Chapter 29.

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A/N: Last chapter guys... Gosh, this feels so odd. I hope you enjoy this chapter, and as always, I will see you at the end. Have fun.


"Have you found anything yet, Harry?" Hermione whispered and a small huff came a little further away. "Alrighty then..."

The large group of people arrived at Hogwarts, around twenty minutes ago. The students, saving Hermione and Harry, all went to their dorms to settle in for the night, whilst the Vampires, five wolves, Bill and the twins, were taken to the guest quarters. Jasper went with Harry and Hermione, after dropping off their things in the tower.

The only reason they were let inside, was because Hogwarts magical wards bended at the will of the powerful people trying to enter. It had been draining on their magical cores, but so far, it seemed that they had all gotten through unscathed and undetected.

"What exactly are we looking for?" Jasper questioned, holding the candle to the different books, eyeing them in confusion. "Shhhh..." Hermione shushed and Jasper sent her a look. "No ones awake-"

"No. But the books may wake up if you talk too loud..."

Jasper grimaced at that thought, but he did quiet down, and awaited Hermiones answer. "We are looking for stories about Harry's situation, and how to quicken the healing process, safely. Harry is the only one who can possibly give us information about what he means about Babalon and Letum."

"Those are Latin words, yes?"


There was no more discussion, and the search resumed, Hermiones eyes began to droop as the sun rose on the sky outside the windows, but the two Vampires continued. Just as she was about to fall asleep, two books were slammed down in front of her, by Harry, who also gave a jump of surprise, staring at the books as if though they had just fallen from the sky.

"Harry..." Hermione chastised lightly. Seemingly, Harry did have the capability to look sheepish, which, she guessed was a good sign. "Alright... You found them?" She asked and Harry nodded quickly. Sighing, Hermione looked at the two books, furrowing her brows. "We need Draco and Snape for this..." She grumbled, before passing out. Harry hummed and looked to Jasper in question, the blonde smiled softly and picked up Hermione, a blanket draped over her body, as he did so, causing him to give Harry a raised brow, and Harry smiled, picking up the books and wandering out the door.

As they walked, Harry carrying the books and Jasper carrying Hermione, the paintings whispered from their places on the walls. Word spread throughout Hogwarts, of two strangers, one of them carrying Hermione Granger.

Soon, students also began to pick up on it, and also gossiped among themselves. Breakfast was filled with all sorts of gossip, and the Professors just brushed it off, none of them able to hear what was being said anyways.

"When do you reckon Minerva and Severus will return?"

"As I have said the last many mornings, Poppy. I cannot possibly know that." Albus practically growled out at the woman, who felt her heart shatter impossibly more, hands trembling as she gripped around her utensils.

"Yes... Of course..."

All the Professors shared comfortable and quiet conversations all around the table, well, as comfortable as it could get, considering the circumstances. Pomona placing a comforting hand on Poppy's shoulder, the healer taking in a deep breath and giving the other woman a grateful smile.

And soon after, when the doors to the great hall swung open, many familiar faces showing themselves, silence instantly fell over the room.


Minerva and Severus sighed as they drank their tea, they could both feel the odd magic around them, and were certain, that so could Harry. But due to his incapability to talk, he couldn't really communicate it with them.

The two good friends, both gathered up their students and made their way to the great hall. "I'm so damned hungry..." Neville complained and pouted. Hermione sent him a glare and he luckily had enough survival instinct, to look guilty. "Sorry..." He squeaked and Hermione grimaced at him, huffing as she turned back to the path they were walking.

"Let us conduct the conversation, once we enter. None of you, utter a word, you hear me?" Severus said and eyed them all, his hands on the doors to push them open. They all inclined their heads, albeit a bit confused, and Ginny had to haul Hermione back, so the girl didn't face-plant.

Severus and Minerva walked as the front, the students filling in behind them, muttering and gasps echoed through the room, more gossip... Severus hummed and eyed the person sitting in the Headmaster chair, in front of them all.

"Well well well... Good of you all to finally return. We were starting to worry. Weren't we?" Sirius, Remus and Ronald all turned to the one that spoke, smiling and nodding. "Of course, headmaster." Remus said, but he sounded strained... His eyes almost glassy.

"Dumbledore..." Severus grumbled, his hands folded behind his back. "So." Albus said and sighed, folding his hands in front of himself, laying his head to the side. "I hear that you all found Mr. Potter... Is he well?"

Neither Minerva, nor Severus answered, making Sirius, Remus and Ron slowly turn to them. Why didn't they just say, Yes?

"Oh yes... That is true... His accident..."

"Accident my bloody ass..." Seamus seethed and Dean did quick work in restraining him, and holding him back. "YOU FUCKING KI-DBFIBFOUOODBE!" Dean's hand slapped over Seamus' mouth and he dragged him away from the situation.

"I, what?"

Minerva clenched his jaw. "You know, very well what you did, Albus... You do not need tired and grief written teenagers, to tell you that..."

Dumbledore sighed and shook his head. "It was for the best, Minerva, you know that as well as I. Harry was too powerful... It was only a matter of time that he would become the next dark lord." Minerva clenched her jaw and shrugged.

"I suppose you are correct..." She sighed and walked towards the large table. "But why?"

"Why what, old friend?"

Minerva and Dumbledore held one another's eyes for a long time, before Minerva turned to the students behind her and nodded. Draco bowed and turned around, walking out of the great hall.

"What is young Malfoy doing?" Dumbledore questioned, Minerva turning to him once more.

"You see, Albus... You thought you did something, back there... In that lily field." Dumbledore raised a brow. "But the thing is... You forgot to add in your little calculation, that some people, actually cared for him, actually wanted him... Magic, or no magic."

