Chapter 3.

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A/N: Just a little warning, from here on out, the timeline- Well, I lost track of any sort of timeline, pretty quickly, but this whole book is spanning over six months, just so you know! So from chapter 1 to chapter ** it will have been six months. Have fun reading!

Harry looked around on all of the trees that surrounded him. He had been with the Blacks for a little over a week now, and it was his first time leaving the house unsupervised, he had decided to finally venture into the woods. It had been a long time in the making, due to the whole healing thing, from that night, and Jacob was seriously protective, as was Sam and the others from the pack... Okay, so everyone were really protective of Harry, and the poor teen, thought it to be very weird.

Often, Harry would ponder about why they were all so protective of him, even the guys that had barely said three words to him. It was the middle of January now, and Billy wanted him to start at Forks High coming February. Harry was glad that Billy hadn't made him join whilst the hand-print around his mouth was still very visible... Of course, it was still pretty prominent against his pearly white skin, and there was no saying how long it would take to fade out, but so far, only the red blistering had faded away, and the fang wounds were closing up.

Due to him being a wizard, he healed faster than normal Muggles, so it was obvious that it would take a while, but not exceptionally long, to get better again. The bruising was now just purple, green and yellow, it wasn't a good look, and unfortunately the mask that Rebecca had offered him, made his anxiety bad, by feeling tightening around his nose and mouth, she understood completely, which he was grateful for... But it was still difficult to now roam around with the bruises so visible.


Sighing, Jasper sunk back against the tree. He had been feeling hopeless ever since England, and he knew his family meant well when they wanted to hold and help him, but honestly, he just wanted to be alone... He had been part in killing his own mate... How could he have been so stupid?!

Fist making contact with the tree, he let out a pained sob. Ever since the loss of his other half, Jasper had been able to cry, and many other humane things were happening, yet none of it had done any good to air him in his sorrows. Because as the fates would have it, just to punish him, it was his mates blood that he was crying out, fat red streaks moving down his cheeks. Still, only Edward knew what he had done... What kind of monster he was... The memories paining him every time they resurfaced.

How he watched his mate be taken by the other vampire, for how long, he doesn't recall... Before he ran over and got the vampire off of him. He still faintly recalled the other vampires scent, and how familiar it felt to him... But then he returned to the crumbled up body of the child, and everything is a bit fussy, but he remembers how the godly liquid entered his mouth, and how he held the small body of his mate, in his arms... The child's emotions running all over the place. For the kid felt safe in his arms, but pained by his power and actions.

He had left bruises around his neck and shoulders... Even if Jasper had taken care of him, he knew that the kid had been hurt by him. He had hurt and killed his mate... If he hadn't taken more of his blood, if he had just taken him to Carlisle, gotten him the help that he needed... He could have been with his mate for almost three weeks now! Maybe they would have even mated...

Sniffing, Jasper turned to the stream and dunk his hands in the icy water, before washing his face with it. Eyes widening at the sound of someone approaching, Jasper hurried to hide behind one of the trees, so far he had managed to hide the red in his eyes from his family, but the wolves would instantly know...

Twigs cracked and the snow was crunching under the persons feet. Jasper sniffed, the scent was familiar, but they reeked of the wolves too much for him to identify it. Glancing at them from behind the tree, Jasper raised his brows in surprise at seeing a small boy.

He had never seen such beauty before... The boy was small, very small, wouldn't reach no higher than to right below his shoulders. He was wearing a thick scarf and a hat, half of his face was hidden in said scarf, his breath was visible in the cold air, seeping out through a gap in the folds, his cheeks red from the wind. And those big emerald green eyes...

He smelled of the wolves, but it was quite obvious he himself wasn't one of them. Had they gotten a new kid at the reservation? Hadn't they told them about the treaty? The kid was on their territory...

Continuing to look at the boy from behind the tree, Jasper watched as they stopped walking and scanned the area, calculating eyes brushed closer to where he stood and Jasper was glad that he had chosen a blind spot... He wouldn't want to miss out looking at this beautiful creature. There was no way they were fully human, no human was this beautiful.

The beauty hummed softly, after seeing and sensing no other living thing in the woods around him, he sat down onto a rock, his jacket ensuring he wasn't making contact with the stone. Looking at the stream, smiling softly, he moved his face out of. Jasper felt all air be punched out of him, the sight of the bruises and the sad frown on the boys face, made his heart clench uncomfortably.

