Chapter 22.

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A/N: And here we are again. Due to it being vacation, I have had just a tiny bit more time to edit these last couple of days, so I truly hope you all enjoy, and I will see you at the end. Byeeee~

Aro, Caius and Magnus eyed the group of Magi and sighed deeply. Dumbledore had informed them that they could feast on this Harry Potter when they found him, but that they were not to tell the rest of the company, of the real plan.

"Yes yes, he's with the Cullens, old friends of ours. We can go tomorrow." Aro sighed once more and watched as Dumbledore sent him a look. "Or we could leave today." Aro grinned and there sounded sighs of relief from the group of magi, whilst Aro, Caius and Magnus all rolled their eyes.

"Well enough. Come along, little pets..." Caius grumbled and they, along with their guard, were taken away, by Dumbledore, the Vampires, all happy to bask in the amazing magical blood, of the powerful man that Dumbledore had promised them.


"You're so beautiful... Did you ever know?" Jasper asked, brushing some of Harry's hair behind his ear as the boy laid in the field of lilies with him. The summer sun basking down upon them. Severus had given Jasper a potion, that would allow him to be in the sun, on one of these rare sunny days, with Harry. It had been three weeks since summer vacation started, and since the Magi' had come to join them. Severus and Minerva had ensured that they had some cabins next to the Cullen home, that they all stayed within, even though Harry didn't seem fond of the idea, of them staying...

"Mmm... Thank you..." Harry said, smiling softly up at the pale vampire. "And your voice... I will never grow tired of it..." Jasper breathed and Harry chuckled softly, shaking his head at his boyfriends silly words.

"I love you, Harry..."

Harry stopped laughing, and looked up at the blonde, a soft smile decorating his beautiful features. "I love you too, Jasper..."

"You know I would never pressure your into anything, yes?"

"I know-"

"No. Harry I'm serious." Jasper clarified and made Harry sit up. Harry did as gestured and furrowed his brows at the other. "If we spend eternity together, and you never want to have sex..." Jasper ran his fingers through Harry's long hair and smiled. "I wouldn't care... As long as you are by my side. Do you get that?"

Harry stared at him in shock, and Jasper could tell that he had a lot of conflicting feelings. "I don't need sex, to be with you, Harry... I know the concept of sex terrifies you... I can sense it." Jasper placed Harry's hand to where his heart would beat, if he had been human. "I may not bleed, and this right in here, may not work... But you... You make me feel whole, as if I am not some soul-less monster-"

"You aren't-"

"Just listen, please..." Harry nodded and smiled softly, his eyes not moving from Jaspers. "What I did to you... May not be as awful, as what that other... Monster did..." Harry's head laid slightly to the side, as his eyes saddened. "But it was unforgivable... And for some reason, you forgive me, and still love me... And that is more than I could ever hope for..." Harry moved his other hand up and cupped Jaspers cheek, brushing his thumb over the cheekbone of the old creature, but young man.

"And for you, to even think about spending forever with me..." Jasper breathed out a soft chuckle and took Harry's face into his own hands. "Harry... I do not need more..."

Harry closed the gap between them, locking the other boy in a kiss, and Jasper reciprocated. Savouring the taste of one another, Harry pulled Jasper closer, settling in the blondes lap, as he kissed him deeply, Jaspers arms moving down, and around Harry's waist, holding him close as well. "You taste amazing, Harry..." Harry chuckled and pulled back from the kiss. "Mmm...? Like what?"

Jasper stared into his bright emerald green eyes, and he couldn't help the surge of love that went through his soul. "Like... Pine, mint, a slight hint of Hot cocoa and a buttery liquor... And Power..." Harry hummed and the corners of his lips quirked upwards. "You wanna know what the buttery liquor is...?" He asked and Jasper cocked a brow.

"It is a drink, that the young teens at Hogwarts are allowed to drink... Called Butterbeer. We get it at special celebrations, that and Hot cocoa are my two favourite drinks." Jasper hummed and smiled.

"I love knowing more about you..."

Harry chuckled and pecked Jaspers lips once more. "Now... Tell me everything about you... Because you taste like a horses favourite snack." Jasper couldn't help the laughter that rolled through him, as Harry settled against his chest, and he leaned back on one arm.

"Well... I grew up on a farm, with plenty of horses for one..."

Jasper and Harry laid on the flowery field for hours, telling stories about all the good, and bad, things that had happened throughout their lives. It wasn't until Harry suddenly sat up with a jolt, that they stopped.

