Chapter 10.

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A/N: Hello everyone, I apologise for the late post, or well, it has only been a week, but still. Here is another chapter!

"Not even out of here for 72 hours and you're already back." Carlisle grinned as he entered the room that Harry resided within. He had heard the boy wake up from outside the room. It had been a hassle, but the boys had finally left Harry alone and Billy was fetching some coffee. "Am I starting to sense a frequent flyer?"

Harry couldn't help the small smile that spread on his lips. Even if Madam Pomphrey hated his guts, he missed the hag. She had been a joy to be around, and even though he had constantly ended up with her during the years he had been at Hogwarts, sometimes even multiple times a week, she had always been his favourite, he trusted her more than he did Molly.

"I'm just messing with you." Carlisle chuckled and walked over, gloving up his hands. "Is it okay if I look at the stitches?" Harry hummed and squeezed his lips together into thin thin lines. "I can wait until Billy is back, if that makes you more comfortable." Harry nodded slowly and Carlisle smiled. "Great." He sat down onto the chair and eyed the boy.

Jasper had to be removed by Emmett and Edward after Harry got hurt, it was a miracle that they had been close enough to ear what happened... Jasper had confessed afterwards, that even though the blood smelled amazing, he had been more drawn to turning the kid, so that he would never get hurt again. It was an odd situation... Harry was a traumatised boy, he needed time to recover, and to be forever trapped in the body that would remind you of what happened... Well, if you asked Rosalie, it was a torture in itself. Carlisle did sometimes feel bad that he had turned her, but he knew she didn't hold any particular grudge against him, specifically.

"Carlisle..." Billy said as he wheeled into the room, both Carlisle and Harry looked over at the door opening, seeing both Billy and Sam there, Sam looming behind Billy like a large boulder ready to cast anyone aside the second they step out of the line he had made, and failed to instruct everyone else about. "Hello Billy, Sam. Me and Harry were just talking about how, even if I do not hope so, he will possibly be my favourite frequent flyer."

Billy hummed and wheeled to the bed, Sam following behind him. "Are you alright, Harry?" Billy asked, ignoring what Carlisle had said. Harry just stared at them all with raised brows, before letting his eyes settle on Billy and he nodded slowly.

"Can I check the stitches now?" Carlisle asked and Harry sent him a small smile and nodded his head. Carlisle was astonished by how easy Harry was around them, for he was certain the boy knew exactly what he and his family was... And yet, he didn't seem to care. Even after being raped by one of their kind, in such a brutal and horrible way. Almost dying by their kinds, hands. Harry's situation did explain why the wolves seemed to hate them more than before, now that Harry was here.

"You popped some stitches in your leg... Nothing that can't be fixed, but I must ask you to be more careful." Harry gave him a pointed look, before rolling his eyes and turning his head away, closing his eyes in pain as Carlisle began to restitch the wound. Not only was he in aggravating pain from the wounds, but right in the middle of his chest, under his sternum, it felt as if a fist had just cracked into him and was squeezing around his core, trying to tear it out of him, and no muggle medicine could soothe the ache.

"Watch it, doc." Sam growled and Harry grasped the man's hand, hoping to calm him down. Sam sighed and turned his attention to Harry, eyeing his pup with worry. "I have maxed him out on pain killers Sam, anymore and he will go into shock and die." Carlisle warned the wolf, and tried to get the point across to Billy, hoping that the man would take hold of the situation. "Settle, Sam." Billy said, though he didn't like Carlisle anymore than the alpha, he didn't want a fight to break out over Harry, the poor boy had been through enough, and besides, he didn't know about them all being wolves and the Cullens being Leeches, none of this was his fault.

Maybe they should bring him in on the knowledge? No. Harry would think them insane... They were the first family that Harry had ever had, and despite what Carlisle said last time, Billy wasn't positive that the boy would take it well.

"And that's it... I'm sorry Harry, I know it can't be pleasant work." Harry hummed and nodded slowly, his head going to his chest. It was better to manage the pain as he was sitting up, than laying down, for he feared if he laid, he would just pass out. "When can we take him home?"

"Now. Just get a refill of meds at the front desk and then you're all good to go." Sam grumbled something that Carlisle chose to think of as a Thanks, but he knew better. "You're welcome. Now, Harry. I want you to be careful from now on. No messing around with that leg, and if need be, have a friend or something drive the chair..." Looking at the boys face, Carlisle zoomed in on his nose and noted slight indentation. "Maybe glasses would do you some good?" Harry's eyes widened and he stared at Carlisle in shock, making the vampire chuckle and leave the room.

"Glasses? Why are you so shocked about that?" Harry looked down guiltily. It had been difficult this last month without his glasses, and he had barely gone by with copying his table partners notes as he was in class, not being able to see the board, even if his sight was better after the attack, which didn't make sense in any way shape or form, but alas, it was.

"Is there even an eye doctor in Forks-?"

***My Red***

Jasper felt the air being knocked out of his lungs when his beautiful mate came to school with glasses on. He had tried to stay away from him ever since the accident, only talking to him in class, and then leaving. It had hurt him, but it had been Carlisle's suggestion. Seeing his mates face brighten when he saw him, made Jasper kick every idea of staying away from this beautiful creature, out the window.

