Chapter 27.

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A/N: Hey guys... Sorry I've been a bit a-wall, as I have been very sick (still am) but I figured I couldn't leave you hanging any longer. Hope you enjoy this chapter. Biwoop.

"So. What is going on?" Billy asked, folding his hands in his lap. Esme was surprised to see that the wolf pack weren't touching any of the food put out for them, of course, none of the vampires had been feasting on animal blood these last couple of week, either, there hadn't really been any appetite...

"School has been closed for the last couple of days, due to Harry's passing..." Edward began and everyone looked down, all except the Cullens. "When Jasper got home today... After going for another search for that man..." Edward growled the last word and everyone were certain they knew who he was talking about. "He found someone in his room..."

Eyes narrowed, Sam turned to Edward. "The next words coming out of your mouth, better be, Albus Dumbledore is dead..."

"Unfortunately, that is not the case..." Jasper said gently, trotting down the stairs and walking over to the groups. He used the time to shower, and Harry got another one, refusing to leave his side. They also found some more comfortable clothes for him, and he was swimming in one of Jaspers sweaters now, very adorable.

"What then? I don't understand why you brought us here for this guessing game." Argnork grumbled, he had been contacted by Severus, who figured that he would also be needed.

"Come on down..." Carlisle said gently, but there was seemingly no movement, until Seth noticed a hand gripping around Jaspers shirt. Thin pale fingers, with bandages covering the knuckles and finger tips, breaking-ley tight around the sliver of clothes. 

Seth looked at the Cullens, and his eyes widened, his breath catching in his throat. Sam noted that something was the matter with his Beta, and furrowed his brows, he too trying to figure out what it could be.

"You're being silly..." Jasper said with a soft smile, twisting his body to get Harry forwards. "No..." A soft voice whimpered, and now everyone noticed the arm of a person, wearing all too large clothes, and the small frame, as they hid behind the blonde.

"Harry..." Seth whispered, standing up. Harry whimpered and shook his head, making Jasper worry for him. What was the matter? Was his mate breaking? Had it been wrong to call them now?

All Jasper wanted, was to run back to his room and cradle Harry in his arms forever, protect him from the surrounding world and never let him go. But that would not be fair to the tribe or the Magi, for that matter...

"Harry, are you alright...?" Carlisle asked gently, moving closer to the two and placing a hand onto Harry's shoulder. Harry flung back with a cry, gripping his hair and shaking all over.

"How is he alive..." Billy breathed. "How is he... How did he... Did you all hide him here-"

"Don't be crazy." Edward warned, eyeing the man. "Harry clawed his way out of his coffin just a few hours ago... He is traumatised..." Billy felt horror strike him. Of course... How else would Harry had gotten from his grave to here...? But why hadn't he come to them? Why had it been the Cullens house, he had sought out, and not theirs..?

"Harry... Calm down..."

Attention drawn back to the curled up, shaking form on the ground, worry settled into everyone. Jasper was kneeling in front of Harry, trying to soothe him, but it was as if Harry snapped and was just one heavy ball of trauma.

"Harry. You're okay, there's no one here that wish you harm..."

"Rosalie, go get the human blood..." Carlisle whispered to the girl, who gave a serious nod of her head and fetched a key to retrieve it from her fathers office. "Human blood? But aren't you strict about your diet?" Seth asked, eyeing the Cullens. Carlisle sighed and turned to them.

"Harry is a newborn vampire, who hasn't had his first feed yet." Gasps echoed through the room, all who did not know, looked at the boy on the ground and Billy felt fury rise in his chest. "Have you neglected to feed my son?!"

"What?" Esme asked with greatly disguised, offence in her voice. "Of course not! We offered Harry blood the same second we knew he was here. But he refused, saying he wasn't hungry and that he didn't want it, he got so distraught about it that he closed completely down." Billy got a sheepish look on his features, rightfully so... "Do not think, I would deprive a child of nourishment, Billy Black." Esme grumbled and left for her kitchen to calm down.

"You seem to forget that her biological son died, before she herself became deadly sick and was turned by Carlisle..." Emmett huffed out, taking his own wife into his embrace, after she had handed the blood to Carlisle. "She would never, let a child be without love or care, it goes against who she is as a whole being."

Carlisle knelt down besides his son and Harry, holding out the blood. Harry stopped shaking and his hands lowered from his hair, his nose twitching at the scent of the blood. He eyed Carlisle in confusion, and then looked at Jasper, as if to ask for permission. When Jasper inclined his head in a nod, Harry once more turned to the blood. His eyes darting between the bag and Carlisle's face, but he didn't take it, no matter the way he smacked his lips, with the amount of venom that pooled in his mouth.

