Chapter 25.

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A/N: You all are insane, you get that, right? Lol! Like what the hell!? This story has over 3K reads now, that's bloody crazy! And the ratings... Are you kidding me... Number #59 in mlm, #149 in music and number #19 in Warlocks! *Happy dance*
Anyways! I hope you enjoy this chapter, as we are nearing the end, my darlings.

"How the hell is the house still standing..."

Emmett ran his fingers over the millions of cracks in the concrete and windows. It was as if a single breath would knock the whole house apart...

"It technically isn't." Bill informed him, letting the more skilled people run up and check on the child bomb... "The magic that we did to ensure the house wouldn't fall down, made sure that Harry would be safe, considering he is on the second floor, the house couldn't very well fall underneath him, so all of these bits and pieces, are being held together with the last fibres of magic from those domes. Before anyone does anything, this has to be fixed, which is pretty easy." Bill said and shrugged, he too running his hands over the concrete, ignoring the stares of wonder he was receiving from the Vampire.



Harry's skin was red, and it looked rough to the touch. There was still waves rolling through his skin, from the cavity and outwards. "His heart..." Carlisle whispered, his brows furrowing. After the venom, Harry's heart had started to beat again, it was how they ensured he was alive... But now, it was deafeningly silent. "It has stopped..."

"But... That's a good thing, yes? That means he will wake up soon..." Draco said, his voice hopeful, and his eyes wide as he stared at the form on the bed. Snape, Hermione and Minerva all shared glances with one another, which did not go unnoticed by selected few in the room. "Or is it bad...?" Jasper asked, his voice trembling slightly at the prospect of his little mate possibly being gone. He hadn't felt their mate bond snap back yet, not after his heart had first stopped, three days ago.

"It can go both ways..." Minerva said, sighing softly. "Now, we have to wait, the worst has passed, and we can only hope that he wakes up... How long is a usual transition?"

"Between forty-eight and seventy-two hours..." 

"Well, Harry has never been normal, so how about we all just go and relax, and hope for the best...?" Hermione asked, and everyone glanced at one another.

"I'm staying here..." Jasper whispered, pulling the chair up besides Harry once more, and sitting down. "Alright... We have a building to fix." Charlie sighed and left the room, the others following after him, and now, Jasper sat alone with his little mate, just staring at him, willing him to wake up.

But he didn't... And it had now been two weeks...




"I said, No."

Carlisle wetted his lips and nodded to his other children, letting them know he would handle it. As they all left, and the door closed behind them, Carlisle observed Jaspers form, laying his head slightly to the side, and trying his best to read his sons emotions.

"Leave..." Jasper's voice was hoarse and thick with tears.

"Can't do that..."

"I don't... Want you, here..."

"Jasper... You don't really mean that."

"Yes. I do... I just want to be alone..."

Carlisle looked at the empty bed in front of his son and sighed. "Jasper... He was buried yesterday... You cannot truly tell me, that you do not wish to visit him..." Jasper let out a shaky breath and Carlisle watched his son crumble together and lean over on the bed. "Jas-"

"I can't do this..." Jasper cried into the sheets, fisting them in his hands. "He can't be gone... He just can't be..."

Carlisle stepped closer to his son, but before he could hold him and comfort him, Jasper darted out of the room, at a speed that Carlisle had never seen before, in anyone other than a newborn vampire...

"What did you say to him..?"

Carlisle wrapped his arms around his own mate and breathed out deeply. A very human thing to do, that made him feel grounded. "Nothing... But I tried to..."

"Just leave him to grieve... To lose a mate, is one of the most painful things for a vampire... He thought he had lost him once, but to now actually-"

"I know..."

"I'm going over to the wolves with some food... Alice and Hermione are coming along... You want to as well?"

"No..." Carlisle kissed his mate on the forehead and smiled, praising whatever was watching them, that he had her. "I have to be here in case Jasper returns..." Esme nodded and gave Carlisle a kiss on the cheek. "But thank you..." And with another smile, Esme left.

It had been a beautiful ceremony, when they lowered Harry into the ground. Billy had been adamant on the fact that it had to be on the sacred tribal ground, saying that all of their ancestors would watch over his son, that he was one of them...

"Harry may not have been my son, by blood..." Billy spoke solemnly, his eyes never leaving the casket, decorated with paintings that the children of the tribe had done on it. "But he was my son, by heart... By soul, and..." His voice broke and everyone looked down. He cleared his throat and sniffled. "Anyways... Harry wasn't with me for long, but the time that he was here, he opened up all of us for all that is greater. He was a quiet boy, with so much love to give, and not enough people wanting to receive it... We hope that his parents and family will greet him with open arms, in the faraway lands, and that our ancestors will welcome him as their son, like we did, here on earth... We love you Harry, you left us all too soon..."

Jacob, Sam, Seth, Emmett, Edward and Carlisle all lowered the casket into the ground and the elders sang the tribal song for him as they did. It was beautiful, and incredibly sad, at the same time... But afterwards, Jasper felt the song that they sang for Harry in his bones, the grave being filled with dirt, at the tune of the same melody, that Harry had been humming on and off since that day in the forest, so many months ago...

Now, he laid there, and the treaty had been demolished, so that the two families could freely mourn for the lost boy... And besides, Magi lived on the lands now too, it wouldn't be a fair split any longer.