Watching as the beauty, as Jasper decided to call them, still not knowing their name, bent down and pick up some of the snow in his gloved hand, the beauty let out a soft chuckle, glancing around once more, before blowing on the snow and Jasper watched it melt into a puddle in the boys hand. A sad hum left his throat and Jasper furrowed his brows, inching closer to get a better look, still hiding behind the trees. "I'm sorry..." He heard the boy whisper and he watched him closely, not understanding what was going on, or who the kid was talking to.

Jasper felt grief and sorrow rolling off of the boy, and he watched as the... Ice? - how was there ice, in his hand, when there had previously just been a puddle of water? - got smashed under his fist. "I hate you..." He heard the beauty whisper, his voice hoarse and strained, tight with tears that weren't allowed to fall.

"Harry!" Jasper had been just about to jump over the stream and comfort him, when Paul and Jared from the reservation came out from the woods, calling for the boy. "Harry! Harry! Get back here!" The beauty, now known as Harry, stood up and looked up at where the boys stood, they were right on the edge. Jasper begged them to pass over, it would give him the right to shred them. "Harry! Come on buddy! It's bonfire night, and Jake wants to take you to get the marshmallows and chocolates!"

The beauty, Harry, gave a soft smile and glanced around, his eyes stopping at the tree that Jasper was hiding behind, his eyes shone with pain and grief, but also curiosity, as his brows contracted, and Jasper swore that he felt his own heart beat in his chest, when his eyes met those beautiful orbs.

"You coming, kid?" And those emerald eyes were ripped away from his own, as Harry, made his way across the boarder and over to the two boys. Jasper watched as they moved in a way so that they protected Harry, but didn't in any way touch him, and weren't at risk of doing so.

***My little Red

As Jasper entered the Cullen home once more, Edward's eyes widened. "No way..." He breathed and Jasper hummed, looking at his brother with wide and shining eyes. Shining ruby red eyes, but still. "What?" Alice asked interested in what was going on, when she saw those red eyes, her own widened. Soon everyone were gathered in the living room, all staring at Jasper with wide eyes.

"Jasper... What happened...?" Esme asked, walking up to her son, who finally let her take his face in her hands. His eyes, she had almost forgotten what they looked like these past three weeks had been rough. "Come on darling, tell us, you know we won't be mad if you slipped..."

Edward shook his head. "Unbelievable... Are you sure?" He asked and Jasper eyed him, giving a subtle shake of the head. "Yeah, sure... Of course, but really?" Jasper gave his brother a telepathic eye-roll. Edward grinned and nodded. "What is it, Edward?" Carlisle asked. Jasper hadn't talked since that night, and he had begun to rely on Edward to tell if his blonde son needed anything.

"The wolves have a new guy." Rosalie growled. "So what? Did you drain them? Is that why?" Jasper shook his head and Edward rolled his eyes at the blonde girls dramatics. "No! The kid isn't a shifter... And he isn't Native American either."

"Odd... I have never heard of the shifters taking in anyone who isn't one of their own."

"He was sad..." Jasper spoke softly and everyone's eyes widened once again. "Grieving... He just lost someone very close to him."

"Probably his parents, likely why he's with them." Jasper nodded slowly and his eyes went to the floor.

"Why are your eyes red, Jasper?" Carlisle asked, he needed to know. He wouldn't stand for lies, and technically Jasper hadn't lied, he had just neglected to tell.

Jasper cast Edward a look and he nodded. "It happened in England..." Carlisle laid his head back, he had feared those words leaving Edward's mouth. "When Jasper came across the vamp that was raping the kid, he froze up. Likely because of the scent and his vampires internal battle with what was going on. But when he did, he wrestled the other vampire off of the kid and initially started a chase, until he felt a pull back to the kid, so back he went... Unfortunately, Jasper was no longer at his own senses, and he continued where the other had let off." Rosalie's eyes widened and she was about to blow off on the other blonde, her husbands arms being the only thing restraining her.

"He didn't continue the rape, Rose... But the other vampire had already released in the kid... Multiple times, there is no saying how long he had been at it." Edward said and Rosalie did calm a bit, but mostly because she was confused.

"Then what did Jaz do?" Emmett growled, and Jasper closed his eyes, still wishing that the ground would swallow him whole.

"The kid was still alive when Jasper returned... He sunk his fangs into the kids neck, one hand around the child's throat, the other around his wrist to hold him in place..."

"YOU SON OF A BITCH! YOU ARE NO BETTER MMMHPHH!" Rosalie's shout was muffled by Emmett, and she fell limp when Jasper looked up, red streaks moving down his cheeks.

