Chapter 14.

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A/N: I hope you enjoy this chapter <3.

March 10th.

"Why won't you let us search for him, any longer!?" Sirius growled, the only thing holding him back from jumping onto the minister, being his mates hand. Remus was the sensible of the two of them, and he had managed to hold him back from attacking anyone, thus far, but there was no telling what Sirius would do the second Remus stepped aside.

"Because. Sirius... You all shunned him." Cornelius growled right back. He may not be the biggest Potter fan out there, and he damn well knew that Harry didn't fancy him much more. But there was no way he would be telling these people, any damn thing. "You all pushed away that poor boy! Even after knowing what happened to him! I am disgusted with you all!"

Sirius furrowed his brows, and took a step back, eyeing the minister carefully. "After... What, happened to him...?"

Cornelius furrowed his brows and glanced around on all of their faces, seeing confusion on all of them, his eyes widened. "You don't know..." He whispered and then grinned, shaking his head with a chuckle. "Damn you all..." He sneered. "That boy has done nothing more than cherish and protect you his whole damned life! And the way you repay him, is by shunning him..."

"You keep using that word." Severus said, crossing his arms. "Stay out of this Snivellus!" Sirius growled and Severus sent the man a glare, before directing his attention back onto Cornelius. "Are you trying to indicate, that we all magically shunned Mr. Potter?" Hermione choked on the sharp inhale of air that she took, Minerva too looked at Severus in shock.

"Not possible-"

"Yes. I am." Cornelius said, inclining his head. "Another thing, Harry's core has been blocked a couple of years ago, according to Argnork, and the shunning locked away his magic for good. Harry has been severely depressed and had suicidal tendencies, until he found a family-"

"We are his family! I need to see him! I need to make sure that my cub is safe! I have to apologise to him!"

"You are not his family." Cornelius plainly stated. "Harry has been legally adopted, and his records are sealed, no one outside of the American can, and will, see them." Cornelius straightened his back and folded his hands in front of himself on the desk top, he eyed the few that Harry had mentioned, to still trust. Those fire cracker twins, the little day dreamer girl (her mother had been a pain in the ass), the Malfoy heir, Longbottom, Mr. Finnigan and Mr. Thomas.



Trembling slightly, Remus stepped back. He was not about to argue with the man that had never before raised his voice, who was now shouting at them like a fierce lion protecting a pack.

"Poor Harry this, poor Harry that!" Ron growled and Molly stared in shock at her son. "Just tell us where he is! He always forgives us in the end-!"

"He won't this time." Cornelius plainly stated, gripping the table in anger.

"And why not? Because of the Shunning and Core block?" Dumbledore asked with raised brows. "You know just as well as I do, Cornelius, that the block was a necessity. Harry would have become too powerful-"

"Did you ask for permission?" The Minister questioned, cocking a brow at the headmaster. Dumbledore had to get off of his high horse, he had no right to do even half of the things he thinks he does. Beating one dark wizard, does not make you master of the world. He has zero power, and he is nothing more than a muggle next to Harry. "Did you ask, Harry or any of his guardians, for permission to lock his core?"

"No, but I thought it necessary-"

"I really don't care, Dumbledore. You do not hold any form of power, over the boy or anything. Not even that damned school. I have seen through fingers with your negligence of everyone else, but I will have it no more. You are not above the law, Albus, I will have you before the Wizengamont, if you do not clean up your act."

Albus saw red, but he had excellent control of his anger. Years of training taught you that. "Fine. Now, tell us what you mean by us shunning away Mr. Potter."

Cornelius sighed, he knew that Albus' word counted as much as a pile of shit. "When you all refused him, and you Remus, hit him over the head... You all pushed him away, you all hated him so much, that your magic pushed him away from you, magically shunning, Mr. Potter." Molly gasped, and she shook her head. "He is only still alive, because he found family... A family who care for him. He is no more than a muggle now."

"No more than a muggle... You must be joking." Ron scoffed, a grimace going over his features. "Does that mean he no longer has access to anything magical? Gringotts? Diagon Alley?"

"No. Essentially he doesn't. But Argnork cares for the boy, and Harry has saved the wizarding worl so much, that Miss Magic would allow him to enter her realm, even as a muggle."

"So, he can just come back then, great."

"No." Fudge said again, settling back into his seat.

All of them eyed him closely and raised a brow. "And why not?" Sirius spat, finally gathering up his Gryffindor courage to speak after Cornelius' verbal beating.

"Because." Cornelius looked back up, staring at them all. "Harry wasn't just shunned, his magic was blocked. If that lock breaks... Due to his power, he could blow up." He neglected to inform them, that he would take along the remainder of the world. "Magic around him, is fine, but if he as much as comes into contact with magic, that isn't perfectly matched with his own essence, every neuron... Every damn little part of shimmer in that magic, needs to be identical to his own, because if it isn't. Harry, will die, and if he kills himself, well, it will blow up and we will all feel it."

