Chapter 16.

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A/N: Harry Potter-Black, back at it again. With all his shenanigans.

"Out of my way, freak." A random jock, who found it the highlight of his day, to be pushing Harry into lockers, or to the ground, whichever was easier and depending on his mood, it would be either a harder or softer push.

Harry just took it. There was no point in doing anything. It wasn't like he could prove to anyone that it was happening... But the touching was constantly keeping him on edge.

"OI! Leave him the fuck alone, Travis!" A recognisable voice cut through Harry's thoughts, like a knife, yet soothing every fibre of his being. "Chill Cullen, me and Black here are just rough housing, ain't that right?" Travis sent Harry a look, but Jasper caught it and luckily, Edward and Emmett stepped in between. "Get lost, Travis." Edward stated clearly, pushing the football player back, with enough force to show that he meant it, but not enough to send him flying.

"Fine, fine. See you in gym, Black."

"Like fucking hell you with." Edward sneered, catching the boys thoughts and stepping up further. "You stay away from him, unless you want us to report you to Charlie, you catch that?" Travis rolled his eyes and stalked off with his friends.

"You okay...?" Jasper asked softly, placing a hand onto Harry's shoulder. The ravenette looked at him with wide eyes, and then at the other Cullens. Sam is gonna be so disappointed... He will smell them on me... He... "Hey... It's okay, Sam said you could hang out with us again... Didn't he tell you?" Alice asked with a small smile, taking Harry's hand to help him stand.

Harry stared at them all, his eyes landing on Jasper. He looked like hell... Oh god... What had happened to him? He would have to trust the Cullens, because he couldn't hide his worry for Jasper, instantly limping to his side and raising a hand, hesitating for a split second, before putting it onto Jasper's cheek, there was a bruise... Vampires don't bruise.

"I'm okay Harry..." To feel Harry worry and care for him, it was more than Jasper could ever dream for. Harry was the purest and most kind hearted creature, he was certain of it. "How about you? You were missing for a couple of weeks, what happened?"

Harry lowered his hand and his eyes, shaking his head slowly. "You don't want to talk about it?" Harry glanced back up at Jasper and shook his head once more. "That's okay, Harry... We were just worried about you, all of us." Harry gave a small smile, and then started to walk away.

It had been some odd couple of weeks. All Harry recalled was Argnork's visit, and then he started to walk away, when something happened and he fell. The next he recalled, was four days ago, when he woke up and was discharged from the hospital. They said he had been passed out, and had been sleeping, their suspicion had been that Harry was so tired he had passed out and his body had placed him in a coma to ensure he rested... Harry continued to have the odd dream about the lilies, had so for weeks now, it was why he couldn't sleep, every time his eyes closed, the image of the blood red lilies popped up in his mind. Sometimes it was with the bodies of his friends littering the ground, sometimes it was him, but he was always speared through the chest in these dreams, and would afterwards look as an outsider, as his killer was standing over him. 

They still looked oddly familiar... But there was still no obvious traits to tie the stranger to anyone Harry knew, except of course for the long lilac robes, but anyone could be wearing that!

But his stunt with passing out, no one could 100% confirm the reason for, which also meant, it may happen again...

"Hey, wait up!"

Harry was joined by Jasper at his side, the young looking blonde, giving him a soft smile. "I have missed hanging out with you, you know that?" Harry gave a look of surprise, and Jasper grinned. "Yeah, I was pretty bummed that you continued to ignore me... But when Sam came up and explained that he had done it, because he was worried about you... Well, it all made sense, even if I did rip him a new assssssss-" Jasper let the 's' run out and Harry rolled his eyes at him, but the small smile wasn't to be mistaken, and it made Jaspers vampire leap with joy. "I kindly handed to him, that I would do anything to ensure your safety... As long as I could be your friend..."

Harry had stopped walking, as had Jasper, the two of them staring each other. Jasper with fond eyes and a small smile, and Harry with shock written on his face. Jasper, who was a vampire, went up against Sam, who was an Alpha wolf! A sworn enemy... And begged to be his friend, telling Sam that he would always protect him... No one had ever done that for him before...

"Hey... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sadden you." Harry sniffled and noticed that he had started to cry. Then he let out a chuckle and shook his head, limping the two steps there was, over to Jasper, and hugging him close, arms tightly holding him around his shoulders.

"Come on, we have History!" Harry looked at him and chuckled once more, shaking his head softly. Jasper felt the cracks slowly starting to heal and he too smiled.


"As you all know, we have been talking about the richest people in History, but, does anyone know who the richest person is today?" Their teachers asked and everyone looked around, whilst Harry just looked down, he hoped no one truly knew that answer...

"No one?" The teacher asked and sighed. "Alright, suppose I couldn't expect that, they aren't very well known, considering they are a child-"


"Yes. They lost their parents at a very young age, and they were the heir to many old houses in England. It is said, that not so long ago, they moved to America to start a new life with a new family-"

As the teacher continued to talk, Jasper furrowed his brows and looked at his mate. Harry, who was also very interested in History, was very uninterested in this... He seemed completely deflated, even.

"What is their name?"

"Harry Potter."

Jasper's jaw dropped, and he turned to Harry with wide eyes. "Holy shit..." He and Bella both whispered. Harry cringed and glanced at them both, smiling softly. "Harry... Oh my god..."

