learnt ability.

When they were overly excited or annoyed and angry, some of the guys' eyes would burn amber, and they all seemed to heal incredibly fast... Oh, and then there was the night that Harry had watched all night from his window, and saw Jacob shift along with Jared and Paul.

As soon as all of that was cleared, Harry began to notice many other things. They were all on edge about something, walking on eggshells all around him and always mindful to not press on any buttons, and not poke him the wrong way. At first, only two wolves had been on shift during the nights and during the day, Harry caught that with a camera that he had set up. But now, they were five or six, some nights, and continuously three out during the day.

More and more, conversations were also stopped if they noticed that Harry was close by, and they would all look at him oddly. Almost as if he was an outsider again. Before trying to bring him into other conversations and bring him out on trips with them.

Jacob especially had been wanting the last part. Harry had dropped dangerously in weight once more, not that he had gained enough to begin with. He was locking himself more and more in his room, didn't communicate, barely left his room for anything other than school and once in a while to go to the bathroom or take a little to eat. He was popping pain killers all of the time, and would wake from constant nightmares, screaming and thrashing around.

It was only getting worse by the night, and both Billy and Jacob, were worried that Harry was reaching some sort of breaking point...

The boy didn't even venture into the forest like he had used to... At least he smelled less of leech than he had a month ago, that was a plus that they all chose to look at... But then again, he was still wearing his crutch, the damage to his hip and the pain, didn't want to let up on him.

Billy had eventually gotten Harry to an orthopaedic surgeon, as well as a chiropractor, but the latter was a futile attempt, since Harry refused to have anyone or anything touch him, constantly flinching and closing in on himself... It was horrible to constantly be met with, when you thought that you had gotten so far, to go back to before you even started...

And then there was the constant snow.

Never before in Forks history, had there ever been this much snow, and where other flowers and green bushes were to bloom and unfold, more and more snow laid on empty branches and empty fields. As everything had seemed to settle, and the usual gloom would return to Forks, another storm had happened in late February. The snow was beautiful, but having snow from late November to the end of March, was tiresome, and it was honestly getting old.


Billy watched as Harry leaned heavily against his cane, walking from the car outside, and towards the forest. Jacob on the other hand, hurried inside and shivered from the cold, that was to be expected, considering Jacob refused to wear a jacket.

"Where's Harry going?" Jacob hummed and looked out the door towards his brother and his brows scrunched together. "You want me to follow him?" Billy thought about it. On one hand, yes he did. Harry was unpredictable right now... Billy was honestly fearing for the boys mental health, depression was no joke, and if the lack of bandages was any hint, he would say Harry had been harming himself...

But on the other hand... If Harry caught onto them following him, he may start to lose what little trust he still had in them, and Billy didn't know if he would be able to stomach that. Harry was truly like a son to him, and to lose him now, would be like losing a part of his family, a part of himself.

"No... But if he isn't back in two hours, I want you and the boys to find him and haul his ass back here." Billy grumbled and went to the kitchen, taking a can of soda out of the fridge, he was trying to cut the beer, as it had made Harry uncomfortable when he drank a lot of it, he knew Soda wasn't any better for the system, but it was for Harry's stress, so Billy would happily change.

"Got it, I'll tell the others." Billy nodded and turned on the TV, in hopes of blocking out his thoughts of worry.


"Don't do it kid."

Harry slowly turned his head and looked at the Goblin king. Well, that was a sight he hadn't expected to see. There stood Argnork, along with a few of his other Goblins and if Harry wasn't completely high on pain killers, he would say that was Bill Weasley?

"Harry..." 'Bill' whispered in shock, and stepped further into the light, his fiery red hair coming into view, and Harry hummed, before turning back to the cliff side once more. "Harry. We talked about this... The pain is unbearable, I know-"

"You don't know..." Harry said, his voice thick and hoarse. Argnork raised his brows. Harry had changed a lot these past months, and not necessarily in a good way. "You don't know... How it feels as if someone is ripping out your ribcage and punching at your spine, every ten or so hours... How at all times, you sense the echo of a throb and a cramp..." Harry weakly let the cane drop and shook his head. "How, all that you ever wanted... A family, has finally come true, but now the only thing that occupies your mind, is all the ways that you wish to end the pain..."

Argnork folded his hands and stared at the boy in worry, he wasn't fast enough, none of them were, and they couldn't risk exposing Harry to too much magic, not with his blocked core...

"Harry, please step away from the edge... Let us talk-"

The raven haired boy gave a scoff. "No. Argnork... I will not. I am too tired... I don't want to do any of this anymore..."

"If you kill yourself, the world will literally end. Everything and everyone that you know and love, will die. No matter if they are Vampire, shifter, human or wizard. They will die."

Harry let out a sob and fell to his knees. "Why would you tell me that..."