"Jacob..." Billy said softly, watching his son lay in Harry's bed, hugging the stuffed animals close to his chest, as silent tears threatened to escape his eyes. "Do you wish to-"

"No..." A bitter response sounded and Billy nodded. "Alright... Dinner will be ready in an hour..."

Staring at the purple walls, Jacob thought back to the laughter that would ricochet off of them, when Seth and him would tumble around, how those moments, were too few and too rare, to ever have been caught by camera...

But they would forever be within his memory.

"Did he not wish to come out?" Rachael asked and Billy shook his head solemnly. Rebecca sighed softly and looked around. Pictures of Harry hung around the walls, along with pictures of themselves and the groups. It was heavy to sit here, and be reminded of the boy that they lost, but in a way, Rebecca didn't want it any different... It would be too weird and empty, without Harry's emerald eyes looking at them from all angles... But oh, how it hurt...

"I'll... Go freshen up the flowers..." Rebecca whispered, and got nods from her sister and father, before leaving the house with a bouquet.

Rebecca walked through the muddy path and to the sacred area, more formally known as a graveyard. It was raining again, symbolic in a way, she supposed... Harry had been gone for four days now, and Carlisle had sent out that he worried about Jasper, who had yet to return home, so if anyone saw the blonde, they should send a message.

Which was why Rebecca was shocked to see the blonde sitting at Harry's stone, leaning up the side of it, shivering, as if cold, and wet from the rain. "Jasper?" She asked worriedly and went to his side, gently laying the flowers aside, as she lowered herself to the ground. "Jasper? Can you hear me? Are you alright?"

"Mmm..." He slurred and Rebecca grew worried. Vampires don't freeze, and they definitely do not get disoriented... At least, not usually.

"Okay buddy..." Jasper looked so small as he sat there, so fragile... "I'll call up your dad, alright... He's worried about you..."

"No... Don't..." Jasper mumbled and shivered again, Rebecca smiled softly. "What would Harry say to this, huh? He wouldn't be happy with you, that's for sure..."

Jasper sniffled and tears fell down his cheeks, making Rebecca all the more surprised. "Yeah, Carlisle? Hi, it's Rebecca... I have Jasper here with me... He's not looking too fresh." She was silent for a bit, and Jasper just stared at her through hooded lids. "Hm? Yeah, certainly. We are with Harry..." Her voice trailed off when she spoke his name again and Jasper looked away. "See you in a little while."

"Your father and brothers are on their way... Here, you must be cold..." Rebecca lent Jasper her jacket and tried to warm him up. Humming a soft tune, she noted Jasper turned his face towards her once more. "Where... Where do you know that song..." He whispered and she smiled softly. "What song, Jasper?"

"The one... You were just mumbling..."

Rebecca was about to say something, when Edward, Carlisle and Emmett knelt down besides them. "Jasper... Come on. You need to feed..." Oh yeah... Rebecca just realised in surprise, if Jasper had been gone for so long, when had he last fed..? How had he withstood her blood?

"Thank you, Rebecca..." Edward said with a soft smile as Emmett and Carlisle hurried home with Jasper. "No problem... Jasper was very kind to Harry... You all were..."

"He loved you." Edward said and Rebecca furrowed her brows, looking at the Cullen. "I thought you couldn't read his thoughts..."

Edward chuckled. "You didn't have to read his thoughts to know that he loved you all, very much. You were all, his everything." Edward smiled softly. "I don't know if you know this... But Harry wanted to end his life, many months ago." Rebecca gasped, and Edward nodded. "He didn't want to risk you all hurting, from his decisions, so he didn't... He lived through hellish pain, because he loved you all so much, that he didn't want to be the reason for your heartache."

Rebecca sniffled, tears falling down her cheeks, nodding her head. "Thank you..." Rebecca hugged the vampire, and Edward took his leave, letting Rebecca mourn in peace.

Leaning down, Rebecca placed a kiss on the stone, her tears falling to the fresh soil, as she whispered in a sing song voice; "Sleep, my darling, safe and sound... For For in this river, all is found..." 

Rebecca sniffled and shook her head, whilst standing back up. "You are missed, by so many... I love you, brother..."

And with that, Rebecca turned towards the home that now felt so empty... Before Harry had come into their lives, nothing had ever truly felt as if it was missing, but now that he was gone, it was clear, that they had just not known it... Harry was the star that lit up their lives, smiles were on everyone's faces when he was near, he made them worry endlessly, of course, but it may have just been what made them all realise, that they loved him. They still did...


Jasper stared at the wall, as he laid in the bathtub, he was supposed to wash up, but the water had gone cold by now, and he still didn't feel like moving... He didn't understand... All of this, just for Harry to die..? How was any of this fair?

Benjamin was a part of their coven now, he refused to go back to a child molester, as he so nicely put it, but before Harry had been buried, he had told Jasper that he would let Amun know when he wanted to meet, and let them feast, Jasper just had to say the words.

But not even that, would bring Jasper any relief... Amun may be a bastard, and he wanted to kill him, don't get him wrong... But Amun was not his mates murderer. That bastard Albus Dumbledore... Was the man, who had taken his forever, his mate, his beautiful...

And as Jasper's eyes bled black, he swore, that he would rip apart the man, bit by bit, until he was nothing but a spot on the pavement...

Watch out, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore...

A/N: So... As I know, some of you have thought that Harry was alive. Unfortunately... It is not that easy. However, the story is not done yet, and I do hope you enjoyed this chapter, we have only four left to go, and then it is the end. See you in the next chapter, buh bye my cupcakes.
~Author Cupcake<3

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