"Yes, we do have a Harry in this class, that does not mean-"

"We have a Harry, who moved from England to America, about four months ago... A Harry who was adopted by Billy Black..." Bella muttered and slowly everyone too looked at Harry, who groaned and hid his face. He hated being famous... And he could practically feel the dollar signs in Jessicas eyes.

"No no, all of you settle down. Mr. Black looks nothing like the rich Mr. Potter, it is all a coincident..." The teacher made the class calm down and sent Harry a small smile. "Since you are from England, Mr. Black, you must know about this famous child, be taught about him in school and such?" Harry's lips thinned, and he shook his head, making the teacher smile softly. "See? Mr. Black doesn't know about Mr. Potter anymore than you all do. Now, can I continue with my class?"

Jasper couldn't tear his eyes from the young boy next to him. Was Harry the same Harry that they were learning about right now? Didn't he say his name was Harry Potter-Black? Jasper would have to look into it later...


Harry was still out of gym, not that he was complaining, he had never liked all that stuff, especially not now with everything that was going on. So in gym class, he was secretly admiring Jasper from afar and writing theories in his note book.

The reoccurring dream was odd and he had talked to Argnork about it, when the goblin had visited. It was amazing magic, that Argnork could transfer and receive thoughts from him, it made everything so much easier. Argnork had said that he would look into it, but that he couldn't promise he would come up with anything. Due to the dream being so vague, and Dumbledore being the man that he is...

Harry started by writing a timeline down and then all that had happened, in little bullet points, in his notebook. It was honestly a bit trickier than he had first intended it to be...

"What are you doing? Writing a fairytale or something?" A voice asked from behind him on the bleachers. Harry flinched and looked in the direction of the voice, seeing Jasper he relaxed instantly. How come Jasper made him feel so calm and at ease...?

"Oh, sorry, I didn't intend to frighten you." Jasper said with a small chuckle, leaning back whilst placing a towel around his neck. He was not used to sweating, but ever since the pain had begun in his chest, a lot of odd things had happened to him... A lot of Human things. "Is it a plot-line for a story?" He asked once more and smiled softly, his vampire preening with all the attention that his little mate was giving him, how Harry's eyes trailed over his body, going to his face and taking in every little detail. It was adorable, and hot.

Harry snapped out of his staring and blushed bright red, before turning to what he was writing once more and humming, shrugging his shoulders. "Well, it certainly looks interesting." Jasper said, and a sudden, spur of the moment courage zap entered his body, as he asked. "You know... After everything that has happened with you these past couple of months, have you ever..." He gave a soft chuckle when Harry's attention was once more on him, the courage seeping out of him by the simple look of those big doe eyes.

"Ahah.... Never mind..." He muttered and Harry furrowed his brows, shaking his head he poked to the blonde vampire, giving him a pout. Jasper felt his heart beat for a millisecond at the adorableness of that pout... Oh Harry's lips would be so lovely, wrapped around his own... NO! Mind out of the gutter! You're a gentleman, for goodness sake!

"Alright, alright!" Jasper laughed out, finally getting Harry to stop poking him. "I just... I wanted to know if you would like to be shown around Forks, like for real, shown around, not just a drive through... We could call it a date?" Harry's eyes widened and Jasper swore that he merely blinked and then Harry was beet red. "Or-or not! You know... I just-"

"I would love to..." Jasper felt his world stop, all sound vanished when Harry's voice filled his ears. Oh it was beautiful... Everything about his little mate was just truly stunning. "You mean that...?" He breathed and Harry nodded, giving a shy smile as he turned away, hiding behind his book.

As Jasper walked down the hall, towards his next class, he saw Edward suddenly stand in front of him. "Really!?" Edward asked in a hushed excited, voice. "He not only talked to you... But you're going on a date with him...?" Jasper was practically vibrating and Edward could see it go either way, either he would flip out and drain someone from pure excitement, or Edward would end up with a few cracks, from an overly tight hug.

"Did you remember to schedule the day?" Jasper suddenly froze and Edward raised his brows, watching as his brothers brain started working again. Damn, Harry really has a grip on you, doesn't he?


Jasper soon enough hurried off and Edward sighed, following after, but slower. "Jass, do you even know where he is?" Jasper finally stopped and slowly turned around, giving his brother a hopeful grin.

It had come to that point in the project for the final Exams in music, that the ones that weren't in the band, were to go on their own, and Edward knew where Harry was, just as Harry knew where Edward was practising.

"Yes yes, come along, you idiot..." Edward chuckled and swung his arm around Jaspers shoulders, guiding him to the basement, him and Harry had set up their stations down there, and planned days that they would be practising down there, just so they didn't schedule the place at the same time.

The sound of heavenly music was played and Jasper sped up, his brother letting him. Edward smiled softly, Harry would be good for Jasper... But he had a feeling, that Jasper being an empath, making him know all that Harry was feeling, when he was overwhelmed, when he needed a hug and when he needed to be left alone, was such a nicely wrapped present, all for Harry to enjoy.

"Harry, I forgot to ask something..."

A/N: Finally! Jasper got his head out of his ass, and asked Harry out. And what do we think about Harry answering him? HMMMM???? Is he softening up to our pain looking blonde???? Yes, most likely. Anyways! I hope you enjoy this chapter, I enjoyed writing it. ;) Anyways, take care of yourselves lovelies. Mwuah! Until next time.
~Author Cupcake<3

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