Chapter 9.

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A/N: Another chapter for my lovely readers. Hope you enjoy, mwuah!

Jacob eyed Harry, worriedly. He had been all too quiet, for too long, and that was saying something, considering Harry didn't talk. But ever since he was let outside last night, Harry hadn't said a peep... Or well, that wasn't true. He had woken from a nightmare, with a screaming that scared both him and Billy close to an early grave. Jacob had hurried into Harry's side, but the boy had just looked at him with wide and confused eyes, as if he didn't know where he was.

"Do you want me to take you inside?" Harry looked at Jacob and slowly shook his head. Jacob sighed and eyed his little brother/cousin. "Okay. I have something for you... I didn't want to give it for you for Christmas, due to all the other little ones around... And after that, well there wasn't really an opening." Harry furrowed his brows and watched as Jacob pulled something out from his jacket.

"It has mine and everyone who has a phone at the reservations, numbers in it. I put in some apps and created you some play-lists. You can of course still find some other songs if you don't like the ones I found for you, but I figured I would make it easy for you here in the start." Harry stared at the square that was placed into his hand. A phone, Harry realised, his own phone... "It isn't an expensive one, but it can do everything the newer models can. Now you can come into contact with us, so please, if you need me, dad or Sam to pick you up, at all, throughout the day. Text or call us, and we will be here as soon as we can. Alright?"

Harry sniffled and gave Jacob a small nod, not daring to look the older teen in the eye. Jacob smiled. "You're welcome, Harry. Now get in there, learn a lot of stuff so you can conquer the world." Harry gave a look of confusion, and then started to wheel inside. His wheel-chair was awesome. The boys had put a motor into it, due to him only having mobility in one arm, and that was barely, as he had to keep face with it being as useful as his broken one. So he just had to move a little joystick and then the chair would drive along. It was honestly amazing.


"Alright, so you have all of these options listed below, just cross out the one you want to major in at the end of this semester. You will be at a disadvantage with them all, considering you came in halfway through the year, but alas, you still have to participate." The lady said and shrugged. Harry eyed the sheet of paper and took the pen. Finding one, he hummed and crossed it out. The lady nodded and soon after handed Harry another sheet of paper, from one of the piles that laid before her.

"This is your schedule, it is made from what you just chose to major in." That explained the piles. "Your first class is English. Have a good one kid." Harry nodded and looked down at the paper, seeing his class-room he sighed and started to make his way down the hall, hoping that he wasn't going in the wrong direction.

Alone with his thoughts in the crowded hallway. All eyes were on him, but it was nothing Harry wasn't used to, and so he just ignored it and got into his class. "Ah, you must be Harry. Welcome to Forks high, kid." Harry looked up at the man and raised a brow, giving a short nod. "Take a seat over there." Apparently, due to his birthday, Harry was a grade higher up, meaning he was a Junior. He didn't really know what to feel about that...

Harry went to his table and noted that there was already a bag there, so he had a partner then...

"Hi! You must be the new kid! I'm Alice, Alice Cullen!" Harry raised his brows in surprise, he had heard that last name before, looking up from his own bag, he instantly realised why. Another one?! Gosh... How many blood suckers, Vegetarian or not, were there in this town!?

He nodded to the girl and then, at the same exact time and way as she did, he laid his head to the side. "You look like someone I have seen before..." She said and Harry gave a short hum. Who could that be? Another Black, or possibly a Potter relative? "Hm, never-mind, nothing comes up. Anyways! We're partners, yay!" She squealed and Harry gave her a small smile, nodding his head.

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