Dumbledore hummed and furrowed his brows, this wasn't part of his plan, but none the less...

"Is that all that happened to him?" Remus asked, cocking a brow, feeling that there was something Cornelius was failing to mention. "How did Harry know of this? And none of this really excuses the neglect of meeting up to the trial, all wands are to be left out of a court-room."

Cornelius slowly closed a folder and his face fell, his eyes saddening. He looked truly distraught by the thought of what had happened to Harry, which actually shocked them all. "Harry was in a coma... That was why he didn't show up."

"A COMA!?" They all, but a selected few (imagine who), shouted.

"Silence... You're all giving me a bloody headache." The minister grumbled, rubbing his temples. "As I said, Harry was in a Coma. Did you see the bruise on his face, when he came to deliver the news?" They all seemed to think back, recalling some gnarly bruise over his mouth and nose. "The shape of a hand?" Cornelius wasn't just angry now, he was pissed off. These people claimed to be Harry's friends and family for Merlin's sake!

"I remember..." Luna said, her head bobbing up and down, as did the few others that Cornelius recalled Harry trusting, which made him a bit happy, the boy wasn't completely without love from their side of the ocean. "He looked awfully distraught..."

"No. He looked cheery and happy." Remus said, shaking his head. He recalled how happy Harry had been, it had been what had set him off.

"You are mistaken." Fred said matter of factly. "Harry looked relieved, the second he saw you both." George nodded. "He also looked like he had been through hell and rather than stand there and talk to the both of you, he wanted to hide and curl together in a corner."

"No. Harry is too proud to do that."
"Do you even know him!?" Seamus asked, looking at them all in disgust. "Harry is terrified, all of the fucking time! He has confessed more than once to me and Dean, that he would rather be a muggle than some important person in a world that only wants him to either die or kill some random dude, he had never heard of before his eleventh birthday!"


"No! You are forgetting that Harry didn't grow up like you all did! He didn't have a mum and dad, he grew up with those disgusting Muggles, that treated him like nothing more than dirt beneath their shoe!" Hermione had had enough with them all, listening to Ron complain about Harry being gone and why he had left, and to hear Sirius insist on being Harry's family after all that him and Remus had put him through.

"I wouldn't be surprised if Harrys found family, already know more about him than the two of you do, together." Neville stated and glared, walking away from the wolf and dog.

Sighing, Severus turned back to Cornelius, not missing how the room seemed to divide between them, and he was on the kids' side... Great...

"What of it?"

"Harry was attacked, brutally by a vampire in the Park just a way away from Little Winging."


"Here." Cornelius played a recording, a hologram of a darkly lit place showing, what was however visible, was a red cloak in the snow. Then a horrified cry sounded.

"NO! Please! Ow ow ow! I'm sorry!"

"I have never felt anything so remarkable... So amazing..."


"Yeah, beg kid. No ones gonna hear you."

What happened next horrified them all, and Cornelius quickly turned it off. "Three hours." He said and shrugged. "Harry endured that... For three hours... He was suffering from hypothermia, blood loss and extreme bruising, when he was brought to the hospital."

"What did that thing... Do to my godson...?" Sirius growled, his eyes bleeding black.

"The Vampire continued to rape and muffle Harry's cries with his hand, as well as beat him senseless... In the course of all those three hours. Harry woke from his coma, and instantly came here to me, asking for you to be released, he begged and provided me with all that was needed to ensure your release. For him, it had only been thirty minutes after the attack, and his first instinct, was to come here, to ensure your safety, Mr. Black... And then he went to you."

"Oh god..." Remus shakingly said, falling into a seat, his eyes wide. "That was Lily's cloak... It... It was the only thing Harry wanted... Oh I think I'm gonna be sick..."

"Sick!? You?! Are you kidding me?!" Cornelius growled. "You are pathetic, all of you (not you lot of course)! Harry has to live with this, every day! He has permanent marks on his body from the torture that he endured that night! Want to know why he was out?!" Some of them nodded. "Because he hadn't eaten in two weeks, and the filthy Muggles he was staying with, had left everything EMPTY!He had two eggs, an apple, a piece of bread and a little bit of ham, in his fucking basket! Get the hell out of my office! I do not wish to see any of you again!"

The group of students on Harry's side in all of this, and Snape, all left with a bow, whilst the remainder of the group, just grumbled as they left.

When they were all back out in the open space of the Ministry, Dumbledore eyed them all. "I have a way to find Mr. Potter... We have to ensure that he doesn't do anything stupid and end up blowing up himself to pieces." Severus and his group of companions, all shared glances, they had to find a way to find Harry and his new family... To warn them.

A/N: Yikes... So much drama. Anyway.. Hope you all enjoyed it. Take care of yourselves.
~Author Cupcake.

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