Chapter 5.

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A/N: Once more, I have mastered the skill, of finishing another chapter for all my lovelies.

Jasper had returned to the stream everyday since he had seen the beauty there. But until now, the beauty, now known as Harry, hadn't shown his face again. It had saddened Jasper, but he had still spent hours sitting by the tree, just waiting, hoping to see the beauty, even if it was just one more time.

It was very possible that it was some distant relative of someone from the tribe, visiting. There were mates of the wolves who came to stay with them in seasons and left again afterwards. But Jasper just didn't think so, Beautiful was too pale, and not native American, which the imprints usually were. Emmett was constantly teasing him about how much he was sitting out there in the cold, just waiting, luckily Carlisle and Rosalie were after him with it, but it was still infuriating.

The snow still laid in beautiful piles on the ground, and it was currently one of the coldest days yet, even though they were well into January. Jasper had been sitting out in the cold for five hours by now. Even for a vampire it was biting at his skin, and he was for once, very grateful for the large jackets that Esme bought them each year.

Jasper heard the pearly white snow crunch underneath someone's feet, jerking him out of his day-dreaming. Jasper had found himself to do that a lot since losing his mate... His one true love. It was horrible, to never get to experience eternity with his love... To never show them, how much he truly loved them, and how valuable they were to him.

Head whipping around, Jasper hummed and stared at the beauty, they were walking along the stream, covered in warm clothes from head to toe. A sweet home knitted beanie on their head, a home sown scarf around his neck, and the thick jacket that he wore last time too, along with a pair of pretty gloves on his hands, a pair of really really cool combat boots adorned his feet, and Jasper found them to be very adorable on him, as it made him look even smaller.

Harry, the beauty, was clearly deep in thought as he walked, but his distracted expression faded, as his beautiful face contorted in pain, a gloved hand going to his chest and rubbing at the ache. A sudden rush of pain spread through Jaspers chest as well, and he had to lean heavily against the tree, as to not slip and make himself known.

Had the pain been stronger in him, because he is a vampire? Or was that kids pain tolerance insanely high...? Also, why was Jasper feeling this beautiful humans, pain?

As the throbbing faded away, Jasper turned back to stare at the beauty, seeing that he had sat onto the ground by the stream, his hand de-gloved as it dipped into the cold water. "Hush now..." A beautiful voice whispered, and Jasper felt all the non-existing air, be knocked out of his lungs, the voice was low, very very low, even if he was sitting next to the beauty, and had been a human, Jasper wouldn't have heard him. But due to Vampire senses, he did... And he was so glad he did... "I'm just helping you." Eyes fixing on what the kid was doing, Jasper realised that he hadn't just sat down, he was holding a small fox in place.

Said fox let out a shriek of pain. What is he doing? Jasper thought to himself, eyes narrowing at the scene. Then he noticed the smell, he had been so occupied with the beauty, that he hadn't even noticed that the fox was bleeding... Its paw was stuck on some branches and it had gotten a cut.

"Calm down..." The beauty whispered and whilst still holding the paw with one hand, in the deep cold waters, Jasper might add, he took time to caress the animal over the head and to Jaspers astonishment, it calmed down... His beautiful was truly magical- Hold up! Back track those thoughts just a little! His Beautiful?! Where the hell did that come from?

Being shaken out of his thoughts by a loud splash, Jasper saw the fox free, the log floating down the stream, and Harry, the beauty, had snatched a little snack for the fox, out of the dark depths of the water. "Here... Now run along..."

Almost as if the fox understood the offering, it carefully took it and then darted off through the forest depths. His amazement and wonder was cut short, when his beautiful winced. Face falling and eyes narrowing, Jaspers attention went to the hand, a grimace went across his face at the sight. It was red, blue and blistered all around it. Frost bite... Oh that had got to hurt...

Should he go to the beauty and offer his help? No... How was he going to excuse his knowledge of the beauty in the forest's injury and whereabouts? What about what he himself was doing there? No... It would be best to keep quiet and just watch.

Watching the beauty stand, humming a tune under their breath, Jasper found himself almost hypnotised by the sound, as they shakingly slipped on their glove, moving on from the stream, and onto the wolves territory...

***My little Red***

Almost as if in a daze, Jasper entered the Cullen home, just to hear glass shattering on the ground. With wide eyes, everyone looked into the kitchen to see Alice with her hands outstretched, a glass vase having previously been within her grasp.

Edward ran over to his mate, jumping over the back of the couch, and took her hands in his, whilst everyone else, Jasper included after he had shed the jacket and boots, hurried into the kitchen to be there for Alice. She hadn't had this serious a vision in a very long time... Not since getting a vision of a bad storm, that killed hundreds of people, some years ago.

And not even that vision, had taken her away for this long.

It had been ten minutes now, and she was still now back with them... Jasper was keeping track of her emotions, especially since Edward couldn't read his mates thoughts whilst she was having these visions, only after would he know what had happened. Edward was trying his hardest not to side eye Jasper, from the way that the blondes thoughts wandered away from the situation and onto the 'beauty' as he had named the kid from the reservation. His obsession with that kid was odd.

Alice finally returned to them, and Edward was in shock to find that he couldn't read her thoughts. "Alice. Alice are you alright?" Edward held Alice tightly, as she found her way completely back from the vision. The longer a vision, the longer it took for her senses to fully return, but since she was a vampire, it was never too long at a time.

"Oh no..." She breathed and gulped thickly. "What did you see?" Carlisle urged, worry filling every fibre of his body, for his smallest coven member. "Give her a minute." Edward growled, his vampire on edge because their mate was off balance. Carlisle raised his hands in defence, showing the vampire that he was not a threat to Edward or their mate. Which ultimately made Edward calm down.

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