"Because, Harry. I wouldn't risk coming here, for a bloody social call. Excuse my hard tone with you, kid, but there are much more important things than your depression right now-"

"Oh yeah? Is it the eternal snow..? Because I figured that one out! It's me! My magic is stirring it up, and causing it to snow all the bloody time-"

"Harry! Shut up and listen."

Bill wanted to hit his boss for talking to the kid he saw as a younger brother like that, but he held back. Unlike his younger brother, Percy and his parents, he didn't see Harry as a backstabbing piece of shit. Well, unlike most of the wizarding world, really.

"I know your body and mind has been through serious trauma. I am not asking you to put that away in favour of us all surviving... But you need to know this, because you are incredibly powerful, and are needed..."

"I can barely hold it together... I am no better than a mere muggle, Argnork... Albus made very sure of that..."

"I know... I know my boy." Argnork eyed Harry with sorrow and sighed deeply. "But I really need you to hear me out..."

Harry sighed and moved to face Argnork and the others. Bill took in Harry's whole physique, and felt his stomach churn. Something needed to be done, and it needed to be done, fast. "I know you don't talk right now, so don't feel pressured to do so..." Harry nodded slowly and watched as the others all sat down as well, the snow melting in a circle around them, allowing them all to sit without getting colder and wet, and subtly, the snow melted under him as well, causing a smile to form on his lips, and a grateful smile was sent Bills way.

"Harry... You were bitten by a muggle vampire, venom entered your bloodstream, and it was supposed to kill you, but it didn't." Harry cocked a brow. "Vampire venom, isn't how magical vampires are turned, but that is not important here. What you need to know, is that you are and never will be 100% Muggle. You're too powerful. You will always smell and always emit a form of power. I am certain that your vampire friends, and shifter friends have all smelled it on you already, but due to them now knowing about our world, they can't identify it, so to them all you just smell really yummy." Harry just nodded, not really knowing what to say to that.

"But something went in between that vampires venom, and your magic, blocking the connection between killing you and making you one of them." Argnork sighed and shook his head. "Your temperature, has lowered to a stable 32 degrees, and you are faster by nature... You even hear better, and your eyesight might even have gotten better." Harry nodded slowly, all of that was true.

"Which means, whatever the hell the second vampire did, and whoever it was... Their venom is compatible with your magic. You weren't turned, and you are still very much a human, but there are things inside of you that are changed. We think that if we can find this second vampire, and get their venom... It may be the key to unlocking the block on your core."

Harry furrowed his brows and looked towards the cliff side. Argnork nodded. "I know... If you die, the world ends, kind of a bad outcome... Let me explain why." Sighing deeply, Argnork looked at the time, they didn't have much time left. "Your core is so powerful, Harry, that if the block was torn open by your death, because your magic wanted to save you so desperately... It would cause an explosion that would wipe out the world." Argnork and Bill shared a look, whilst Harry stared with horror on his face, at the ground. "It is also why Dumbledore wanted you controlled... To have such raw power..." He breathed deeply.

"Harry you are more powerful than Merlin."

***My Red***

"HARRY!" Jacob called out, wandering the woods with his flash light, a search team was sent out when no one could catch Harry's scent, and the boy was still out way after dark. Another snow storm had started back up and covered all of the tracks in the snow. Only an odd hoof like print was visible around the place.

"HARRY!" Sam roared, he was walking with Charlie and a few other officers, his worry for his pup was overwhelming. The alpha inside of him, just wanted to shift and storm through the storm in search, but no way he was about to shift in front of the humans. "If we don't find him, we can expect a retrieval tomorrow..." One of the officers said and Charlie quickly turned to them.

"Whoever said that, can expect their job gone in the morning." He growled. "That boy is Billy's kid, we will find him, even if it takes all night, do you hear me?!" Sam nodded slowly, he was about to rip one or both of their throats off, when he caught something ahead.

"OVER HERE!" He shouted out and more of the groups called it out into the night, getting the attention of others as they all made their way towards the middle of the forest. "HARRY!" Sam gasped in a shout and he thrusted the officers his flash-light, running over to the body in the snow. Harry was side ways in the snow, clearly having passed out.

"PARAMEDICS!" Charlie shouted and waved his flash-light around, to get the ambulance' attention. "I got you..." Sam said softly, wrapping his jacket around Harry, picking the boy up. "I got you, pup... You're safe now..."

Looking down at the boy, Sam noticed that Harry was slowly opening his eyes and the kid let out a groan, pain flashing across his features. "We have to meet them halfway!" Charlie called to Sam over the storm and the alpha nodded, following after.

"Is he okay!?" Jacob called out, running over with others.

"We won't know if there is any damage until he wakes up." Sam growled and they all shared worried looks. Harry would never have just passed out like that... What the hell had happened...

A/N: Always the drama with our favourite little wizard. Welp, that was yet another chapter, I hope you enjoyed it my lovelies. Remember to take care of yourselves! Mwuah, buh bye~!
~Author Cupcake<3

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