Chapter 26.

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It was too dark... It smelled off and almost earthy... Wait, no, definitely earthy. What the hell was going on? Where am I?


Jasper's leg bounced as he sat in his history class, waiting for the teacher, an empty spot besides him, where his love had used to sit, and be beautiful... But was now cold and deserted. He was swaddled in a large hoodie, the hood covering his face, he was still planning out how to find the bastard that took his mate from him, but he was getting closer. He had gotten help from Dimitri, who wanted the asshole too, in hopes of tasting some of the man's blood, and retrieving him for his masters. Jasper would allow him to take the blood to his masters, he himself had no use of it, he just wanted him dead.

"I apologise for the delay-" The history teacher stopped and furrowed his brows as he looked at the empty seat besides Jasper. "Where is Mister Black?"

Others, who did not know, looked to the empty seat, those who did, and were in the same class as their brother, all looked down. Edward, Jasper, Rosalie, Alice and Bella were all in the same class this year, the class Harry was also supposed to be in... "He had an accident over the summer..." Alice whispered softly, but due to the silence in the room, everyone heard her.

Jessica and Mike both scoffed, as well as some from the football team, that also resided within the class. "What? So he's coming later in a wheelchair again, or something?" Mike laughed and the teacher sighed. "Calm down-"

Jasper stood up, sending his chair flying back, he grabbed his bag of belongings and stormed out of the room, silent tears streaming down his cheeks. His siblings and Bella all looked after him, with sorrow in their eyes.

"What crawled up his ass and died?" Jessica scoffed, earning a few snorts of laughter around in the room, and glares from Amelia and Eric.

"Harry passed away, shortly after his accident, you inconsiderate fools!" Rosalie snapped at them and stormed after her 'twin'. Silence filled the room, as they all watched the door slam closed.

"Is that... True...?" Amelia asked, her voice shaking slightly. Alice and Bella looked at them and nodded slowly. "Those, people that came, they came to warn him of something... They weren't messing around..." Alice said softly and stood up, getting everyone's attention onto her. "Harry is a very important person... His real name, used to be Harry James Potter, the boy we were taught about last spring..." Eyes widened around the room, and their teacher gripped the table in shock. Harry may not have been his best student, but the boy had always seemed so kind and good hearted...

"Someone who wanted him dead, found him the day before he turned sixteen and murdered him... Jasper..." Alice's voice broke and Bella stood as well, placing a hand on her shoulder and nodding. "Jasper found his body in the lily meadow in the woods... He was buried shortly after on holy ground, with the tribe..."

"But he can't just be dead..." Jessica muttered, her brows furrowed. "He's the prodigy. You all heard Mrs. Truman! Besides, he survived the fall off of the La Push cliff! He can't just be dead!"

"So now you grow a heart?" Edward growled, wrapping Alice in a tight hug. "Don't bother, Jessica. What is done, is done... Harry is dead, and you continue to be alive, for some idiotic reason."

"Enough." Mr. Forge spoke up, finally regaining his speech. "Class is off for the day, I have to go speak with the other faculty members, you are all excused."


"You can't be serious. He's dead?" The Principal said, eyes wide as he stared at the man, everyone else were seated and staring with wide eyes at the same man, not believing what he had just told them.

"It is true... Harry Black, used to be Harry James Potter, the worlds richest boy... Some people from his old life, wanted him gone, and unfortunately, the evening before his sixteenth, they succeeded in that matter... His family likely forgot to write him out of the system, due to all that had gone on..."

Mrs. Truman shook her head slowly and breathed deeply. She had been quite thrilled to have the boy with her this year...

"Okay... I think we should make an announcement in the cafeteria, and send everyone home for the day... Leave them time to mourn their fellow classmate..." The Principal said and the secretary nodded, letting out the message of all students needing to make their way to the cafeteria, over the loud speakers.


"You may all be wondering why we brought you here..." The Principal said and his eyes moved to the Cullen kids, staying on the boy, Jasper, who was practically drowning in his older brothers hoodie. Other kids, just mumbled and nodded along.

"It has come to our attention, that a boy, who went to this school, passed away over the summer..." Muttering of surprise sounded through the room, and the Principal nodded. "His name, as you knew him, was Harry Black... He was the new boy, who started here last February. You may have seen him wheeling down the halls, or walking with a cane, after an accident he sustained upon his arrival here..." He gulped and cleared his throat, to continue. "The Harry we knew, was a smart boy, and he was well loved by his friends and family out at the reservation... His smile and kind heart, will be missed dearly... School is off for the week, to let you all, his friends and family especially, mourn... We wish him all the best in the path there is, after life, and hope that his family recover from their loss. Thank you."


