Chapter 4.

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A/N: I am SPEED! Here's another chapter my darlings! Have fun reading!

They made a road-trip out of it, deciding that if they were up to it, to stay in Seattle for the full day, show Harry around. It was amazing, and a long drive. Approximately two and a half hour drive to the town itself, not counting in the stops to see and explore in between, and then another half an hour drive from there to the destination; in all not counting traffic.

Jacob had handed Harry his phone, hoping that the boy may find something fun to do on the drive. What he hadn't expected, was for Harry to stare at it, as if he had never seen such an object before, and began to blow into it, with heavily furrowed brows.

Initially, Jacob had thought that Harry was messing with him, but when he turned the phone on, and Harry flinched, his eyes wide and surprised by the small contraption, he realised, Harry had never encountered a phone before... He knew they had them in England, he had seen plenty of them around... And Harry had used a phone-box right before his eyes to call up his relatives. Gosh, he had probably been abandoned there... Jared was right, they should have waited for him.

"Here, you can listen to some music." Jacob had showed Harry how to turn on the music that he could listen to, and had placed the ear-plugs in Harry's ears, watching the boy look around himself in confusion, as to what this may mean. Jacob chuckled and shook his head, taking out one of the plugs so Harry could hear him. "Alright, so in here you change songs, and you can do that as much as you want to, don't even think about that. Over here you turn the volume, that is how loud the song is, up and down. Over here you turn the phone on and off. If you have any questions, just ask." Having given Harry a wink, Jacob turned back around in his seat and watched as Harry inspected the plug, before putting it back into his ear.

Billy and Jasper both discussed school and other things whilst Harry listened to music. Of course Harry knew about music, he wasn't daft, he just never had something so fancy in his hands before. He only ever listened to what Dudley played on his loud speakers, and of course what the radio played, when he was doing his chores, and then when neighbourhood kids would play their music as well.

But to sit with this contraption and listen to his music... That was new. He could develop a taste of music... It was awesome! Soon though, he craved some in real life conversation, his mind running away with him a little too much. And so he stopped the music, taking out the ear-plugs and handing it over to Jacob, who took it with a smile, connecting the phone with an odd cable in the car, to which Harry furrowed his brows.

Noticing his cousins confusion, Jacob smiled. "It is recharging. You know what that is, yes?" He asked and Harry nodded. Yeah, Dudley's things had that too. "Should think you were stuck in the early 19'hundreds or something." Jacob laughed and turned back around. Harry looked confused again, but said nothing, and listened interestedly as Jacob spouted out facts about his special interests, and other completely random things, that Harry didn't think he would ever get to repeat.

"Here we are!" Billy interrupted his sons ramble, making Jacob hum and Harry flinch. Harry had been so wrapped up in Jacobs talking, the older teen having even crawled into the back seat to talk to Harry more closely. If they had arrived, that would mean Jacob had been talking for well over 30 minutes, since their last stop.

"Would you like us to walk in with you?" Jacob asked and Harry eyed the two, and then looked at the large white building. Well, it was white and important looking to him. To Muggles, they would feel withdrawn from even looking at the building, and if they did, it would be dark, gloomy and abandoned. Turning to the two men, Harry shook his head, making them incline their heads and stare after him, as Harry entered the building.

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