Chapter 7.

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A/N: Another chapter out! Hope you enjoy it<3

Jasper looked at the Beauty at the edge of the water. They were crying, it wasn't just the soft sobs or little tears, it was heavy and sounded almost painful. It was confusing him why this beautiful human would be so saddened, but alas, Jasper didn't know what to do. He wanted to hold them and protect them, never let them go...

But a question loomed in the back of his mind... Had the wolves hurt his beautiful? Seeing red for a moment, Jasper let out a low growl, until he noticed that beauty take off their glove and saw the skin underneath. Frost bite...

It was a long winter this year, longer than anyone in Forks had tried before. Usually it just rained, but it just continued to snow and thick mounds of pearly white snow laid on the ground.

Against the better reasoning of his brain, Jasper stepped forwards, allowing himself to be seen by the other. Their hand was looking horrible... Blackened tips of their fingers, red blisters and bruises all around, and the blackening was moving further down their hand. "You should get that looked at..." Jasper spoke gently, and he feared that the beauty hadn't heard him, for he would likely not have the courage to speak again. But then he flinched and flung back, eyes wide and worried as they stared up at the face of the one in front of them.

Jasper sensed fear, horror, recognition and pain from the beauty, before it had just been pain and sorrow. "I'm sorry. It wasn't my intention to frighten you..." Jasper said, giving a careful smile as he lowered himself onto a stone on his side of the creek, directly opposite of Harry. He then gestured to Harry's hand. "You know, my dad is a doctor, and as far as I can tell, that is going to get infected."

Harry looked down at his hand and winced as he tried to close his fist, but found that he couldn't. Jasper hummed softly and shrugged. "I don't know about you, but I would rather live with one hand, than not live at all." Harry's eyes widened as he stared at Jasper in shock. Realising his mistake, Jasper winced. "Not that I'm saying you'll lose you hand! But, you will if you don't get it checked out soon..." Harry let out a little squeak and quickly stood up, putting the glove onto his shaking hand, making a move to leave.

"Wait! No... I'm sorry, I... I have been told I can come off as a bit factual... I didn't mean to be so direct..."

Harry froze and just stood there, his back to the vampire. Yes, he recognised the creature by its eyes. Large amber eyes, a vegetarian vampire, Remus had taught them all about them in third year. The thought of the man sent a wave of sadness through Harry, which Jasper caught and he grimaced. It hurt him that he had pained his beautiful, he hadn't meant to...

"My name is Jasper... Jasper Cullen." He said, in hopes of getting the beautiful to look at him again. "I live with my family, here in the woods, back here." He turned and pointed in the direction, turning his head again, he saw that the beautiful was looking at him and eyeing the direction that Jasper was pointing.

Harry had never gone that far, he hadn't wished to cross the stream in fear of slipping on the icy rocks and getting into an accident. He thought these woods to be so truly magnificent and beautiful... He wished nothing more than to explore every last bit of them, he felt more whole when wandering the woods, than any other place in Forks, even if the tribe was helping a lot as well, something was pulling him here, filling the crater in his chest, with something better, than magic.

"Hi..." Jasper said softly and gave a cute wave, standing on his own two feet again. Harry couldn't help but smile and give a small wave back at him, before looking around and humming, he turned his whole body towards Jasper, eyeing him calculatingly. "You're new around here, aren't you?" Harry hummed and gave a short nod. "You live at the reservation?" Harry nodded once again and Jasper grinned, a small chuckle leaving his lips.

"Not much of a talker, are you?" Harry shook his head and gave a small chuckle as well. Making Jasper chuckle as well. It felt amazing to laugh with the beauty in front of him... Oh how he wished to spend forever, wrapped up in their embrace- Okay, hold up buddy!

Harry knew he should feel scared of the vampires, given what had happened, but that vampire had had red eyes... Memories of someone holding him after the attack, flooded to his brain, making Harry furrow his brows. A cold sensation spread around him on his skin, and he shivered. Suddenly, he knew that meant that someone had found him before he woke up and had left on his own... Likely another vampire that took him for being dead and left him, he couldn't blame them, but that kind of hurt more than the first one just leaving him to die...

"I don't mind. I usually don't like talking either... Mostly because everyone in my family loves to." Harry chuckled again and nodded, jerking his head towards the reservation. "Oh, the tribal guys are no better, then?" Harry shook his head, his eyes widening at the understatement, making Jasper let out a laugh and turn to the stream that separated them, and they were just far enough away from one another, along with the hard wind that went through here, that Jasper wasn't able to scent the other teen, no matter how much he wished too.