Billy stared at the grave in confusion, the soil was still fresh, but why did it look as if someone had done something to it... Something was very wrong here...

The man on wheels, had just wanted to deliver flowers to his sons grave, Jacob and the others were out, to try and lighten their spirits, Rebecca and Rachael were at work, and it had been some days since he had last been here to visit his child. So it was time, and he had brought flowers, because, that was what you did, right?

Harry was buried besides his late wife, and he would lay flowers there as well, hoping that Sarah would watch after their boy... He had made her promise, after everyone else had left the funeral, call him crazy, but he felt that she had heard him... And that she was reassuring him, that Harry would be okay.

Now? Someone had disturbed the sacred ground... His sons, resting place...

"You okay, dad?" Jacob asked as his father returned home. Billy eyed his son and furrowed his brows. "Weren't you out with the boys?"

"No one were really in the mood..." Billy hummed and nodded slowly. "Yes, I-" Billy cut himself off and furrowed his brows, his land-line was ringing... The only one who knows that number outside of his daughters and Jacob... Was Harry.


***HP (40 minutes prior)

Jasper stared at the sleeping form on his bed in shock. A dirty boy, with a beautiful suit, that was now dirty and caked in mud, laid on his bed. He was pale, had dark curls and was shaking like a little leaf, whilst hugging Jaspers pillow close to his chest.


Upon hearing his name, Harry stiffened and slowly turned his head to look at the blonde, who was addressing him. "How... You... You died..." Jasper whispered, almost undetectable, and in such a low tone that he was certain the others in the house wouldn't hear him. Harry moved to sit up, still having not said anything, as he stared at the blonde.

Sniffing the air, Harry stared at Jasper in confusion, until a shimmer of recognition crossed his features, and in the next second, Harry was standing before Jasper, who stumbled back in surprise. "Harry, I-"

"Jas...per..." Harry whispered, his voice breaking, sounding incredibly far away, and Jasper realised something, Harry was incredibly dirty... He had been buried... "Come... Let's get you cleaned up, beautiful... You must be feeling rather dirty, huh?"

Harry hummed and let Jasper gently guide him to the bathroom down the hall. Once inside the room, the door locked and Harry looked around vigilantly, almost like a scared cat. "Just, so no one will walk in while you bathe, don't worry..." Jasper reassured him and smiled softly. "I can't believe you're actually here..." He whispered and Harry eyed him, brows scrunching up slightly.

"Come... I'll help you." Jasper settled Harry on the lid of the toilet, before helping him get off his shoes, and then the jacket and shirt. Harry kept his eyes on Jaspers face, the fact that he wasn't blinking or breathing, kind of freaked Jasper out a bit, but he figured from the pitch black eyes, that Harry was fully turned. He felt sick to his stomach, thinking about how Harry woke up in that dark box underground, and- No. Harry needed him right now.

"There we go, do you want me to help you take off your pants, or would you rather do that yourself?"

Jasper stared into Harry's eyes, and gave a soft smile, in hopes of comforting his small mate. Harry raised a brow and looked down himself, nodding slowly, Jasper began to slide off Harry's pants and let them drop to the ground, Harry's boxers following.

As he had been undressing the small boy, Jasper had let the water run into the tub, and when he turned around, it was filled with water and bubbles, making him guide Harry to it, and help the ravenette settle inside. "Can you clean yourself?"

Harry nodded and took the cloth handed to him, his grip shaken, but strong, almost too strong, the cloth crinkled in his grasp, and Jasper smiled softly. "I'll wash your hair in the mean time, alright?" Harry nodded again and Jasper breathed a sigh of relief, Harry seemed to truly understanding him... That was a relief.

There were horror stories about newborns waking underground, and rising feral and broken, never to be restored to normal mental capacity, the Volturi was usually contacted in case of such an incident.

"Can you tell me your name...?" Harry furrowed his brows, watching as Jasper clothed him once more, his nimble fingers running down the buttons, closing the shirt around his chest, a pair of joggers adorning his legs. "Harry... Potter..." Harry whispered softly and Jasper smiled, nodding his head.

"That's right... How old are you?"