Humming, Carlisle held out the bag for Harry to take, but instead, he leaned back from it and eyed Carlisle suspiciously. Everyone watched with great interest, Esme too, as she had returned from the kitchen. Eyeing the situation, Carlisle moved his torso and handed the bag to Jasper, who looked at him with wide eyes. "I can't- I-"

"Yes you can... Your mate needs to feed, and as his dominant, you would never deprive him of food. It is your instinct to protect and feed him. So do it."

Jasper eyed his father and gulped thickly, taking the bag of blood, he watched as Carlisle moved away, and he himself turned to Harry. Slightly confused by what to do, until his instincts took over, and he ripped the top of the bag off. Harry watched him with great interest, eyeing all of Jaspers movements, before looking at the bag of blood, the full scent of it hitting him like a train. It was amazing... It smelled of all his favourite foods, laid out in front of him...

"His restraint is magnificent..." Minerva whispered and eyed the scene, it was her first time watching a newborn vampire and their mate interact, she had heard horror stories of newborn vampires, but this was... This was beautiful...

"It is... Not even I was this good at his age." Carlisle said with a cautious smile. 

Jasper eyed Harry as his own eyes bled black. Harry began to lean forwards, about to dip his head into the bag of blood, when Jasper gave a warning growl. Sam felt every fibre of his being, fighting as he restrained himself from pulling apart the vampire, when his pup gave a soft whine and leaned back from the food.

"Calm, Sam... Jasper is merely teaching Harry restraint."

"He has plenty of restraint, he is hungry for gods sake!"

"Harry needs to learn, that Jasper will give him the nourishments that he requires, without him having to ask, beg or even wait for it. But Jasper needs to set down some rules first. He will be feeding Harry... Harry is his submissive..."

"Really?" Hermione gasped, her eyes wide. "A submissive Warlock...? A submissive... Vampire?" She asked and looked at the other Magi in the room, Argnork included. "Has that ever happened before?"

"No. It hasn't." Argnork said matter of factly and smiled. "But neither has a Magi becoming a Muggle-ish Vampire..." Hermione nodded. Harry was truly something...

"Submissive vampires in general, are very rare. Everyone in this house is dominant, even Esme... She is just softer, because of her past." Carlisle stated and smiled as he brought his wife into a hug. "The last and only submissive vampire I met, was a part of the Volturi guard, she's still there, and is referred to as the Princess of Volterra, well, at least by all who knows of her or well... their existence."

Nodding slowly, people's attention was once more drawn to the two on the floor, when there sounded another tear. Jasper was feeding Harry, who was gripping his wrists tightly and lapping the blood into his belly, even trying to lick at the bags, but they were removed by Jasper, and he was given a warning growl from his dominant, making him sink into Jaspers chest, and trust the blonde to take care of him.


Billy smiled softly, the realisation of his son being with them again, slowly coming to him, as tears trickled down his cheeks. "Yeah... Suppose you are right..." He whispered and sniffled, a few from the pack circled around him and they all hugged one another.

"Hm...?" A soft hum sounded from the bundle on the ground. "Jas...per..." Harry spoke softly and silence rung through the room. "Yes, beautiful?" Jasper said softly. "What...happened...?"

Jasper smiled and brushed some of Harry's hair, behind his ear. "A lot... Beautiful... But we can talk about that soon... Come, there's people who want to see you."



Jasper rose to his feet, with Harry following, clinging to his chest. Carlisle noticed the pile of empty bags on the floor and smiled softly. Harry would soon regain more and more of himself, the more he fed and stayed true to who he was.

Everyone watched as Harry first stood with his back to them all, but then slowly turned around. Ginny breathed out deeply, her eyes widening momentarily. Harry had always been the pretty one, but this was just... Insane...

Severus straightened his back and eyed Harry curiously. He had always, only seen James in the boy, but this couldn't be true... All he saw now, was Lily... Save the black curls, Harry was the embodiment of his mother.

Billy, even though he knew Harry was there, that Harry was alive, it was still so hard to believe. Besides, how did he get out of the coffin? Probably with help of magic or something...

"Why are there bandages on your hands, Harry?" Rebecca asked with worry and Harry looked down at his hands, once more his face portrayed the wonder that had been there earlier as well, when Carlisle had first wrapped his hands. Jasper smiled when he noticed the wonder in Harry's eyes, his now very red eyes... 

Carlisle took over and looked at the others. "How about you two sit down? I'm sure everyone has plenty of questions." Harry hummed and looked up at Carlisle, upon seeing the other vampire, he scooted closer to Jasper, once more flush against his side. As soon as Jasper moved, Harry did as well, sitting down besides him, not moving, breathing or even blinking, as his eyes looked calculatingly at everyone in the room.

"How did he get those bandages around his hands...?" Draco asked and watched as Jasper leaned back in the couch, Harry following suit. He was like a damned puppet...

