Chapter 2.

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A/N: What's up everybody!!! *Crickets* Alright, you will come at some point. Anyways! Have fun reading this chapter, I hope you all enjoy it.

Jacob lead Harry to their humble abode and guided him inside, his father and chief of Police Charlie Swan sat at the dinner table, discussing something. "Hello Jake-" Billy cut himself off and furrowed his brows, looking over at the child besides his son. "Hey dad... Harry decided to join us anyway." Billy hummed and wheeled over to the two, noting how Harry instinctively went closer to his son.

"Hello Harry." Billy said with a small smile. "I'm happy that you decided to join us here, I'm Billy Black, Jacobs dad..." Harry eyed Billy and then looked at Charlie, who sent him a nod. "Jake, why don't you bring him to the room that used to be your sisters? I reckon he would be most comfortable there." Jacob grinned and nodded.

"Hey Char." Charlie gave a wave with the hand he held a beer in, sending Harry a small smile. Billy watched the two walk down the hall, sighing he turned to Charlie, a worried expression on his face.

"Who was that?" Charlie asked with a chuckle, not missing the serious height difference between the two boys. "No, wait, how old is he?" He laughed and Billy shook his head, making Charlie lower the bottle from his lips, face going serious.

"That's Harry... Apparently his uncle is my cousin or something the rather... Jacob and the other boys found him in England while they were to that game." Charlie nodded and listened with interest to what his old friend was telling him. "He had been attacked by some older guy and had been really hurt... Sexually assaulted..." Charlie raised his hand to his face, fingers brushing over the place where the bruise shaped like a hand was on Harry's face, making Billy nod slowly.

"What then? He just follow the guys home?" Billy shook his head and continued to explain.


Jacob pushed the door open and sighed. "It's not much, but it is home." He smiled, he had showed Harry his room, the bathroom and other than that there was really only the conjoined kitchen living room space and his fathers bedroom. Harry gave a weak smile and then turned to look into the room, his eyes widening.

"Uhh... Yeah, it used to by my older sister's room..." Jacob chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "You know what, I'll take you into town soon enough and then you can pick some paint and new bedding. The guys can help us make this room more cool." Harry looked up at Jacob and nodded slowly, before moving into the room. He was just grateful for the lack of dolls and toys. But those flowers... Seriously needed to go, and that desk-

"Yeah... Well, if you're up for it we could go into town tomorrow, you're probably tired after that long trip and the time difference." Harry hummed and nodded slowly. Jacob wetted his lips and looked around the room. "Well... I'll be in my room if you need anything." Harry nodded again and listened as Jacob left, the door closing after him. As it did, Harry dropped the bag onto the bed and sniffled, before he weakly laid down.

All too much had happened the last twenty four hours... And it took no time for him to fall asleep, or maybe he more like passed out...

***My little Red***

Jacob sighed and went to his father and Charlie, after checking up on Harry. He had pulled a blanket over the boy, when he saw him shivering on the bed.

"How is he?" Billy asked and Jacob shrugged. "As good as one would expect, when your whole family abandons you, I suppose..." Charlie winced at the sound of that and sighed.

"I'll go home and leave you all to it then... I figure he may want to be with just you all these first few weeks..." He turned to Billy and smiled. "Maybe enrol him in Forks High come February instead? Give him time to adjust."

"You don't reckon the reservation school would be better?" Charlie shrugged and patted them both on the shoulders before leaving, leaving Jacob and his father in deep thought as to what they should do with the kid.

"I think Forks may be better as well..."

"But the leeches... You and me both know it was a leech that attacked him, what if he gets triggered?"

"I think the general term, people, trigger him... We just have to show him that he is still worth 100% even if he has been hurt... Besides, he's a normal boy, he doesn't know about all of this supernatural stuff..."

"Yeah, of course... At any rate, he's family, he deserves all he never got." Jacob grinned and then left for his room, chuckling when he shot a glance over his shoulder, seeing his father shake his head with a fond look.


Harry didn't wake up for dinner, and Jacob decided, when the kid hadn't woken up for breakfast the next morning, that he would try and see if Harry was okay. "Harry..." He whispered and sat down on the floor, besides the bed, not touching him in fear of frightening the kid.

