Chapter 18.

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It was a normal day, completely normal actually. Harry was sitting in his room, just relaxing as he softly sang underneath his breath, the door system working perfectly for him to be able to do that, without any fears. He had first gotten this song on his mind, when he arrived here in Forks, and the melody was quite catching, he just couldn't seem to shake it.

"Where the north wind meets the sea,
There's a river full of memory...
Sleep, my darling, safe and sound,
For in this river all is found...

In her waters, deep and true,
Lie the answers and a path for you...
Dive down deep into her sound,
But not too far or you'll be drowned...

Yes, she will sing to those who'll hear...~
And in her song, all magic flows...~
But can you brave what you most fear?~
Can you face what the river knows...?

Where the north wind meets the sea~
There's a mother full of memory~
Come, my darling, homeward bound...
When all is lost, then all is found..."

He remembered this song, as one his mother had sung for him when he was a baby... It was kind of like the memory of her scream, he only got it as a distant dream... And he was certain it was a baby and his mother, that were singing... But how could he remember something like that? Even from so long ago... Could he be picking up on others distant memories? Because it did not sound like a pureblood nor muggle like song... It sounded a whole lot more like a tribal lullaby.

Sighing, Harry glanced out of the window, until a loud and happy knocking occurred on the door, and it soon after swung open when permission was given.

Harry just stared at Jacob, as the larger male sat before him, the deepest of sighs that Harry had ever heard, leaving his mouth. Harry furrowed his brows and eyed the teen, cocking a brow. "Harry..." He said calmly and Harry blinked, expectantly. "Are you gay?"

Even though Harry didn't move or make a sound, Jacob wasn't fooled, he could hear how his heart rate spiked. "It's okay if you are... I just... I wanted you to know, that we are all with you, one hundred percent on this, if you are. None of us care, we just want you to be happy." Harry's heart was still pounding away, and Jacob worried if he had handled this the wrong way.

"You see... We saw how Jasper looked at you when we picked you up, after you guys hanged out the first time, and a lot of us just kind of wondered, if he was your boyfriend?"

Harry just about passed out from that question, but instead, Jacob was rewarded with a small whine, and a very embarrassed brother. Jacob sighed once more and took in the, honestly, kind of pathetic form of his younger brother. Harry had bright red ears, but his face was pale as snow, and his eyes were wide, tears welling up in them.

"Harry... You silly thing. Did you really expect any one of us to think of you differently because of it?" Harry sniffled and let out a confused whine, making Jacobs wolf claw at him, he wanted to console his little brother, but didn't know how... Apparently, his wolf did, was his wolf reacting to whatever Harry was, besides human? Was he some sort of other species?

"I just... I wanted to ask, before you went with Jasper today, again..." Harry would have likely heard the distaste, if he wasn't so wrapped up in his own mind. "I apologise for freaking you out."

Harry shook his head and gulped thickly, twiddling his thumbs, not looking at Jacob anymore. And then he nodded slowly. Jasper had tried to ask him two weeks ago, to be his boyfriend... But they had been interrupted before he got out the words, at least, the words Harry assumed them to be...

It would be their eighth date now... Jasper was taking him to the cinema to watch, something... All of this new age stuff was still odd to Harry, he of course knew what a movie was, but he had never been allowed to see such things, so he had never watched anything before, well, until he came to the Black household, that is. Jacob, Billy, Rachael and Rebecca held movie nights every Saturday, and even if he hadn't joined the first couple of times, slowly, they had found him peeking around the corner, watching with them from afar, now, he helped Rebecca make popcorn and would go with Jacob into town to fetch many different forms of snacks.

"So he... Is your boyfriend, then?" Jacob asked, smiling softly. He was happy for Harry, but didn't like how fast this was moving. Harry slowly shook his head, before shrugging his shoulders. "He hasn't asked you, then?"

Harry solemnly shook his head. "You want him too?" Harry didn't give an answer. Of course he wanted Jasper to ask him, but to admit it, was another case entirely. "Alright... I have something else I need to ask you..." Harry furrowed his brows and looked up, his eyes meeting Jacobs again.

"Harry... Are you in pain?" Harry stopped for a few seconds, not moving, nor speaking, just looking utterly confused, and quite deep in thought. "Physically, I mean... Right around here..." Jacob placed his hand, towards his own sternum, circling it around to show where he meant.

