Chapter 8.

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A/N: I am so sorry! This is getting published really late, and I have no excuses- Okay, I do, but none that any of you want to hear, ahahah... Anyways! I am getting surgery in a few days, so the next chapter will probably be posted some time late next week, just so you know! Have fun reading! <3

Sam never left Harry's side, as the boy was fighting his way out of anaesthesia. They had to put him under, to relocate his shoulder... Had Harry been a wolf like them, it would have popped back on its own, and he would have been swinging from it after an hour or two again. But because he was a regular human, it would take him at least a month to gain his arms use again.

It was the day after the fall, it didn't take long for them to find where he had fallen, and as Carlisle said, it seemed that Harry had in fact gone down accidentally. There was mud slipping on a stone, and finger marks in the ground by the ledge, as well as clear marks of a tumble down the side. How he survived with no more than the scratches that he had gotten, was a miracle...

Sam was however, feeling guilty. He should have insisted more on talking to Harry, he should have sat the boy down and explained that he wasn't angry with him... But instead he had given the boy the cold shoulder, guess he wasn't much better than the idiots that had called themselves Harry's friends, back in England, despite Billy telling him otherwise.

Harry was staring at Sam, the man had yet to notice that he had woken up, and Harry didn't know what to feel as he looked at him. Why had the large man been sitting with him? Didn't he hate him...? It was too confusing, and his head was hurting.

Being alerted by a groan from the boy on the bed, Sam jerked to life, his eyes wide. The monitors started to beep and in came Carlisle Cullen. Being alone with his pup, against the Vampire, made the wolf inside of Sam claw at his skin and he let out a warning growl. Carlisle hesitated and eyed Sam. "He's in pain and distressed, Sam. I am only giving him some pain killers." Sniffing Sam smelled it on his pup and inclined his head in a nod, sitting back into his seat.

After the liquid gold settled in his system, Harry relaxed into the sheets and looked around in confusion, his eyes settling onto Carlisle, and they widened into saucers. Another Vampire?! How many were there here?! Removing his eyes from Carlisles, Harry turned his head and looked at Sam. Did Sam know...?

Carlisle and Sam watched as Harry took turns to look at them both, until his eyes settled onto Carlisle and he whimpered, scooting closer to Sam, who put a protective hand on Harry's shoulder, and Harry could swear, that Sam growled.

Staring at the boy in wonder, Carlisle realised he knew exactly what he was, possibly even about the wolves as well... How, he couldn't fathom, but it was quite amazing. "No worries. I just want to deliver some information. Harry had turned his head into Sam's abdomen, as the man was leaning over him, ready to pounce on to Carlisle, and the blonde man knew that he would, if Harry gave a single twitch.

"You and Harry can both leave in two hours. I will make sure that the follow ups will be with Doctor Bentley now, I will only be present if he sees necessary." Harry furrowed his brows and looked over at Carlisle again, giving a hum of surprise at seeing Sam hovering over him, with his hand on the opposite side of the bed, than where he had been sitting, but then he turned to Carlisle.

Was this Jaspers father...? He seemed nice enough... Why did Jasper feel safe, when this man sent chills of fear down his spine...?

Harry placed a hand onto Sam's arm, and the alpha instantly sat down, almost as if he could read Harry, like with his own wolves, except for his thoughts... It made him glad that his pup was opening up to him again... Harry looked to Carlisle and shook his head slowly.

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