"What is the matter, beautiful?"

Harry stood and urgently pulled Jasper along, and then he began to limp, fast towards the house. "Come here." Jasper picked Harry up, placing him on his back. "Hold on." And Harry did, allowing Jasper to run all the way back to his house.

Meeting with the other Magi outside, as well as the wolves and the Cullens, Jasper let Harry get down and they walked to Carlisle. "What the hell is going on...?" Jasper asked, but before his coven leader could answer, Harry turned and his eyes widened.

"What the hell..." Seth whispered and the pack all flanked the Cullens and Magi, Billy and Harry being circled by the strongest groups.

"Aro... Caius, Magnus..." Carlisle said, stepping forwards, his hands folded as he smiled at the vampire guard. "Whatever have we done to deserve the honour of your greeting?"

"Do not speak to them." Severus growled out in warning, but the Cullens, nor Harry, listened to him.

"Carlisle... Old friend..." Aro said, smiling softly and Harry clenched his jaw, gripping Jaspers wrist. Jasper too felt it and looked to Harry with worry. Something inside of Harry was pulsating... Vibrating with power. It was painful, and Jasper could feel how Harry battled with holding it still, making it all the more painful for him. "We are here, to help some old friends find a lost friend of theirs. You wouldn't have heard of a man, by the name, Harry Potter?"

Harry let go of Jaspers wrist, not taking his hand, when Jasper reached for him. "A man?" Carlisle questioned, noting Harry's movement, and hoping for the child to stay put. "No. I do not."

"Do not lie, Carlisle." Caius sneered and everyone looked at the small ravenette as he stepped forwards. "He is telling the truth..." Harry said, smiling up at Carlisle, before turning to the three Vampires. "I'm Harry Potter... What do you wish from me?"

"Potter, get back here." Minerva scolded, her eyes wide with worry.

"A childe...?" Magnus questioned and the guard separated, the Magi being allowed forwards. "Albus, you said that it was a powerful man..."

Dumbledore was stared at from all sides, Magi, wolves and Vampires alike. "I do not recall specifying that it was a man, merely that it was a male."

"Do not take us for fools!" Caius growled, and Dumbledore clenched his jaw.

"Excuse me..." Harry said, cutting off Caius' anger outburst, and everyone were shocked to see him standing closer to the red eyed vampires. "I asked you a question. If you would do me the favour of answering it, please."

"Did the childe... Just interrupt me?" Caius asked and Aro let out a laugh, whilst Magnus grinned. He liked the kid, he had spunk, he was... Interesting.

"Well, childe... Your family was worried for you, and wanted to find you." Aro stated and Harry looked at the group of Magi, seeing them all stare at him with soft smile, and Molly even with tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry, but they are not my family." Harry stated coldly and Aro hummed, looking from the child to the group of Magi, on their side of the path.

"May I?" Aro asked, as he began to de-glove his hand, and held it out in front of himself. Harry inclined his head and started to limp the remainder of the way forwards to the vampire. Shaking-ley, Harry took his hand. "Do you fear us?" Caius asked and Harry looked at him. "No... Not you. Just what you can do." 

Esme grinned proudly and nodded, that was her future son in law, right there.

Aro hummed and nodded, this kid reeked of wolves... But also power, such power, Aro had never felt before. He was truly beautiful, he would be an amazing little vampire, he was certain, and then he activated his gift, looking at Harry's past.

Letting out the weird giggle like laugh that he has, Aro let go of Harry and grasped his face, making Jasper itch to protect his little mate. "Such beauty..." Aro breathed and looked into Harry's eyes, and Harry looked right back at him, showing the vampire everything. "Who do you wish dead, my love?" Aro asked, his eyes bleeding black, and Harry furrowed his brows, causing Aro to return to normal. "You mean to tell me... That even after all that these people have done to you, you do not wish them dead?"

"No... I just don't wish them to be near me..." Harry stated matter of factly and Aro nodded slowly, letting go. "It is such a pity that Albus locked away your power... You could have done wonders for our world, little one."

"Him?!" Caius asked, incredulously, making Aro turn to him with a sharp glare. "You mean to tell me, that you doubt what I see, Brother?" Caius wetted his lips and shook his head. "No, brother. But he is no more than a mere mortal now!"

"Even as a mortal... Can you not sense it?" Magnus inquired and eyed Harry, almost hungrily, making Harry eye him back, vigilantly. "He's not so easily caged." Caius sniffed and hummed, nodding slowly. "I see what you are saying, brother..."