And somehow, he knew that they smelled like the woods... Pine and mint, along with the scent of old books, an odd buttery liquor and hot cocoa, not to forget, power. There was something majestically powerful about his beautiful. The smell of wolf, was obvious though, as it lingered in the air already.

"What's your name?" Jasper asked, he knew it was Harry, but his beauty didn't need to know this. The boy just chuckled and shook his head, whilst walking backwards into the woods. "Will I see you tomorrow?!" Jasper called out, and he was rewarded with a glance over the shoulder, before the boy was gone, amongst the tight growth of bushes and trees.


Edward snickered when Jasper entered the Cullen home, a goofy half smile on his face and his eyes bright with life that none of them had seen, ever, on him. "What's up lover boy? Did you see your beautiful again?" Jasper's happiness turned into a scowl as he glared at them all. "You're all horrible..." He grumbled and stalked to his room. "Oh ho ho ho ho! No you don't!" Edward laughed, gripping Jaspers arm.

"You talked to the kid!"

Emmett did quick work in abandoning his game, as he hurried to his feet. "Did I hear those words correctly? You talked to your beautiful?" He teased and swooned mockingly, making Jasper send them both nasty looks. Carlisle smiled fondly as he watched them tease one another, Jasper getting his hair ruffled in a headlock by Emmett.

"So, when will we see her?" Rosalie asked, she may not be fond of the wolves, nor the humans, but this was the first time since the trip that Jasper had been glowing, and besides, Alice did say that Jaspers mate was alive, which meant the kid was a vampire, and they would have to find him soon enough, which would mean another trip to England! Which meant more Shopping!

Edward grinned wickedly as Jasper practically blushed. "It's a he thank you very much. And you will never see him, because you will ruin his innocence in a heartbeat."

"Innocence!" Emmett howled with laughter. "How old is the kid!?"

"No older than 16, I would think." Jasper said and shrugged. "He likely goes to the school at the reservation, which is why we still haven't see him." Alice giggled and skipped over to Jasper, hugging him close. "I'm happy you're making friends... I can't wait to meet him one day." Jasper huffed and rolled his eyes at them all. "I don't think the wolves will allow that, but thanks."

"Sooooo~" Emmett wiggled his brows. "Mate is a guy, beautiful is a guy-"

"Shut up." Jasper barked and went to his room, tuning out the booming laughter from Emmett. Edward looked at Jaspers closed door and smiled softly. He knew that the boy at the reservation was the boy from England, but Jasper needed to figure that out on his own...

"Yes?" Eyes snapped towards Carlisle, and Edward furrowed his brows. "Billy- What are you- Alright alright, calm down... I'll be there in a few minutes." Carlisle hung up and furrowed his brows. "The new kid had some sort of accident, Billy doesn't want anyone other than me to check on him..." Edward hummed and they all watched Carlisle hurry out of there and go to the Hospital.

***My little Red***

Harry hummed, a small smile on his lips as he walked through the forest and back towards the reservation, his mind deep in thought. So deep in thought, he didn't notice the icy stone that he was about to step on, so deep in thought, that when he slipped, he didn't register it until he was on the way down... So deep in thought, he hadn't been aware how close to the cliff of the great La Push he really was...


Jacob was dancing in the kitchen, listening to music whilst making himself a sandwich. Harry had been in the forest since early that morning, and it was now 2PM, everyone worried of course, but it had become the norm that Harry would be out there for longer and longer periods of time, especially after Sam's outburst at the party. Harry had closed himself in his room for days after that, just for them all to find out that he had gotten out the window frequently, and left for the forest on multiple occasions.

Sam had tried to talk to the boy, but Harry had been avoiding him like the plague, he had honestly been avoiding most of them ever since that day. No one really cared that he was the most important person in the world, or whatever, not the fact that he had such important ties with many very important people, but they worried for him, and his mentality.

So when Harry came in through the door, Jacob shouted out to him. "Welcome home cuz! Want me to make you a sand-" Being cut off from Harry's door slamming closed, Jacob furrowed his brows. What the hell? Harry hated loud sounds, especially doors slamming... Shutting off his music, Jacob abandoned his food and went for Harry's room. "Harry?" He asked with worry and softly knocked on the door, when nothing collided with the door he hummed and opened it.