"Sixteen..." Jasper nodded once more and sighed softly.

"Do you know where you are?"

Harry laid his head slightly to the side, brows scrunching together in confusion. "Forks... Cullens..."

"That's right, Harry. Good job... Come, you must be starving."

Harry slowly shook his head, looking back at Jasper. "No... Stay..." His grip tightened around Jaspers wrist, and the blonde almost winced in surprise, his skin actually cracking under the tight grip. "Jas...per... stay..."

Harry's words were broken, but coherent and he was slowly forming sentences again, That's good... "I'm not leaving you... Come on... We have food downstairs, I will stay with you the whole time... I'm never leaving you again, beautiful..."

Nodding, Harrys stood up, his hand moving into Jaspers, now it was the blondes turn to grip Harry's hand tightly, in fear of the boy disappearing as soon as he left the room, or if he was an hallucination... No... Harry is real, flesh and blood, standing right here...

"Jasper... Are you alright?" Esme breathed, watching her son come walking downstairs for the first time, without them having to call him, in weeks. "Hm? Yeah... I'm fine..." Jasper spoke, nodding slowly, his neck hairs raising at the feeling of Harry being too far from him, but Jasper had explained to Harry, that he needed to tell the others about there being a guest first, so they didn't overwhelm him.

Harry hadn't been happy with it at first either, but eventually, gave in, and stayed at the top of the stairs.

Carlisle eyed his son curiously, trying to analyse what was wrong with this picture and Edward found himself surprised over the fact that he could not read Jaspers thoughts... "I... I found something- Sorry... Someone, in my room..." Jasper turned to the stairs and smiled. "You can come down... No one's gonna harm you..." Jasper felt an instant presence behind him and smiled fondly. "Come on... You can't hide forever..."

"Jasper, what is-" As soon as a bush of raven hair made itself visible, Carlisle's stomach tied itself into knots... Had the Magi done something- But then the black eyes came into view and horror struck the blonde. "Harry..." Alice whispered and Harry's head snapped in her direction, his body moving closer to the blonde, Jasper was the only one that made him feel safe right now.

"Harry, can you come here please." Carlisle said gently, gesturing for Esme to get his medical bag, if it was what he feared, he would need it. Esme nodded and went to fetch it. Harry didn't move an inch, at least, not until Jasper began to move towards his maker, and Harry hurriedly followed, latched to the blondes side; making Emmett and Edward grin at one another.

"Sit here, please... I need to check you to see if you are alright. Rose, could you get him some food, I think he's hungry..."

"He said he isn't..." Jasper said gently as Rosalie went to the kitchen to fetch some blood. "I know it is odd, but he refused to let me get anything for him to eat." Carlisle eyed Jasper and hummed softly, before turning back to Harry, taking the bag that was handed to him, by Esme. "Thank you darling. Now, Harry I would like to see your hands..."

Harry looked up to Jasper, as if checking if that could be right, when Jasper gave him a nod, Harry held out his hands and let Carlisle examine them. When Carlisle was about to touch, however, Harry's hands were gone from sight and everyone were surprised by the speed he showed, and stealth on top of it...

"Beautiful... He needs to check your hands, so they heal right. I promise, I wouldn't let him hurt you..." Harry eyed Jasper, before nodding and holding out his hands once more, clearly trusting everything Jasper told him.

"Thank you, Harry... You're being very good for me. I can see that your hands have been used to hit at something..." Harry cast his eyes away, not looking at anyone.

"He's been through a uhm... A lot... But I, I think he'll be okay..." Jasper said gently, eyeing Harry, as if to check that there were no apparent injuries, aside from the, well, obvious ones...

"What did you do...?" Alice asked her brother, who gave her a look of surprise.

"Me..? Nothing..."

"But... His hands..." Edward muttered, and Harry tried to hide them away again.

"I wanted to fix them... I didn't know how..."

Carlisle smiled softly. "Luckily, I do... You're not the first with these wounds, that I have treated, Harry. I promise it will all be over soon." Jasper nodded once more, when Harry looked at him again.

"How did they get like that?" Rosalie asked softly, placing the blood bags on the table behind her fathers medical bag. Carlisle looked at Harry as he started to remove the blood from his knuckles, smiling softly. "Can you tell us, Harry?"