After some silence, and the three brothers all eyeing Harry, who now turned to return to his own family, after Aro waved him off, Harry's name was called.

"Harry... Please..." Remus said and Harry stopped walking, turning back around to stare at who had called for him, everyone else doing the same. "Come home with me... With us..."

Harry gave him a raised brow. "And why would I do that?"

"We can finally be the family that you wish!" Sirius said, his eyes going wide, and Jacob grimaced, a look of utter distaste for the man that he shared a last name with, came over his face, and everyone who smelled it, or saw it, chuckled.

"A family...?" Harry asked, raising his other brow as well. "What's my favourite colour?"

"Red!" Remus smiled, he knew this-

"Honey comb..." Jasper said and smiled, if he was human he would likely have blushed. Harry smiled, and since he was human, he did blush. It was the colour of Jaspers eyes...

"What's my favourite animal?"

"Easy. Owls." Ron grinned and Harry rolled his eyes, before turning to Billy who smiled.

"You don't have a specific one. But you have always wished to have a puppy, or a kitten. Either a boxer dog or a Ragdoll cat."

"Hm... And my favourite food?" Harry looked to the other Magi once more and cocked a brow.

"Well that's easy." Molly smiled. "My beef stew. You said it tasted like my hugs, warm and homey."

"His favourite food is any food cooked with love." Esme said, crossing her arms with a glare at the Magi. "Because he never got to have any when he was a child."

"But that doesn't prove anything!" Sirius said and Harry looked to him.

"Sirius... What's my owls name?" It was easy, his owl had used to be his only companion, and he had talked to Sirius about her often.

"Uhm..." Sirius furrowed his brows. Harry had never mentioned the name of his owl, as far as he recalled.

"Hedwig." Jacob said with a smile. "You got her as a present from a family friend. The first present you had ever gotten."

Harry smiled at his new family and Hermione saw a new side to everything that she had been raised to believe. She didn't even know half of the things that was just said... Oh god... Was she an any better friend, than Ronald?

"You see... Sirius... We will never be a family." Harry stated clearly, turning back to the man. "Just leave me alone... I don't need you. I have a dad... I have brothers..." Harry turned back to the wolves and Cullens once more. "I have a huge family, who loves me, even though I'm mated to a Vampire, and they're wolves..."

"It's the hot blonde chick, isn't it?" Ron grinned and it was worth the slap over the head from his mother. Harry turned back to him, as Emmett was holding back his wife and Edward was struggling with Jasper. "No. It's the hot blonde guy, right over there, who is ready to rip your head off."

Ron paled as his eyes fell on Jasper. Harry walked over to Jasper and the blonde instantly pulled Harry into his embrace. "Mine..." He growled and Harry placed a kiss to his jaw. "Yes yes, calm down you feral beast. I'm not going anywhere." Jasper huffed and buried his face in Harry's curls, letting his mates scent soothe him.

Dumbledore looked at the scene, and wetted his lips. Everyone here, was not on his side, and he would not survive an attack from all these people. Well, the Volturi had only benefited him with finding the troublesome little thing, he would have to finish the job on his own. So whilst everyone's attention was on Harry and Jasper, he slipped away, unnoticed.

"Yo. Where'd the old guy go?" Seth asked, after a few minutes, now that Jasper was calm again. Everyone turned to the position where the 'old man' had been, and Aro growled threateningly.

"That man promised us magical blood, the coward left, knowing that he would have to repay what he couldn't give!" Caius' eyes bled black and Magnus hummed.

Harry eyed the situation, when something clicked, and it seemed that it had for others as well, specifically, Hermione. "He promised you my blood, didn't he?" Harry asked and felt how Jasper's arms tightened impossibly more. Caius, Aro, Magnus and the guard all turned to him and Aro inclined his head.

"That he did, my childe... But do not fret, we do not feast from children, especially not children already harmed by one of our own. You wish to know who did it?" Jasper's head jerked up, whilst Harry tensed and started to chew on his lower lip. "Amun... Your little red headed friend over there, knows Amun's son, if I am not much mistaken."

Harry's head spun and he stared at Bill with wide eyes. "Bill..?" Molly and Arthur both asked, but Bill looked equally as shocked. "Yes... I know Benjamin, we work together, in Egypt... I didn't know that his maker was the one to do that to Harry."

Jasper growled lowly and turned Harry around quickly, pressing his small mate against himself, almost as if shielding the boy from the rest of the world.

