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It's was another beautiful day, I woke up to birds chipping and the lovely sand rays hit me. I sat on my bed admiring nature as the sun was setting from the West. I has a good feeling that today was gonna be a nice day in school.

I quickly went to the bathroom and took my bath and brush my teeth. Immediately after doing so I began to dress up.

I wore a simple button up shirt and left two of my buttons unlocked and wear a pair of blue jeans. It's was my favorite colour indicating that today is gonna be an awesome day, I then brush my long sulky hair and pushed it back, viewing my self in the mirror.

Come to think of it, I looked a little like a female.l had long hair and big cheeks that had dimples in them every time I smiled. One thing I hated about myself was the fact that I was a little too short for my age and didn't have a fine arbs like Ryder.

Thinking of Ryder, u must already Know I hate him. He almost ruined my life, but I learnt a lesson do not trust people easy.

I quickly took my bag and headed downstairs. I didn't feel like eating breakfast so I just greeted them and bid them goodbye. I told my mom "not to worry when I get to school, I shall eat". She just sign, relief written all over his face.

Today, I was early so I didn't miss the bus. I sat at the window side admiring the city and nature whilst listen to my favorite song with my earpiece.(take me through the night falling to the dark side, we don't need the light, will live on the darkside, I see it, believe it, whiles we still young and fearless_ Darkside by Alan Walker)

I was suddenly interrupted when a strange young man informed me I was about to rich my destination, I gave him a light smile and thank him for reminding me. As I was getting ready to leave the strange guy gave me a paper with his number signaling me to call him. That was werid isn't it, I just got down quickly as the bus stop and stared at the paper. I then decided to throw the paper away.

I was ready to start my day in school.

Exhaling and inhaling I entered the school, my first observation was how the girls were giving me the u look good look. I knew it because I Know I was very handsome some people even taught I was a gay because of my looks but I didn't care I was 100% straight.

My first lesson was mathematics so I headed to the class as I didn't want to be late. I took my sit in the middle of the class, I didn't like sitting in front of the class and the back too so I preferred the middle of the class. I was hoping I wouldn't see Ryder but of course luck wasn't on my side.

Just when i spoke of the Devil, he appeared of cause with his little group.

I tried my possible best to ignore their existence after what they did to me.

But of course they just had to come up to me and even sit beside me. Ryder sat at the left side and Vixen sat at the right side. Bright and Henry just sat anywhere and I was grateful for that.

But I couldn't ignore Ryder's intimidating eyes on me so I turned to him and asked him "why he was watching me like that" he replied asking me "how was he watching me" I just whispers_ shouted "like that" emphasizing on the that I then crossed my hands saying to me self that

"There is no way am allowing a bitch to ruin my morning" with that the teacher entered the class.

We learnt about algebraic expression and trust me when I say most of the students didn't understand the topic at the end of the class especially Ryder but I understood so I didn't care about the rest.

My next class was P.E class I hated it. U must have guess it correctly I hated that class, due to the fact that I had to work physically which I hated.

I worked inside the P.E room but the smell of sweats immediately hit my nose causing me to cough. Another reason why I hated P.E. I walked across the place and found somewhere to sit.

" You new here" an unfamiliar voice asked me I turned to my left and noticed a girl was sitting there.

She was visibly chubby but had a flat stomach which made her shaped very curvy.

She was beautiful in her own way, I somehow found her cute with her short eyelashes and floppy cheeks and her cute mouth and nose.

"Yes, I came started just yesterday"I echoed. I was wondering why a chubby girl like her would be in P.E in class as if she read my thoughts.

She sign and whispered, then siad "she wanted to engage herself in the activities and try to reduce a little also maybe because I have a crush on someone who likes P.E very much so am trying to impress him" she quickly looked away feeling shy.

I looked at her in admiration and loved her confidence because it's not easy to empress your crush ones your chubby.

But I hope she gets her love, I wanted to ask her who the lucky guy was but I felt it wasn't part of my business.

But I caught her starring at Vixen, I looked at her with pity and wondered why a person would fall in love with such a first class jerk. I quickly dismissed that taught.

I sat there quietly until the class came to an end, I was grateful the P.E teacher didn't ask me to do anything. People began to leave and I felt like I should also leave.

As I was about to leave I stamped on someone, as I looked up to see the person I was met with a green mysterious eyes that reminded me of the forest. It held alot of emotions in them, I stared at the eyes and I could have sworn my heart skipped a bit that was until

I heard an annoying voice saying " get away from me", I quickly recognize the voice and I immediately created a space between us

It's was Ryder......

End of another chapter. Sorry for any grammatical errors. What do u think is gonna happen next🥰👀🥴

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