His eyes widened when he saw Harry slumped against the door. He knew Harry would never slam it closed! "Harry?!" Jacob looked around and cursed under his breath. "Stay there!" Idiot... He softly closed the door again and ran outside where he knew that the others would be tumbling on the ground. "SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH HARRY!" He shouted just as he sprinted out the door, almost face-planting on the snow covered gravel, and instantly everyone stopped laughing and having fun.

"Jake, what do you mean?" Billy called and felt worry clench around his heart.

"He isn't moving and he's just laying on the floor! I don't know what happened!" Sam, Rebecca, Rachael, Paul and Seth all ran with Jacob back inside. Billy on the other hand, hurried to the car and got it started, knowing within his heart, that they would need to get Harry to the hospital, as soon as possible.

"Careful, he's up against the door." Jacob said as Sam was about to thrust the door open. The alpha gave a curt nod and gently opened the door, letting Rebecca slip inside as she was the smallest, so she could move Harry and let them in. She did so and Sam was by Harry's side in a split second.

He had never, actually been angry with the child, he had just been overwhelmed that he now had access to a whole 'nother life... And to have his youngest and most fragile pack member, do so much for them all, it was a lot at one time, he knew that he acted idiotic, and Harry had been scared of him ever since, felt him to be unpredictable... He could smell it on him...

If it was his fault that Harry had gotten hurt, he wouldn't be able to forgive himself.

"Harry? Harry do you hear me?" Rachael sighed and turned Harry onto his back, they all winced at the large gash that cut through his pant leg, blood seeping through a gash in his thigh, another cut through his jacket, it wasn't as deep, but it was there and he had lost his glove as well. He was dirty too... Muddy and wet.

"Oh god..." Seth groaned and looked at Harry covered in scratches, bruises, larger wounds all around him, some that would likely require stitches. What the hell had happened?

"We need to get him to the hospital." Sam barked and gently started to pick up Harry, but the blood curdling scream that the kid let out, pierced all of their ears and hearts, his face contorted in agonising pain. "His back?" Paul questioned and Sam cursed under his breath. "I'm sorry Harry, but we have to get you to the truck..." Rebecca placed a hand on Sam's shoulder when he moved to take Harry into his arms. "If he has somehow damaged his spine, moving him could lead to irreversible damage. We have to find something solid and flat to put him on."

Sam sent out Paul and Seth to fetch something that they could use, and they all tried to stabilise Harry on the ground. "If he wakes up to strangers touching him..." Jacob said and Sam glanced at him. He had thought of that as well, and it irked him that Jacob was right. "But what should we do? No healer here at the reservation can properly stitch this together..." Jacob sighed and raised his brows. "Oh you have got to be joking. Him!?" Jacob shrugged, making Sam grumble something beneath his breath, that they should all be glad that they couldn't understand.


Sitting in the room with Harry at the hospital, was Billy, Jared, Paul, Seth, Jacob and Sam, it was allowed, but only because Carlisle had said it was. Carlisle had arrived some ten or fifteen minutes ago, and was doing a quick check of Harry's vitals, before beginning to take off the clothes the boy was wearing.

"Do not touch his skin with your hands. You hear me?" Sam grumbled and Carlisle glanced over at their group, giving a quick nod when he saw there was no anger in Sam's eyes, only worry and grief.

Carlisle got Harry's clothes off, leaving Harry in only his boxers, and he began to search his body of the various injuries. His eyes widened momentarily at the sight of the many fang wounds. It began to make sense why Billy had requested him there... And that odd darkening spot on the child's chest... What the hell...? "It doesn't seem like his spine has taken any damage. But I am worried about the deepening of these bruises... And he seems to have frost-bite on his hand, it is at least two weeks old." This made everyone worried to hear. Frost bite wasn't good, and it had to be seen to quickly, if one did not wish to lose a limb.

"I have to stitch him up and the hand needs to be put in warm water, in hopes of softening the skin and muscles... I can't tell if there is already infection in it-"

"Smell it. Does it smell infectious?" Billy asked, he knew they were all on edge with Carlisle being this close to their fragile friend, son and brother. Carlisle sighed and leaned closer to the hand, inspecting it closer. "It is slight, but if we hadn't gotten to it now, it would have been too late." Carlisle looked at Sam and sighed. "I have to touch him, I can't treat him otherwise." Sam grumbled something under his breath once more, but he nodded.