"Harry was buried..." Esme said and Hermiones breath caught in her throat. "How does one get out of a casket?"

"Magic?" Fred asked, his voice hopeful, but the solemn look on the other Vampires faces, told him that that was likely not the case. "Harry... Woke up down there... He had to claw his way out of the coffin..." Carlisle said, his voice calm and respectful.

"What..." Emily breathed out in horror, some of the others looked a little green. "Is that why he's... Odd...?" Jacob questioned, gulping back bile. Carlisle wetted his lips and sat down, leaning over as he clasped his hands together.

"I was buried, thought dead, when I was turned... I remember to this day, how it felt to scratch at the wood and feel the dirt crush you, whilst you tried to climb out..." Esme ran her hands over Carlisles shoulders, the man smiled up at her and sighed. "Harry was for all we know, dead... Before Jasper turned him. What happened in between that, there is no telling... But what we do know, is that Harry dug his way out of his own grave, and went here, possibly in search of his mate."

"But they aren't mated..."

"Mated or not, Harry is a submissive, and Jasper is his dominant." Severus nodded slowly, it was making sense to him, how? Don't ask.

It was silent for a little bit, until Harry let out a small sound, and everyone glanced at him. "Jas...per... Sad..." Harry said, his brows furrowing as he looked up at the vampire. "What... Sad...?"

"Why is he talking like that?" Jacob asked, pacing the ground.

"Harry's brain hasn't followed along, as fast as his body... Meaning his knowledge, is very slim right now. It will all return in due time, he is still only a few hours old... But until then, there are many things he won't know how to do, say or even what is..."

"Sadness is an emotion, for when someone is... Well... Sad..." Jasper said, answering Harry's question. "It's a negative, emotion."

"Why... Jasper, sad?" Draco shook his head, this was too weird...

"Jasper isn't sad, Jasper is worried..."

Harry looked completely confused and shook his head, as if to shake the thoughts away, and he didn't ask anymore questions.

"What is usually done in these types of situations?" Benjamin asked, grasping Bills hand firmly in his own. He feared what would happen if he was to turn Bill, and he became like this...

"Well. Depending on the seriousness of the situation, the Volturi is called. A lot of Vampires never regain their mental maturity, and go feral, never to return to normal. It is very rare, that this has happened, and the few times that I know of, is my own, an old friends and now, Harry... Where the Vampire hasn't immediately gone feral."

"What would the Volturi do...?"

"They would ensure that the feral vampire, couldn't hurt anyone ever again..."

"So, kill them?"

It was silent after Billy's statement, and it was clear to everyone, that he had hit the nail in the coffin with that one...



Harry laid with Jasper on the couch, basking in the embrace of the blonde vampire, as his mind was healing. Jasper had freaked out when Harry's eyes closed, and he looked dead again, but when Severus told him that Harry was merely sleeping, he had been relieved, and then confused.

"Vampires don't, usually sleep..." Jasper said, furrowing his brows at the greasy haired man, who sighed and shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know what to tell you. Your mate is sleeping, he will wake up again, today, tomorrow, we don't know, but he will wake up when he is ready, or if you wake him."

And since those jolly words had been uttered, Jasper had been laying on the couch, with Harry in his arms, and a movie playing on the TV, the pack and Magi were still in the house, everyone worried about the little ravenette, and wanting to be there in case anything happened. Severus had been given a sleeping draught to Jasper, modified for muggle vampires, and all the others had been heavily jealous, when they saw the blonde falling asleep next to his mate.

"If Jasper is Harry's dominant... And Harry is a submissive..." Luna pondered over her cup of tea. "Do you reckon we will see little Harrys and Jaspers walking around?" Seamus spluttered around his tea and coughed, whilst gasping for air.

"Harry was sexually assaulted, Luna... I don't think he wishes to indulge in such contact." Ginny said softly and Luna hummed, nodding her head slowly. After Harry died, she had gone back to being her dreamy self, almost as if she was constantly dissociating. It worried them all, but since Harry had returned into their lives, a couple hours ago, Luna had opened up more, once again, and was asking questions, like usual.

"But if-"

"No..." Ginny shook her head, smiling softly.

Luna gave a wondering expression and shrugged her shoulders, nibbling on a biscuit.


Sam sat with a meaty steak in front of himself and sighed deeply. He was overjoyed that Harry was back with them, but at what costs? If Harry never returned to normal... What kind of life would he live as an eternal brain damaged vampire? It would kill him... Especially since he was such a smart boy when he was alive... Except for maybe Mathematics, he really sucked at those.