Humming, Harry shook his head. Jacob eyed Harry's face, and could see that the boy was lying, but he decided against prying anymore. "Alright. Well, since this is your eighth date with Jasper, it is my brotherly duty, to have the talk with you, albeit it being quite different than what I had expected." Harry furrowed his brows and watched as Jacob made himself comfortable on the bed besides him, Harry sitting cross legged besides the large body of his older brother.

"So when two people love one another, very very much." Jacob began, before being interrupted by Billy. "Harry, Jasper is here to pick you up." As Harry nodded and smiled softly, moving towards the front door to take on his shoes, Billy sent his son a glare, and Jacob grinned like he just won a huge prize, making Billy roll his eyes and head for the front door as well, hoping to hug his youngest son goodbye before the boy left.

"Be safe." Billy instructed, sitting outside, the snow was thawing, and flowers were blooming from the ground once more, it was a relief to everyone, most of all, the ones needing to use the roads, that always seemed way too slippery.

Harry eyed Billy curiously, clearly not understanding what the man meant. "No funny business... You get me?" Harry's eyes suddenly widened, and he blushed profusely, so much so that it was kind of comical. "I'm messing with you." Harry huffed and smiled softly, before nodding slowly, signalling that he did at least promise it.

Billy and Jacob watched Harry walk to where Jasper stood, the leech being watched by the many wolves, but if Jasper noticed, he didn't react nor care, and just embraced Harry when the boy skipped to him. "He's good enough, I suppose..." Billy grumbled and sighed deeply. "Of all of them, he's the one I dislike the most, mostly because of his restraint..." Billy huffed and Jacob nodded slowly. "But... On the other hand, he's the one who will understand Harry and Harry's boundaries the best, without Harry ever having to utter a word..."

"What about that, Edmund guy?" Billy sent his son a glance, he knew that Jacob knew all of their names like a mantra, all of his guys and girls did, but none of them wanted to actually say the correct ones. "Edward... Well, according to Carlisle, Edward can't read Harry's thoughts, so what good would his gift do in this case, hm?" And with that, Billy wheeled away.

Jacob was left wondering, if the only reason Jasper could tell Harry's feelings, was because of them being Mates, of if feelings truly did just, transfer better than anything else...

***If you haven't watched Lord of the Rings : Fellowship of the ring, there are a few minor spoilers in this next part.***

"I hope you like the movie." Jasper said with a small smile, and Harry looked at him with love filled eyes. "It is a replay of Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the ring. You have, seen that before, yes?" Harry lowered his eyes and blushed with embarrassment. "Well then, glad to be the one to introduce you to it then." Jasper grinned and held up two fingers to the Popcorn guy, signalling two Popcorn, even if he couldn't taste it, the experience of watching a movie, was just made better when Popcorn was involved, and especially, when Harry was with him.

"Esme planted some lillies some years ago, around this time, I think I have seen some peeking through the snow in the fields in the forest." Harry furrowed his brows and looked at Jasper in confusion. "I'll take you to see them some day... They're beautiful, almost as much as you..." Harry blushed even more and smiled some more.

He followed after Jasper, to where they were going to sit, holding their drinks as he held their snacks. Harry was starting to wonder, if Jasper was wasting money on buying stuff for himself, just for the image, or if he was actually enjoying eating with him, which was confusing, because everywhere that Harry had read about Vampires, Muggle and Magical alike, in the library back at the school, it said that Vampires could not taste food, and that it would be rather unpleasent for them to consume. Was Jasper in pain when they ate together?

"Here we are." Harry was shaken out of his thoughts as Jasper helped him lower into his seat. He had placed their popcorn on the seat besides himself, and had taken the drinks from Harry, placing them in the cup-holders. "You want to take off your jacket? The movie is almost four hours long, you might get too hot in this." Harry hummed and nodded slowly, slipping the jacket off of his arms, and placing it over his lap.

"If you have any questions..." Jasper said and Harry turned his head from the buttery popcorn, and slurped up some soda, looking at Jasper as he did. "Feel free to ask..." Jasper finished with a small smirk, and Harry gave him a look, rolling his eyes, before turning back to the popcorn with a chuckle, and shake of the head. Jasper grinned and threw some popcorn into his mouth, cardboard, was the immediate taste, but he didn't care, Harry was happy, he could tell, and that was all that mattered to him.

