Chapter 11.

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"Well, it is lovely to have you finally join us here, Mr. Black." Their music teacher, Mrs. Truman, said and Harry nodded to her. "Since you are joining so late in the year... I'm afraid I don't have anything for you in the band rehearsal. But! You can do something solo, that just also means you have to preform alone at your exam, which is in front of the whole school." Harry's eyes widened and he stared up at the woman. He picked this because he figured it would be easy, but to preform in front of the whole school... Alone!? Shit...

"And I only have one open slot for that as well. Singing. So, what you gonna say Mr. Black?"

"He doesn't like to talk much." Jessica said and everyone looked at her. She stepped up from the back of the crowd, eyeing the kid in front of her. She was seventeen, he was only fifteen, he had no business in their class, but somehow, his marks and stuff were so good, and his birthday was at an odd time of the year, that he was up a grade. "But I know his cousin, Jacob, and he said that Harry will be happy with anything you put him into." Harry eyed the girl and furrowed his brows.

"But if he doesn't like to talk-" Eric tried, but Jessica sent him a sharp glare. She was going to get top grade for her performance, if this kid was put on a singing role by the teacher. "He loves to sing. He just isn't a big fan of talking. Isn't that right, puppy?" Jessica asked, turning back to Harry, who was staring up at her, cursing her so much, that Jessica should be very very happy, he didn't have magic anymore, for she would be nothing but a smear on the wall if he had.

"Very well, thank you Jessica for looking out for your friend." Mrs. Truman said and looked to Harry, there was a gleam in her eyes, that Harry caught, which told him, she knew it wasn't a bag-handed compliment to the girl. "Well Mr. Black, you can see the others rehearse and try some different instruments, but you will have to rehearse on your own time, I'm afraid..." Harry clenched his jaw and inclined his head at the woman, who sent him a comforting smile, before wheeling over to the corner and picking up an excess electric guitar. Seth had one of these and had taught him over the weekends. Putting it in, Harry leaned back in his chair, moving his good leg over his bad one and started to play on it.

Mrs. Truman stared at the kid, he sat in the corner of the room, back turned to them, and was just jamming on the electrical guitar. Should she change her mind and change this kid out with Mike..? He was horrible... Nah, she wanted Mike to screw up in front of the whole school, it would give her special satisfaction.

"Alright. Harry, can you hear me?" Harry nodded and Mrs. Truman smiled, she hoped he would pick her class next year as well, the kid clearly had a talent. "I have finally gotten finals date for our class. It will be the June 10th, yes a bit late, but that is due to the many other exams that you will all be facing before that. Now, Jessica's group, you're up first." 

Harry was handed some headphones by Mrs. Truman. "Put this in the loudspeaker, and instead of it playing into the room, it'll play into here, that way you can try some different things, without any of us hearing it." Harry eyed her and then nodded, doing as asked. In doing so, he blocked out Jessica's horrendous' voice, which many envied him for, and he could tune and make the guitar sound exactly like he wanted it to.


"Mr. Black." Harry raised his head and cocked a brow at his Maths substitute. "I sense that you are struggling with mathematics, is that correct of me to assume?" Harry hummed and nodded slowly. The substitute teacher wetted his lips and nodded. "Well, we must find you a tutor then." He said and gave a comforting smile, leaning against the spot where Amelia had previously been sitting, eyeing the boy in the wheelchair

Harry raised his brows. He may be oblivious, but he wasn't stupid... And he wasn't ignorant like he had been before the attack on him in the park, he was overly aware of everything now... "I'll happily tutor you, just come by here after school, and I will be happy to-"

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