As his mind was filled with an extreme amount of thoughts, Sam didn't notice the small fur ball that began to creep up behind him, at least, not until said fur ball was in his lap and munching on the steak he had the intent on eating. Jasper hummed from the couch, and there was some confused sounds emitting from him, as well as a muttering of Harry's name.

Sam eyed the little pup in his lap and raised his brows. "What the hell..." He muttered and took the pup by the scruff of its neck, lifting it up. Examining it closer, Sam noted the grey and black fur, with a distinct mark on its forehead, of a lightning bolt. "Harry?" Sam asked and everyone looked at him as he held the wolf pup at an arms length from himself. And then his demeanour got stern, instincts instantly taking over, human brain disconnecting and alpha brain taking over.

"You do not steal food from your alpha, Harry. That's not okay." He was shocked by his own words, your alpha? since when???

Harry emitted soft whimpering, that made Jasper almost attack the alpha, if it hadn't been for Emmett and Edward holding him back, practically sitting on the blonde, Jasper would have. "Like Sam respected you setting up rules for Harry, you have to let Sam do the same." Edward hissed into Jaspers ears and the blonde huffed out, but calmed down enough for Edward and Emmett to let him go. "How is he even a wolf?" He hissed back and eyed them both, but he received no answer to his question.

"If you are hungry, you tell me. I will always feed you, but you do not steal, from your alpha. Understand?" Harry whimpered as he was placed on the seat besides Sam, he awaited hopefully, tail wagging like crazy. He yipped and jumped in circles around himself, before being picked up by Sam once more, this time at the chest. "He's scared..." Esme said, sniffing the air.

Harry was stiff as a board as Sam held him, tail tugged between the legs and ears flat. "Of course he's scared... Harry is a submissive, I am his alpha." Sam grumbled and moved Harry to a more open part of the house. "He needs to feel accepted, and he doesn't yet, which means, his wolf fears me, instead of respecting me." Harry sat on the floor and looked with blood red eyes, up at the alpha, head cocked to the side, whilst there was a sad expression on his scruffy little face. 

(A/N: Is a wittle puppy doggy, so cute~)"He's so cute

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(A/N: Is a wittle puppy doggy, so cute~)

"He's so cute..." Seth whispered and pouted. Emmett gave the boy a look, and rolled his eyes, he agreed of course, but Seth was just, too mushy... "But how is this even possible?" No one could answer that question, and Seth just stood back, huffing softly.

Harry sneezed and tripped to his back, making many have to cover their mouths, as to not laugh at the poor little thing. Sam hummed and eyed Harry, who began to whine and laid on his stomach, before rolling to his back and sniffing the area. Sam chuckled and fazed into his alpha form, looking like a big black intimidating, giant, next to the very vulnerable little thing on the ground.

Jasper broke the coffee table, with how hard he was gripping it, in restraint, making Minerva sigh and do a quick fix of it, with her wand.

Sam sniffed the little pup and huffed out. He smelled slightly of leech, but it was nothing that couldn't be changed... Other than that, he was the perfect little pup. Laying down, Sam allowed Harry to curl into his side, and he began to lick the pup 'clean'.

"Sam accepted Harry, Jasper... You can calm down now." Alice said, smiling softly. "I will calm down... When my mate... Is in my arms..." Jasper grumbled out and Alice chuckled, shaking her head, as she left Jasper to his own thoughts.

Sam and Harry were left alone, and Esme brought over some fresh food for the two of them, wondering if Harry truly could eat whilst in this form. It was odd, but it seemed that he could. She did leave it a little extra bloody, though, just because of the red eyes, and a gut feeling.

As Harry was about to dive snout first into his meal, Sam growled, and Harry's bottom was planted firmly against the ground, making everyone snicker. Sam huffed out and picked up a piece that Esme had so kindly cut off for Harry, handing it to the small pup, with his claw. Harry sniffed it, and drool? venom? either way, it dripped to the ground, his tail was making small thud sounds against the ground, making Billy chuckle.

"It is good to see him have an appetite..."

***My little Red***

After Harry had finished eating, Sam fazed back and quickly got redressed, before hurriedly catching the pup, who fell asleep. Chuckling, Sam carried the puppy to the couch and sat down with Harry in his lap.

A pink tongue fell out of his open mouth, and he began to snore, making the whole room let out gasps of laughter, even Severus couldn't help a small chuckle leaving his throat.

Jasper was handed Harry, after everyone had cooed over the sleeping form enough, and took the wolf pup to his room. "I'll come down with him, when he wakes..." Jasper muttered and felt his heart bleed, when Harry nuzzled into his chest.

A/N: Well, that was it my cupcakes. Hope you enjoyed this. Only two more chapters to go, see you soon, (hopefully, ahahah...). And as you all can see, Harry did in fact, in the end, also become puppy doggy wolf.
~Author Cupcake<3

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