During the movie, Harry would lean into Jaspers side, and when things like, Frodo being stabbed and Bilbo going mad, happened, he would gasp and his eyes would widen, and Jasper? He sucked it all up, all of the hugs, all of the little squeaks, the way Harry would give him an incredulous look, as if to ask, if that could possibly be true, and when Jasper nodded, he would pout or grimace.

And when Gandalf fell, Harry just about threw his popcorns at the screen, making Jasper chuckle, and eye him with amazement, his mate was a little fire cracker, wasn't he?

"You okay, beautiful?" Jasper asked when the movie ended, and Harry was sitting with his jaw dropped and eyes up-giving. Harry's head spun around and Jasper noted how his voice strained, as if he was about to say something, but just barely caught himself, and Harry blushed bright red, letting out a huff. "I'm just messing with you." Jasper chuckled to himself and stood up, helping Harry up as well. Harry slipped on his jacket and felt Jaspers hand on his lower back, leading him out of the room, both of them dumping their trash in the cans, before heading out the door.

"I uhm... I actually wanted to ask you something, before we left." Jasper said, hauling Harry to the side from all of the people that were leaving, geeks and people on dates, it's a small town, so not that many were actually in there. "I just..." Jasper wetted his lips and cleared his throat, making Harry worry, his eyes portraying what Jasper could already tell due to his gift, and it made Jasper look at him. "Will you be my boyfriend?" Harry's eyes widened and a grin spread across his lips.

The feelings of relief, love and excitement spread through Harry, and Jasper caught them all, a bright smile right under the surface, as he awaited what Harry would say. Harry was quick to nod and Jasper grinned, pulling Harry into a hug, before pulling back and getting ready to kiss him. "Can I?" He barely remembered to ask for consent, and when Harry nodded, Jasper was instantly on him.


"Ooooo~ Someone's happy." Seth teased Harry as the boy entered the house. Harry blushed and sent Seth a glare, now everyone else were alert as well. All eyes were on him and for once, Harry didn't feel uncomfortable, he felt loved and taken care of, wanted... "What happened, pup?" Sam asked with a grin, crossing his arms.

If Jasper made that smile appear on Harry's face for all of eternity... Hell, that was something Sam had only dreamt of, for the last four or so months... For it to possibly be real, it was too good to be true, and for that, Jasper had all of his respect.

"Did he ask?" Jacob ask and Harry quickly nodded. "Yes! Did you say yes..?" Jacob quickly remembered to ask, just before fist bumping the air. Harry nodded again and Jacob laughed, bringing Harry into a big hug. "Hell yeah! Proud of you brother!"

"So, what I am getting from this, is that Jake was right, and Harry is out as gay?" Harry looked at Paul and raised a brow, as everyone nodded, awaiting his reaction. "Dammit! Now I owe Jake twenty bucks... Harry, couldn't you have waited another week to come out?"

Laughter filled the small house, and Harry could help but feel his heart healing, and when his eyes met Billy's proud ones, he could have just about burst into tears at the smile that his new father was wearing.

The crater that was forming in Harry's chest, wasn't slowing down, and the pain wasn't getting any better... But it was easier to lay aside and forget about it, with his family wrapping him in all of this acceptance and love.


"Albus Dumbledore... What ever did I do, to deserve this dishonour?..."

"Aro... Caius... Marcus..." Albus said, his jaw clenched as he eyed the three brothers, having visited without the rest of the group. "I have come to ask for a favour..."

Aro, Caius and Marcus all shared a glance with one another, their red eyes gleaming with mischief and hunger. If this turned out how they hoped, well... Magical blood did taste rather pleasant.


"I need your help to find and secure Harry Potter... If need be, Kill him."

Aro laughed. "Deal."

A/N: Damn, chapter 18, what's next? Chapter 19?! Well obviously... *Nervous chuckle* Anyways! What do you think of Dumbledore going to visit the brothers alone? Think the others have come to their senses or no? Well, we'll just have to wait and see. Take care of yourselves, and I will see you in the next chapter. :D
~Author Cupcake<3

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