Harry whimpered and leaned against Jasper, who quickly wrapped his arms tighter around his small mate, pain reflecting over Harry's face. Edward gave a gasp and leaned forward, all of Harry's memories and thoughts slamming through his head at once. It was almost giving him a migraine...

"Darling?" Alice questioned, her eyes widened with worry.

"He clawed his way out of a coffin..." Edward gasped and Carlisle nodded slowly. "Yes... I did so too, Harry... Fret not, you will be alright." Though he did not actually know if Harry would be alright... Carlisle himself being one of the few lucky ones to make it through alright, and Harry being Magi, could lead to a whole new book of problems.

Edward excused himself, having to go to collect his brain once more. What he had seen from Harry's memories, was a whole lot more hellish than what they had explained back when the Magi first came to town... Leaning over the toilet, Edward barfed, his mate gently rubbing his back with a worried expression.

"Harry's mind opened up for me to see... Everything... it all came at once... I apologise, I got nauseated..." Alice inclined her head and hummed softly.

Back with Jasper, Harry, Carlisle and the others, Harry was staring at his hands in wonder as Carlisle healed them up, or well, he removed the blood and placed bandages onto the cracks and scratches. "There you are, completely new again." Carlisle smiled and noticed how Harry flexed his fingers and stared at them. His mind hadn't returned to its full use yet, probably meaning that it had only been a few hours since he woke up.

His restraint was incredible, considering... The blood had laid besides him for around ten minutes now, and Harry hadn't even reacted.

"Here... You must be hungry by now." Harry hadn't been hungry when he was alive, but a newborn fed about five times as much as a normal vampire, so by those standards, Harry would have to eat at least double their normal portions, or equally as much as they did, and his eyes were deadly black and red...

They were going to try with Animal blood in the beginning, but again, considering Harry was Magi, it wasn't completely certain that it would do the trick, and he would start to fade, more and more...

"No..." Harry whispered softly, eyeing the bag and shaking his head. "Not...hungry... Want...Jasper... Stay..." Harry would start to morph with Jasper, if he got any close to the other vampire. Jasper smiled gently and picked Harry up into his lap, letting the ravenette lay against his chest, sideways on his lap.

"Well, how about you give us the number to Billy's phone? Then we can call him here... I'm sure they want to say hello." Esme tried and placed her hand on her husbands shoulder, nodding to him, that he should trust her on this, and so he did, going back to the fridge with the blood, and removing his medical bag.

"*****-*******" Harry gave her the number, sounding robotic as he said it, it was likely that the number had been drilled into his head by Billy, back when Harry first got his phone, and Esme just smiled softly. "Perfect, thank you Harry. You just relax, alright, buddy?"

Harry nodded and cuddled up into Jaspers side some more, seeking comfort in his strong arms.


"Billy? Hi, it's Esme... I think you and the pack might want to come by here, something... Odd, has occurred." Esme was quiet for a bit and nodded slowly. "Yes, of course. I will contact the Magi, no worries. Yes, see you in thirty minutes. Buh bye."

Hanging up, Esme went to the door and ran to the Magi cottage, she could only hope that they were home, and not at the ministry already. The Magi had been working with Argnork and Cornelius in an effort to get back into Hogwarts, so far, nothing had worked.

"Mrs. Cullen?" Luna greeted the woman with a smile, letting her inside the house. Esme inclined her head and looked at the Magi. "Is everyone present?" She asked and everyone nodded around the room. "Perfect, can you all be at the house in about twenty-eight minutes?"

"Whatever for, Mrs. Cullen?" Minerva inquired and Esme smiled softly. "We have... An oddity?" She asked and shook her head with a sigh. "Yes, an oddity that we require your help with."

Severus inclined his head. He had come to respect the tribe and coven, after moving to the area. They were... Yes. They were something...

"Alright. We'll be there."

Esme left with a nod and returned at the house, quickly starting to prep food for the mass amount of wolves and Magi that would suddenly be in the house. "Go to your room with Harry, Jasper. We don't want to overwhelm him." Jasper nodded and rose to his feet with Harry in his embrace, bringing Harry back up to his room, a soft smile on his lips as Harry clung to his chest.

A/N: Ya'll didn't think I would kill off my darling baby Harry, now did you? Oh no. There are much bigger plans in work for him. Besides, how would this be a Vampire Harry story, if Harry doesn't get to become a vampire?
At any rate! I hope you enjoyed this, I will see you all in chapter 27, in just a few days. Buh bye now!
~ Author Cupcake<3

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