The cast around Harry's arm was removed and he wore bandages around it instead, still laid up in a sling, but Jasper noticed, that underneath Harry's long sleeve, were more bandages, and he smelled of fresh blood. Instead of going feral, Jasper felt himself overwhelmed with worry, and then his mates feelings came swimming in over him.

"Harry, are you okay?" Jasper asked as he sat down. Harry furrowed his brows momentarily, until Jasper's eyes fleeted down to his wrist on the good arm, and Harry's face fell. He nodded slowly and gave a careful smile. They had Gym now, and Harry was over by the bleachers, now with Jasper besides him. "Are you certain? I don't like to think you hurt."

Jasper prided himself with being a gentleman, and Harry needed someone to make him happy. For all the emotions he got from his mate, were despair, longing, fear, pain and depression. His mate was depressed... No form of happiness... Not even when Jasper entered and he smiled. Was Harry faking happiness to get himself through the days without questions like the ones Jasper had asked. Why didn't the wolves sense his mates distress?!

Harry nodded and then Jasper was called onto the court and Gym class began. Harry tried to stay awake and watch it, but the sounds muffled together, and he felt his head grow heavy. He was passing out, likely from the drugs and the pain. His core had been relentless on him for the last week, and it didn't look like it would get any better, any time soon...

Flowers... Oh such beautiful flowers... The forest was green with grass and luscious trees and bushes. The animals had returned, birds whistling in the trees and the bunnies jumping along the grassy ground.

Wake up...

Looking around, Harry furrowed his brows in confusion. Why would he wake up from this beautiful scene? Oh these flowers were truly stunning... Lilies, he recalled them being called. Petunia had had a lot of them in her gardens. Harry recalled her telling Dudley once that they reminded her of her sister, after Dudley had wanted to destroy them and Petunia had cried and begged him not too. Since then, the flowers were left unscathed.

Wake up...

But these weren't... They were trampled and broken, and some of them were being coloured red, fading from their beautiful pearly white. The shine fading away as they died... The red painting the ground and colouring more and more of the lilies. They were cold, cold and alone. Surrounded by the last breath of summer wind. Summer... Wasn't it winter right now?

Wake up.

Harry spun around and gasped as something went through his coastal margin. Eyes wide, he stared up at a face, why couldn't he recall the features... They were familiar, but foreign at the same time. The feeling of something tearing inside of him as he stumbled back, falling onto the beautiful flowers, was odd and gravity defying, almost as if he was floating at the same time. And as he landed on the ground, it felt as if lava spread through his body, whilst his skin felt as if it was turning to ice, and Harry just stared up into the sky.

Wake up!

Harry blinked and was staring at the Lilies once more, furrowing his brows, he ripped his eyes away from the red and pearly white petals and looked a little ahead of himself. His eyes widening when he saw himself and the not so stranger, stranger together. Himself on the ground as the other just stared. The 'stranger' then turned their head towards Harry, but right before Harry saw who it was...


Harry jolted awake in his seat, breathing heavily as he looked around the room, forgetting where he was for a minute, and then closed his eyes, until a painful jab went through the Xyphoid area in his chest. And he bended over on the middle in pain


Jasper was flocked by his siblings and other classmates on the court, writhing on the ground in pain. "Call 911!" Someone called out. "NO!" Edward snapped and got down besides Jasper, who gasped for air, clutching a hand at his chest. "What the hell Jaz? What's going on with you?" Emmett asked, his eyes wide. He had wanted to talk to Jasper's mate again, but the kid was sleeping and then suddenly Jasper collapsed and let out a blood curdling scream.

"Mr. Cullen, your brother needs a physician!"

"I don't!" Jasper snapped out and let out another scream. Edward moved and was about to get up, when Jasper snatched him by the collar and thrusted him down. "Something is wrong!" He said and then let go, his back arching and another pained, teeth clenching groan, escaped his throat. Edward scanned his brother, and then turned his head towards a certain boy in a wheelchair, his eyes widened and he looked to Alice, nodding in Harry's direction.

Alice, Rosalie and Emmett all turned their heads and their eyes widened, seeing Harry rubbing his chest and his face contorted in pain. Jasper was sensing his pain, due to his gift, and possibly something else, because not even with his gift, should Jasper react like this. But how was it, that Harry wasn't the one writhing and screaming on the ground, when he was the human...?

"You go deal with him, we'll take care of Jaz." Emmett said and the two male vampires turned to their brother, whilst their mates hurried over to Harry just as he doubled over and Jasper let out another groan, sweat pouring off of him. Vampires don't produce sweat...

"He needs an ambulance and the Hospital, I do not care what you say-"

"Shut up!" Jasper barked and moved to get up. "I'm fine..." He spoke through clenched teeth and leaned heavily against Edward, who hoisted him to his feet, worry etched onto his features. "Jasper, you shouldn't be standing-"

"Oh don't you start-!" Jasper's protest was cut off by another groan, and he laid his head on Edward's shoulder. Edward eyed Emmett and then looked over at the girls, who were both helping Harry down some pain killers. Whatever the hell was going on with that kid, was a whole lot more than just a bummed leg and arm...

A/N: See you all in the next chapter, my lovelies! This wasn't too long a chapter, but I feel that it did what it needed to. Be ready for the rollercoaster ahead! Mwah! Remember to eat, sleep and stay plenty hydrated. Buh byeeeee!

-Author Cupcake<3

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