Harry let out a soft hum and moved on the bed, turning around so his face was in Jacobs direction. "Hey buddy... You gotta wake up, you need to eat..." Harry yawned and opened his eyes. "Morning." Jacob said with a small smirk. Harry's hair was all over the place, it was kind of adorable. It was long too, at the least down to his shoulders, and curly. He reminded Jacob a little of the small Cullen girl, Astrid something.

"Come on. The boys are excited to see you again." Harry furrowed his brows and Jacob chuckled. "I know, I know. But seriously though, you melted all them hearts." Standing up, Jacob held out his hand for Harry to take, and when he did, Jacob pulled him to his feet, guiding him to the kitchen, where his father and his sisters stood, plating up for breakfast with plenty of pancakes and fruits.

"Morning kiddo." Rachael and Rebecca both said, smiling at Harry, who hadn't moved further into the room than he was able to either dart out the front door or back to his room. "We hope you like pancakes." Rebecca said with a grin and Harry nodded slowly.

Jacob turned in his seat and smiled at him. "They don't bite Harry, I promise. These are my sisters, Rachael and Rebecca." Harry inclined his head to them again and hesitantly moved over to Jacob, sitting down on the wall-bench besides him, Billy wheeled into the empty slot besides Harry, at the end of the table, the two women sitting opposite of Harry and Jacob.

Rebecca and Rachael fleetingly glanced at the bruises on Harry's face, before looking at Jacob. "Dog." They laughed, watching him pile pancakes onto his plate, Harry glanced at it and raised his brows. Well, it made sense in a way, Jacob was fairly large... But that was a lot, even for a large person, Harry reckoned that even Hagrid would look with raised brows at the amount of food, if this plate was presented to him. "Woof." Jacob laughed and dived in. 

"Would you like a pancake, Harry?" Billy asked gently, placing a plate of pancakes besides Harry, who looked at the man, before giving a hesitant smile and nodding slowly. He raised his fork and took a single one, nodding as a thanks. Billy smiled and put away the plate, taking a few for himself.

He had gathered that Harry wouldn't be eating much, compared to his son, the boy was nothing but skin and bones for goodness sake. It was horrible what those people had done to his nephew. "Would you like anything with it?" Billy asked, gesturing to the assortment of fruits, whipped cream, syrup and marmalade. Harry hummed and took a little of the fruit, as well as some of the whipped cream, dotting little marmalade dollops over the white foam.

"Looks delicious, Harry." Rachael said, and when Harry scanned her face, all he saw was sincerity and glee, it made him give a careful smile himself.

After eating a few mouthfuls, Harry held a short break, he didn't want to seem rude and just inhale the food, even if he was a bit hungry. Seemingly they didn't care that Jacob did it, but again, he was their brother/son, he was an outsider... And he had been taught manners the hard way... If Jacob was still hungry and there was some on his plate, he knew that it would be the kind thing to offer up his food, besides, he wasn't truly worthy of it... At least, Uncle Vernon and Petunia had always said so.

"So, Harry." Billy said, causing Harry to flinch. Billy realised that the boy had been deep in thought, and the sound of his name likely startled him. His back got as straight as a board and his eyes were wide, darting from face to face. "Hey, calm down buddy... No one's hurting you." Rachael and Rebecca swore then and there, they would find the people that had hurt their new brother, and make them pay for what they had done to him.

"I apologise Harry, it was not my intention to startle you." Billy said with a comforting smile. Harry calmly down, sinking slightly into Jacobs side, whilst giving Billy a small nod. "I just wanted to inform you about the rules. Jacob and the girls had the same rules when they were younger." That wasn't completely true, but his children were also less fragile.

Harry got himself mentally ready for the list... Of course, he was the new kid, he would be loaded with responsibilities, and the others would likely pile theirs onto him, chores and such, because he was a scape-goat, always was, always will be...

"No going into the forest too close to dark and especially not when it is dark outside. There are wild animals out there." Harry furrowed his brows and he almost deflated, leaning back against the wall, this wasn't what he was expecting. Clearly the other occupants at the table noticed and smiled softly. "Curfew on weekdays, which will be school days when you have settled in well enough, will be at 9PM and in the weekends, you can be up until midnight, unless there's a gathering, then you can stay up as long as you wish. That goes for Birthdays, Christmas or bonfire nights." Harry nodded slowly and played with the hem of his hoodie as he listened.

