Chapter 15.

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A/N: I just wanted to say, that all of these reads, and the comments that some of you have been leaving on my chapters, have been absolutely amazing. Thank you so much! Enjoy this chapter, if you can- Ahahah.

March 24th.

"Carlisle... Why do you smell of Harry..." Jasper asked, his voice strained. It had been horrible these past couple of weeks. With Harry ignoring him and straying from his side, his worsening depression, the constant overwhelming scent of his blood on the bandages that covered his arms... Jasper hadn't been to school in days...

It had been easier to control his urges to claim and mate with his other half, as long as Harry was by his side. But as the days passed, the need to take him and turn him, got stronger, and the pain in his chest continued. Everything was hell. Everyone were keeping him from his mate, even his own family, and he could barely move... Cracks spreading from his chest down his limbs and up towards his neck, Carlisle was seriously worried about him. But all Jasper wanted, was to be with Harry.


"Why. Do you smell of Harry?" Jasper was practically vibrating, his eyes boring onto his father, the amazing and drawing scent of his mate, all over the man.

"Harry went missing yesterday afternoon... He was found after midnight in the storm... We still don't know what happened."

"I need to see him!"

"Oh ho ho ho no you do not!" Emmett said, catching Jasper mid sprint. "Harry does not need a fight to break out between you and the pack. And how do you think you're going to explain to Billy, not to forget Sam, about Harry being your mate?"

Jaspers eyes bled black and Emmett gave him a warning look. "Don't think I won't restrain you for the next fifty years, brother. Because I will. I ain't got nothing better to do."

"Emmett is right, Jasper. Calm down..."

"I need to see him, Carlisle! I need to make sure he isn't hurt anymore!"

"I understand your reasoning, Jasper, but currently, all I hear is a lot about you, and not enough about Harry. Who is to say Harry even wants to live forever as a fifteen year old?"

Jasper was silent for a bit, and then he deflated in Emmett's arms. "Please... Is he okay...?" Eyes turning golden once more, Jasper stared at his coven leader in sorrow. He could have easily beaten Emmett, and they all knew it. But the fact still stood, he was damaged and weakened right now, a single wrong twist, could end him.

"He's suffering from some oddities... I can't seem to get his temperature up and his heart is beating very slow. Billy is barely holding onto his pack, they all want to find out what happened to their, and I am using their words, Jasper. Smallest and most accident prone, Pup..." Jasper sighed and let Emmett help him to the couch. "I will keep you updated, I have to go back there."

"Can I please come...? I won't do anything... I just feel-"

"I'm sorry Jasper, but you're unpredictable right now."

"I can't even do anything! I'm damaged!"

Carlisle was about to intervene, when Alice sent him a look and he scrunched his brows, before nodding, trusting that the girl wouldn't lead him on with false information. "Alright... Come on."


"The hell do you think you're doing..." Jacob growled threateningly, when Jasper entered the room. He knew his cuz and the leech had been close, but to see the blonde unpredictable vampire close to his vulnerable brother, made his wolf on edge.

All the other wolves in the room, gave out threatening sounds and Jasper finally turned to look at them all. "I'm not doing anything..." They didn't seem to believe him, making his sigh in defeat. "I physically can't..." He said, lifting up in his shirt to show the cracks. It caused them all to wince, as literal chunks of the vampire was missing.

"So leeches can feel pain?" Paul asked and eyed the pastry pale man.

"Not usually... But something is going on... And it got worse a month ago." Carlisle said, entering the room with some more heating pads. "I am hoping to bring up Harry's temperature, but I can't promise anything." Jasper furrowed his brows and looked at the older vampire.

"What do you mean? I thought you said he was in bad shape..."

"He is..." Sam growled, not liking that Jasper was here either, but if his assumptions were correct... Well, he just had to see it out.

"No... He's just sleeping... I can sense his feelings."

"Oh right, the empath." Seth hummed, leaning back in his chair.

"He's just sleeping...?" Billy questioned, taking his sons hand. Harry felt so cold and small laying there... "Yeah. He's even having some good dream... He's happy."

"Can you get Edward here so he could like, read the kids thoughts and figure out what the fuck happened." Jared grumbled and crossed his arms. Jasper turned to him and shook his head. "My gift is the only one that works on Harry-" Jasper was cut off as a jolt of pain went through him, causing him to grip tightly around his abdomen.

"Jasper?" Carlisle asked, watching his son shake and fall to his knees gripping at his chest. Carlisle looked at Harry and saw the kid giving groans of discomfort and his face contorting in pain, the monitors showed his heart rate spiking, and sweat seemed to pool off of him. The pack all got very confused, had they not noticed Harry being in constant overwhelming pain? "Jasper, sit down... Your body can't handle anymore trauma..." Carlisle gently coaxed and opened Jaspers shirt, all of them watching the cracks deepen and his skin redden and move in shaking waves.

"What the fuck..." Seth muttered, all of them leaning closer. "How the hell- It looks as if his body is inverting on itself..."

"Yes... We gathered as much. As if something is eating him whole, we don't understand either." Carlisle said and turned back to Harry. "Same with him..." He said, opening Harry's shirt, showing them all the darkening spot on his sternum. "I noticed it the first time you brought him to me... It was very small back then, nothing more than a slight discolouration. Now?" Carlisle shook his head. "Something is seriously wrong with these two, and it is making it worse by keeping them apart." Carlisle's eyes met Billy's and the chief looked away, not liking the truth that he saw in the vampires honey gold eyes.

"Hell no." Sam growled, all this was proving to him, was that Jasper was hurting his pup. In what way, he wasn't sure, but he would be damned if he would let anything happen to Harry... Well, again that is.