"Jass... Do you wish to tear off his head?" Harry asked softly and heard the deep rumble of a yes, coming from Jaspers lips. "I give you permission... But only if you bring Sam and the boys... And Rosalie. I do not wish you harmed..." Jasper released Harry, his eyes returning from their darkness and he hummed.

"You mean that...?"

"Yes. You can do with him what you want... Let the boys burn his body, you can pick off his head though." Harry sent a look to the boys, who all nodded with satisfied grins, and then he looked back up at Jasper, who smirked, inclining his head. "What you wish, shall come true..."

Harry gave Jasper a kiss, ignoring the confused sound that came from Ronald, and then he turned to Bill. "You know Benjamin, yes?"


"He's close to you."

Bill blushed and nodded slowly, whilst Charlie grinned, clearly he knew a thing or two, about just how close. And Harry had gathered as much, on his own. "Bill. I do not care, about Benjamin. He has done nothing... But Amun will be killed, and you may want to prepare Benjamin as to why." Bill inclined his head and sent his parents a look, before apparating away.

"I have a question." Alice said and stepped forwards, walking over to the middle. "Yes, Alice dearest?" Aro preened and Alice gave him a sugarly sweet smile. "I was just curious... Harry, you allowed Aro to see inside of your mind, yes?" Harry nodded and she hummed. "Jane, could you... Could you try your gift on-"

She looked to the Magi on their side of the path and Fred raised his hand with a nod. "And then Harry?"

Jane eyed Aro, who was also curious as to what Alice was trying to prove, making him give a nod. Jane sighed and gestured for the two to step forwards. Jasper was reluctant to let Harry go, but Harry gave him a soft smile, and a peck on the cheek, before walking over to stand on the other side of Alice.

"Pain." Jane spoke, making Fred groan and instantly fall to his knees in pain. "Jane my childe. Not so much, we want the Wizard alive, thank you." Aro chastised playfully and Jane hummed innocently, letting Fred go. "And then Harry." Alice said and Harry sent her a look of confusion.

Jane sighed and turned to Harry, clearly expecting a pitiful outcome. "Pain." She said, and when nothing happened, she raised a brow in confusion, upping the pain levels more and more, but no, there was nothing coming from him. Harry removed his glare from Alice, still waiting for the pain, and looked at Jane, meeting her blood red eyes, the girl screamed out in pain and fell to her knees, arms clutching over her stomach.

"Childe?" Aro asked, his eyes widening as he stared at Jane, crumbled form on the ground. Harry furrowed his brows in confusion, his eyes moving from Jane, who gasped and started to shiver on the grass, teeth clattering as she did so. Caius and Aro both turned to Harry, as Magnus tended to their little guard on the ground. "How did you do that...?" Harry, who had been overlooked by Alice and Carlisle, turned his head to the two brothers, his body twisted to the side.

"I merely looked at her... Don't try to put blame on me..." Harry said matter of factly, before turning back to Carlisle, who finished the check up, and then Harry limped to Fred's side, noting Severus' potion in his hand.

"Curious... Very... Curious..." Aro muttered and all the Cullens turned to him, eyes narrowing. "Send us a telegram, when he is one of ours... Yes?" Carlisle inclined his head, and when he looked up again, only the Magi were left behind from the before seen, large group.

"You are not welcome here." Billy stated, wheeling over besides Carlisle, his son would be okay, his old friend needed him more at the moment. "I would like for you all to leave. Now." Carlisle also said and the group of five, furrowed their brows, and shook their heads. "No no... Harry is my godson, he is coming with me." Sirius said, putting his foot down.

"He is doing no such thing. And he is my son. Now piss off." Billy grumbled, crossing his arms. Three huge wolves stepped up on either side of him, and the group faltered for a moment. "Wolf shifters..." Remus muttered, eyeing them and then his eyes moved over to where Harry was being helped onto his feet by a female, blonde vampire, who treated the cub with such fondness, that you would think Harry was her child, she also cooed over him, like he was.

"Harry will be happier with us... We are his family."

"I think you have all proven that you are in fact not, his family. Harry has chosen where he wants to stay, and we respect his decision. Now please, do him the curtsey of respecting it as well." Carlisle said, an before anyone could react, three magi from the wrong side, had their wands raised, and fired spells towards Harry, who's back was turned to him, as Rosalie was guiding him towards the house...

A/N: And that's yet another wrap my little Cupcakes! I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter as much as I did writing it. Until next time; remember to eat, sleep and drink plenty of fluids! Mwuah!
~Author Cupcake<3

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