"When you do start school, school-work just needs to be finished before curfew, and then of course if you have a dirty dish, just wash it and place it on the rack, the rest of us do the same. It's a small house, so if you take off shoes, place them on the rack and just generally clean up after yourself. I don't really care what your room looks like, that's your place, and don't be scared to tell me if something breaks, we will replace it." Harry looked around at them all, his eyes meeting Jacobs, looking for a confirmation that this wasn't a dream.

"Yes, it is true Harry. It is a little long, but pretty easy to remember-" At the scoff of disbelief that came from the younger boy, Jacob raised a brow. "You don't think it's long?" Harry shook his head, his brows scrunching up and he looked to Billy, the look of disbelief still evident.

Billy chuckled and folded his hands. "You see, Harry. Here we kind of lift in flock, no one gets left in the dirt. As long as you do your part, we also do ours, and there will be no need for anything else to be set in place. Now, I am very eager to know what you need for your room." At that, Jacob winced, Harry lowered his eyes to the floor and blushed a little.

"He doesn't really have anything, dad..."

Humming, Billy nodded slowly. "I'll talk to some of the others, there may be something we can do to change that." Harry eyed them all, before noticing that Jacob didn't have anymore to eat, and he wasn't leaning back, holding his stomach. Was he still hungry? Harry carefully nudged Jacob, who hummed and looked at him, leaving Billy and the two young women to talk about what to do with Harry's room. Harry nudged the plate towards Jacob, who raised his brows. "Can you not eat anymore?"

Seeing the moment of hesitation on Harry's face, before the teen shook his head, Jacobs face fell and he sighed softly. "Harry... If you're still hungry, you eat your food. No one is going to take it from you." Harry furrowed his brows. But Jacob is still hungry... Why won't he just take the food? Ron had no problem doing so... Well, Ron also turned out to be a prick, who never truly knew you... Harry hummed and eyed the plate with his food in confusion.

"Eat, Harry." Jacob smiled and nudged the plate back into its spot in front of his new brother. Harry eyed the other teen, before turning back to his pancake and slowly eating the rest of it. Jacob smiled softly and ruffled Harry's hair, making Harry eye him closely, but the small smile that showed on his lips, ensured Jacob that the kid didn't mind.

Harry looked out the window, at the deep woods. Billy had said there were wild animals out there... Surely nothing worse than all he had encountered in the forbidden forest. No, it likely wouldn't be any of the sorts, considering the fact that these people were muggles and this was a muggle forest, it was probably some deer, foxes, maybe a pesky wolf or two. He would just watch out and try to stay out of trouble...

If Severus Snape had heard him think like that, he would have likely laughed aloud and said that Harry was a trouble magnet, so there was no way he would be able to stay out of trouble, even if his life depended on it.

But oh those woods were beautiful... Large trees, rain covering the leaves and wetting the ground, what he wouldn't give to be out in them...

Looking back at the ones around the table, he noticed that they were all looking at him with small smiles. "You like the woods, ey?" Rachael asked and Harry nodded, a little flustered that they had watched him stare. "I do too... They are great to go around in, if you just want to take your mind off of everything." Harry nodded and glanced back out the window, flinching when he saw Jared and Seth's faces there. Of course, he didn't know their names, but Jacob did, and he cursed them underneath his breath, standing he hurried out there, and Harry saw the large teen in the window, shooing them both off.

"Don't worry about them, Harry. They're harmless, just loud and playful, is all." Rebecca soothed, moving into Jacobs old seat. Harry didn't flinch away from her, so she took that as a good sign. "Would you like me and Rachael to tag along on yours and Jacobs trip into town? We don't mind, if it makes you more comfortable."

Everyone were so kind to him, it made no sense... But Harry was certain that the second they all knew the truth, he would get the boot. He was just a freak... Not worthy of love and help... Just like Sirius and Remus said...

"I don't know what you're thinking about..." Rachael said in a comforting voice, startling Harry out of his thoughts. "But I can tell you are saddened by your thoughts, and I wish that I, that we, could help you." Harry shook his head slowly and Rebecca smiled softly. "You know what. I think I have a mask at my house. Would you like to wear one?" 

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