Dumbledore tripped uneasily on the spot and cleared his throat. "I do not know of what you speak, Minerva. I have done nothing..-" Draco had returned, but it was who walked besides him, that made Dumbledore stop breathing.

A small, pale, raven haired boy, with blood red eyes boring into Dumbledore's with emotions, that Dumbledore could not understand. He was even smaller now, than he had been before, and his skin had lost any and all colour, it may have had at some point, making him appear almost ghostlike.

"Harry..." People gasped all around the room, and Harry looked at them, giving small nods, before turning back to Dumbledore, wetting his lips and clearing his throat. "Edward..." Draco nodded to the vampire, who hummed and stepped up besides Harry, winking at him as he did so, Jasper standing behind Harry as some protective bodyguard.

Harry let down his shields and let Edward enter his mind, so the vampire could speak for him, it drained him to collect his shambled thoughts like this, but he needed to do this. For his own and his family's sake.

"Hello Albus..." Edward said and Dumbledore clenched his jaw.

"You're supposed to be dead..." He let it slip and Harry smiled.

"I know... For some reason, it seems that, that was never meant to happen..."

"But... How... I-"

"You killed me, yes. That is true... I was legally dead, but lucky for me, I have a mate who's a vampire."

"A mate?" Poppy asked, her voice portraying her shock.

"Hello Poppy. I have missed you." Harry smiled up at her, making her heart melt and she let out a soft sniffle. "Missed you too kiddo."

"How are you alive?!" Dumbledore was angry now.

Harry turned his attention back to Albus and wetted his lips, thinking about what to have Edward say.

"You see, Albus... I have been meeting death, like an old friend, many times, these last couple of years... So when the fates picked up, that you wished to kill me, I was prepared... I was given dreams and visions of what would happen." This had multiple people very interested. "So, when I was with the lilies again, alone, and a late summer breeze caressed my cheek... I was sure it was a dream, but I could speak aloud, which was how I knew, that it was my time... My time to die."

Albus crossed his arms and eyed Harry in confusion. "So when you showed up, I was ready... I knew the consequences, blowing up the universe and all that, it would have seriously damaged your plan, buddy."

To everyone else, it looked as if Harry didn't even move, but the next second, he was standing behind Albus, when Edward spoke again. "While you had your hand in my chest, squeezing the life force out of me, you and I had an interesting little talk... I sent that to Cornelius, as well as Argnork, the moment I felt your magic here... They should be arriving any minute now."

Albus fell into his seat. "But before then... My mate and brothers need to have some fun... Oh, and I do believe, you are overdue to deliver some blood to some of our friends in Italy, isn't that right?"

After Albus was dragged away by the wolves and Jasper, - who had first made sure that Harry was alright, and then gotten a kiss to the cheek, the first he had received since Harry had returned - kicking and screaming like a damned toddler, even trying to use magic to get away, but it was to no use... As he would have merely taken the many men with him.

Harry turned to the crowd of people and cleared his throat.

"I don't wish for this to draw out, so please, not too many questions..." Edward said and Harry walked back to his side in a normal pace.

"What the hell happened to you...? Why were you gone for so long?" Blaise asked, and then pointed to the door. "What is that, about Dumbledore killing you?"

Harry fidgeted nervously with his hands and wetted his lips. "Well... The thing is, a lot has happened over the last six months... Those people you saw drag away Albus, was some of my new family, that I live with in America... I was gone, because I was magically shunned from everyone here... No one wanted me, and therefore, I left to the people that did. Jacob, Jasper and Sam all saved my life, six months ago... If it wasn't for them, I would be dead and buried a long time ago... After enduring a muggle vampire attack just after Christmas. And Albus? Well, he tried to kill me about a month ago, succeeded too, but then Jasper bit me and his venom took a while to turn me... Meaning I woke up in my casket, six feet underground and had to dig my way out... Resulting in my brain not following completely, meaning I cannot form complete sentences and speak properly."

The silence was deafening, but Blaise sat down with a nod and seemed satisfied with the answers.

Cornelius, the Aurors and the Goblins all found a beaten up and rather bloodied Albus Dumbledore, in the courtyard, but they of course, saw nothing, and just took him in. There was enough evidence against the man to put him away for the rest of his pity-full existence. "Yo, dungeon bat dude." Jacob said, entering the great hall with some blood bags, grinning wickedly.

"You wouldn't know how to get these to Italy, would you?"


Harry stood in the warmth of the shadows, down by the lake, his mind straying far away, as he thought back to times, that were less peaceful than this one, and he found, that he did not wish to stay here... Hogwarts wasn't his home, it may have been a gateway to his actual home, but it wasn't his home home... His home, was with Billy and the boys, and now, also the Cullens...

Feeling something being draped around his shoulders, Harry flinched at first, until he recognised the scent of his mate and calmed into it. "One of your old friends said you may want this back." Jasper spoke gentle and Harry hummed, looking at what he had put over his shoulders.

His eyes widened at the sight. It was the red cape, that his mother had left for him. But it was fixed, no sign of that night remained on the fabric... Venom tears filled his eyes as he wrapped it around himself, Jasper pulled the hood up and grinned.

Harry looked into his honey-comb coloured eyes and smiled, before pulling him into a soft kiss. Jasper held Harry close and when they pulled apart, placed his forehead to Harry's, whispering softly to him.

"My Little Red..."

A/N: That was it guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and this story. And I really hope to be seeing you all in Part 2 of this story! Where we will close a whole lot of plotholes. Jasper will get his revenge on Amun, we will get to know some more about this Princess of Volterra and... We will dive deeper into Harry's life with the vampires and the wolves. Of course, the Letum and Babalon adventure also continues. I hope to be seeing you then. I will give an announcement when the first chapter is out, I promise. Take care and stay safe my Cupcakes.
~Author Cupcake<3

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