"Please..." Jasper gasped and shakingly got to his feet. "You don't understand..." He glanced at Carlisle, who nodded and Billy eyed them closely, a feeling of dread filling his stomach. "Harry is my mate... You aren't just causing me pain by separating us."

"Your mate!?" Paul growled quickly jumping to his feet, making Jacob have to hold him back. Sam hummed and leaned back in his seat, hand going thoughtfully up to his mouth. It was as he feared... Usually, before a mating, it wouldn't hurt the other, 'non species' partner... But if you took into account that Harry wasn't completely human... What he was, was still a mystery, but there was something there that was non-human... Well, who was to say that Jasper wasn't also his imprint in a way.

"I will allow it." Sam hissed, despite not being happy with himself for the decision, and Jasper stared at him in shock. "But there are conditions. First, Harry has to actually want this. Second, there will be no mating, Harry was raped, he doesn't even want to think of anyone naked. Third, you will not bite him, until he is old enough to make decisions on his own."

"What if he is about to die...? What if he already is..."

"Then we will take it from there. Live up to these conditions, and I will allow Harry around you again."

Jaspers eyes bled black and he had to bite down on his tongue as to not snap at the man. So it had been him who denied his mate to see him... "Of course... Thank you Sam."

Sam hummed darkly and nodded. "Alright... Now, explain all this pain stuff to me."

***My Red***

"Are you serious?!" Severus sneered, staring at the headmaster, as if he was crazy, which he likely was. "You cannot be serious!"

The others, saving Minerva, Remus and Hermione, all raised a brow in confusion. "What's wrong? What's the Volterra?" Ginny asked and Severus tore his eyes from the headmaster.

"Volterra is a castle in Italy... A castle that has been ruled for thousands of years, by the Volturi clan."


Severus sighed deeply and gave Albus another glare. "The Dark Arts teachers have lacked in informing students about some of our most dangerous allies. Figures." He growled and turned to the kids once more. "The Volturi, is a clan of Muggle vampires. Muggle vampires, unlike Magical ones, bite their victims and feed on their blood. They have venom that turns humans, making them vampires like them. Hundreds of years ago, Witches and Wizards made a pact with them, they don't bite our kind, we don't help hunt them down. Our magic is one of the only things that makes them like mortals, they fear it, especially our fires."

"But why would we want to seek them out?!" Ron asked in horror and Severus turned to Albus, expectantly. The old headmaster sighed and shook his head. "You do not understand, Severus. They have some of the most amazing trackers, and we will for certain find Harry. Besides, they owe us-"

"Owe us!? Albus! You cannot seriously be about to invoke one of the debts!" Minerva gasped in horror. "The vampires do not care about who you are, or what you are. Use debt as a bribe, will only get us killed, they have been begging for a cause to break the treaty, don't go give it to them."


"No! You have gone too far!" Luna interrupted. "Enough is enough!"

Eyes wide with shock, everyone stared at her, some even choking up slightly. "So proud..." Fred whispered, wiping away a crocodile tear.

"Harry was severely hurt last we saw him! And all you did was hurt him more! Out of everyone here, Dumbledore, you have hurt him the most! Why can't we just let him be happy for once!?"

"You heard Fudge! Harry has suicidal tendencies! We have to be there for him!"

"HE ALSO SAID THAT WE WERE THE REASON FOR THEM!" Seamus roared, his eyes burning with anger. "Don't come here and play the hero, Ronald Weasley! You claim to be his best friend, and yet all you worried about, was if he would still have access to Gringotts! You bloody well said it yourself! You only want him for his money!"

"Oh come on-!"

"He's right, Ronald." Hermione growled, cutting the red head off. "You sought Harry out on the train... You refused to leave his side... You practically brainwashed him into thinking that the Slytherins were horrible people... If it wasn't for Draco saving your life under the battle at the Triwizard tournament, Harry would have gone without knowing that Draco was a true friend."

"He's a snake. You know I don't like hi-"

"I don't give jack shit, what you think, Ronald. You need to clean up this act you have going on. Or this-" Hermione gestured all around herself, before gesturing back and forth between each other. "Is over. I will leave, and I will seek out other education in the muggle world. I will leave this all behind. I wasn't born into it like you all were, neither was Harry, by the way." Hermione then stormed out of there, everyone watching as she left.

"I'm with Granger on this one." Draco said, throwing out his hands. "Literally nothing can be worse than this hell hole. If you all don't figure out yourselves, I'll leave, and I'll be going with Granger." He too left.

"Us too." Neville stated, Seamus, Ginny, Fred, George, Luna and Dean, all flanked his sides. "Whatever the hell is going on here... It needs to fucking stop." Dean said and they too left. Molly and Arthur stared at the retreating backs of their children, before glancing at Albus and their son.

"Me too... Seek out Potter, and I leave." Severus grumbled, following after the group, not missing how Minerva silently followed after him.

"So. When do we leave for Italy?" Sirius asked, crossing his arms and Albus hummed, looking at the man, he nodded. "In a few weeks... I have to handle some things first."


"So. We have to find Harry before they do... He needs to be warned." Luna said and Minerva furrowed her brows. "I thought we were leaving him alone."

"We will. The second he is safe." Fred stated clearly and Draco nodded. "Where do we start, Loony?"

"Well, he's definitely not in England... I say America."

"Lead the way, girly-pop."

"Seriously George-"

"Oh shut up."

A/N: Dadadada doooom. Welp, Albus is a bitch, the the godfathers are blindly trusting him. I wish I could say we like this situation, but unfortunately... We don't. So! Hope you enjoyed this chapter my darlings, and I will see you next time, hopefully well fed, rested and fully hydrated. Buh bye~
~Author Cupcake!<3

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