"Before you do, you need to know something." Billy said, cutting Sam's grumbling off and Carlisle raised an expecting brow. "Harry was abused as a child, and about a month ago, he was attacked and sexually assaulted, by one of your red diet, friends." Carlisle felt his blood run cold, and his head snapped towards the kid.

Billy continued to talk but it fell on deaf ears, whilst the wolves all straightened their backs ever so slowly, heads cocking slightly to the side, eyes narrowing as they stared at the leech.

Carlisle heard only the sound of rushing water at his ears, almost as if a static TV was on and shouted out white noise. This was Jaspers mate... The kid that him and Edward had tried to find in the park... The kid they had thought to be dead, but then Alice's vision confirmed that he wasn't, and so their suspicion went to the Vampire that had initially attacked him, that he had kidnapped the kid. So how the hell was he with the wolves?!

Well, the kid was remarkably beautiful, more so than Carlisle had seen in any normal human, and if you pushed aside the smell of his blood, which was enchanting by the way, and the smell of the infections and cold seeping through his body... There was an odd hint of something powerful, and otherworldly...


Snapping out of his staring, Carlisle's head turned so quickly, that if he had been human he had likely snapped something in his neck. "What's your problem with my son?" Billy asked, and Carlisle noted the warning growls from the wolves and cleared his throat, turning back to Harry he found his hands shaking as he was preparing the disinfection, needle and thread. Then he went and got some water packets that would help keep Harry's body warm as he stitched him up, and would help with his hand.

"Carlisle... What aren't you telling us?" Jacob grumbled and held Sam down, he himself rising to his feet. Wetting his lips as he sat down in his chair, finally ready to stitch Harry's leg up, Carlisle answered.

"We were in England, the same time as you all were... Jasper witnessed an attack." All of the wolves raised their brows. "He went feral and-"

"Did your son, rape my kid..." Billy's voice was low and threatening. Carlisle sighed and looked at them all, hearing Sam growling even louder. "No. He didn't." This seemed to ease them all a bit.

"Jasper attacked the other vampire, if it wasn't for him, Harry would likely be nothing more than a pile of meat and bones now. When Jasper returned, Harry was gone, and he had lost the other vampire." He spun the truth a bit, but three hundred years, gave one plenty of time to perfect lying. "He came home and told us what had happened. Me and Edward went and tried to find Harry, but he was no where to be found, so we assumed that the kid was taken by the other vampire."

Billy wetted his lips and nodded slowly. "Tell your son, thank you... Harry is my cousins nephew, and I wish I could tell you I am a fan of my cousin, but he turned his back on Harry after the attack, and his husband hit Harry in the face..." Carlisle grimaced, he hated abuse, there was no need for it, it wasn't necessary... It was a hard and unkind thing, that would lead to years of trauma healing for the children or victims...

Carlisle focused back on the leg wound, using cotton swaps with disinfectant on it, to clean the wound as he stitched it up. 

"As I said before, I don't think there will be any damage to Harry's back, that won't go away in a few days, but I would like for him to not exhaust himself as he heals up, so I will propose a wheelchair. It should be accommodated at the reservation, given-" Carlisle glanced to Billy, who hummed and nodded. "And his leg... I will have to do some X-rays, but I don't think it is broken, possibly just a sprain. His arm is most certainly broken, and his other shoulder is dislocated, which is likely why it hurt him when you tried to move him without the board. He has scratches all down his back and torso, so I gather he may have fallen from somewhere high..." 

"How high?" Sam grumbled and eyed Paul, who nodded, he and some of the other guys would find out what had happened. "How high is the cliff side at La Push?" Carlisle asked, tying the final knot on a stitch. "You don't think..." Seth whispered and Carlisle glanced at him.

"That it was on purpose? No." Carlisle took Harry's healthy hand and showed the dirt under his nails. "He tried to cling onto the edge, but he must have hung there for a while, and eventually slipped." Breaths of relief went through the group and Carlisle smiled softly, putting Harry's hand back down, it was the same shoulder that was dislocated. It was very obvious that Harry was a loved child, at least now that he was with the tribe, that is.

"Anything else...?" Billy asked, almost afraid of the answer. Carlisle wetted his lips as he moved to the gash on Harry's torso, trying his hardest to not look at the fang wounds... They were different sizes. But there was fewer of one size, which was likely Jaspers, he didn't have as large a bite, as the other one seemed to have. He knew this would likely dig him an early grave, but he was really curious... And even though his curiosity didn't usually get to play him along, it did in this moment.