"The kid died while feeling protected..." Edward said and looked at Jasper eyes, the blood red iris was fading as the blood seeped down his cheeks. "He was terrified... In pain and grieving for a family that wouldn't know what had happened to him. But he felt protected, after the rape, that is. Jaz made him feel safe."

Jasper stormed off to his room and locked the door, making them all close their eyes. "And the new kid?" Carlisle whispered, looking at Edward who sighed and shrugged. "Don't know, but Jasper found him pretty interesting." Carlisle gave a curt nod.

"Get ready, schools in a few days."

***My little Red***

Harry sat with everyone else around the bonfire and smiled softly. They were telling the tribal stories and singing songs, whilst roasting marshmallows and having fun. The Elders had left already, and the oldest that remained was Billy, who had also declared that he would be going to bed soon.

Sighing, Harry stood and walked over to him, nudging his head to the side and Billy smiled at him. Harry took the steers and wheeled him away from the fire, the sound of laughter following them. "Is something the matter, Harry?" Harry wetted his lips and furrowed his brows. Billy hummed and patted down his pockets, until he found a note-pad and a pen, handing it to Harry, who gave a small smile and took it, scribbling something down fast.

"Who else lives in these woods?" Billy raised his brows and hummed softly.

"Well, far in there lives a family in a big house. It's the Cullen family, they're pretty nice and all. The kids go to the school you're starting on, the dad is a doctor and the mum is unemployed, she was sick some years ago, and has now taken up cooking for the homeless in the next town over."

Harry thought for a little while and nodded slowly, before writing down once more. "You know... What happened that night, don't you...? You all do..." Billy hummed and wetted his lips, his hands folding in his lap. "Yes, we do know Harry... But we only know what the bruises tell us. Nothing else... The details and memories of what happened that night, are yours, and yours only." Harry lowered his gaze. "Until you feel that you can share them with someone..." Once more, Harry's green eyes met chocolate brown. "And whoever you choose... I hope it is someone that you trust, and that they care as much about you as we all do..." Billy smiled and looked at Harry, expectantly. Waiting for the boy to say something, or well, more like write something.

And he did. "Can you take me to Seattle?"

"What do you need in Seattle?" Billy asked in mild surprise. Harry blushed a little and looked down. "Nevermind..." Billy sighed and laid his head to the side. "I would happily take you to Seattle, Harry. I would just like to know what for. You can tell me it is none of my business, and I will respect it... But I just care about you, and don't want you to get into trouble." Harry smiled softly and wrote down.

"Well... An old acquainted of mine, always used to tell me... I was a magnet for trouble. But it isn't anything like that. I just have something I need to check."

Billy shrugged and nodded. "Yeah sure. You, me and Jake can take the drive tomorrow." At Harry's startled expression, Billy quickly added. "If you're up for it."

Harry nodded and then wetted his lips. "Thank you..." He whispered and then rushed inside, leaving Billy in complete and utter shock, just sitting there, staring at the door that Harry had just disappeared through. "What up, pops?" Jacob asked and Billy flinched out of his shock, looking up at his son, who gave him a worried look. "Did Harry do something...?" They didn't know the kid well enough yet, but Jacob seriously wished that the kid hadn't done something to his father...

"No! No... He uhm... He spoke to me." Jacobs eyes widened and he squatted besides his father. "What did he say...?"

"He thanked me..."

"For what?" Billy shrugged, it could be a number of the things that the two of them had just discussed. "Oh, and uhm... We're taking a father and boys trip tomorrow." Billy said and Jacob furrowed his brows. "Harry needs something in Seattle. I told him we would take him there." Jacob grinned and went off to brag to the other guys that he was off school the next day, whilst Billy shook his head with a laugh, rolling into the house.

Sighing, he went to Harry's room, seeing it cracked open, he peeked inside and saw the kid lying on the bed. He gave a small smile an rolled inside. "You awake...?" He asked always, as a precaution. He didn't want to startle Harry too badly. Getting no response or twitch from the boy to signal that he was, Billy wheeled closer to the bed and tucked him in.

"I'm glad that you came to us, Harry... You're a good kid..." Brushing some hair out of Harry's face, Billy looked at the bruises, fang marks and stitching. Anger boiled deep within him to think that anyone would even think about hurting a kid like that, let alone do it, made his blood boil. "You're safe here."

A/N: Well well well, another chapter out and done with! Hope you liked this as much as I enjoyed writing it. So, Jasper and Harry's first seeing each other after that night, whatcha think? Leave a vote and comment if you feel up for it, I always enjoy reading what you all think of my stories. Remember to get plenty of rest, fluids and nourishment! You deserve it, my lovelies. Until next time~
~ Author Cupcake<3

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