"Do you not smell it?" Carlisle questioned and they all raised a brow at him. "Smell what?"

"He smells odd... Powerful, but..." Carlisle shook his head and sighed. "I can't explain it. He smells literally amazing. I have never been this drawn to a humans blood before, it is almost as if it is enchanting-"

"Carlisle..." Jacob warned and Carlisle looked at him, raising a brow. "Calm down. I am not going to bite him... I am merely stating a fact. Harry smells of... Creature."

"He's a normal human boy, Carlisle. There is no more creature in him, than Charlie Swan." Carlisle had to give Billy that, Charlie was probably the most human human, Carlisle had ever encountered.

After Harry was bandaged and his shoulder was relocated, they took an X-ray of the boys leg. Humming, Carlisle inspected the imaging as they sat in the room. Harry was still out cold, but Carlisle couldn't understand how this was possible.

"What now?" Billy asked, sitting on the opposite side of the bed, holding Harry's hand in his own. Harry was starting school in just a few short days, it would be odd to not have him wander the woods at all odd hours at the day.

Carlisle looked up from the imaging at the man and sighed. "Something is interfering with the imaging. It can just be the old equipment, but..." Carlisle shook his head sighing once more. "I don't think it is broken, but to be on the safe side, have him stay off the bad leg for six weeks." Nodding Billy eyed the imaging.

Had Carlisle been right? Was there some off form of Creature in Harry...? If there was wolf blood in the other Blacks, his cousin, Harry's Uncle, would that mean Harry also had the gene? But then again, wolves could get X-rays with no issue, other than quick healing, but it didn't create that flash in the image, which could be seen on Harry's.

"His hand will be just fine..." Carlisle muttered, taking the hand from the hot water and carefully drying it in a towel, before wrapping it. "Just ask him to not dip the hand into the ice cold water, again." Billy furrowed his brows and Carlisle chuckled. "Small confession... Jasper saw him save a Fox and has been fascinated with him ever since. He doesn't know Harry is the kid he saved from the park in England, but he finds him..." Carlisle narrowed his eyes. Harry was the kid in England, meaning he was Jasper's mate... "Curious." Carlisle came to the conclusion of that being a proper way of describing how Jasper feels about Harry.

"He better stop feeling so curious. Harry isn't interested in beings like you."

"Does he know, of Creatures like us?"

Billy's mouth began a thin line and Carlisle hummed. "You haven't told him..."

"Of course I haven't! How would you tell someone of that? What if he doesn't want anything to do with us, thinks of us as freaks...? I wouldn't be able to bear that, he's my son, Carlisle."

Carlisle wetted his lips and gave Billy a soft smile. "I have a feeling, that Harry wouldn't do that..."

"You don't know him Carlisle. Hell, I barely know him. But he practically signed adoption papers and gave them to me as a Christmas gift." Carlisle stood up and took off his gloves. As he was washing his hands, he listened to what Billy was saying. "The boy wishes for nothing more than a family, and he feels that he finally has one. Who am I to ruin his vision, by telling him that he chose a pack of wolves as his family? He will think us insane."

Carlisle dried his hands and nodded slowly. "Don't you think you just contradicted your own beliefs there?" Carlisle asked, raising a brow at Billy, who eyed him suspiciously. "You say you don't know him, and fear he will think you insane if you tell him this big big secret..." Carlisle rested his hand on the handle of the door, his other hand in his pocket. "But then you say that he wishes for nothing more, than a family... After his history of abuse, that is a reasonable wish to want, as a child..." Carlisle shrugged his shoulders, opening the door. "And yet, even though he went out of his way to sign you adoption papers, making you a stranger, his guardian, you do not seem to trust him with this secret of yours, which is actually not that big..." Billy furrowed his brows and his eyes went to Harry's still form on the bed.

"So if he chose to believe in you, trusting that you wouldn't hurt him like his past relatives had done. Don't you think, he at the very least, deserves the benefit of the doubt, when it comes to this?"

And with that, Carlisle left. He knew for sure, that he could not tell Jasper about what he had found out, Jasper would have to figure that out on his own, but he needed to talk to Edward about keeping things like this from him. The boy was too smart to not have caught onto this.

A/N: Another long chapter for my sweets. Hope you enjoyed yet another chapter! Until next time, tootles!
~Author Cupcake<3

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