18: Spooky Scary School At Night

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They all walked out of the dining hall with Chris waddling behind attempting to catch up. The group ventures through corridors of the school for evil before Ana's stomach started to take its toll from her meal. I mean if something goes in then the rest must come out. Ana started to look for signs to direct her to the girl's toilets.

"Where are the toilets from here?" Ana asked Jay who was stood beside her.

"They aren't too far, why?" Jay responded walking through the empty halls to get to the stair cases.

"Oh you know i just wanted to go do a satanic ritual," Ana said sarcastically "What do you think I want to do?"

"Can't you hold it till we get back to the room?" Hazel asked avoiding looking in mirrors as her face was still covered in warts and spots from a battle in Yuba's lesson gone wrong.

"Have you seen the stairs in this fucking castle? No I will not be able to 'hold it'," Ana replied looking at her and still receiving a shock from her face. She would never tell her, of course, but it was really bad.

"Fine, whatever you want. They are down the hall to the right," Hazel said "Try not to get lost, princess,"

"I will try my best," Ana laughed before turning to see Chris finally caught up with the group waiting at the stairs. She was slouching slightly while she ate the last piece of her pigs heart. "Princesses do not slouch, Christ,"

"It's Christina to you you bitch!" Chris responded down the hallway but it was no use as Ana was already half way down the corridor and was not planning to turn back. Ana smiled at the response but Chris was not pleased. Ana continued to walk down the long corridor and tried to keep her cool.

Ana enjoyed hearing the giggles from the group mocking Chris while Chris let out a useless sigh. Some mocked what I had said to piss her off and others just laughed. Ana didn't get too far down the corridor as she still heard Hazel say in a voice that sounded like she was scolding someone of the age of 7 "Yeh Chris and they probably don't swear either,"

Ana turned the corner and couldn't help but laugh to herself as she continued to walk down the corridor. As she lifted her head she saw the girls toilets. Turning quickly into them, as she almost missed them. She went into them, they were in terrible condition, shocker! Literal mould grew like grass all around the room. That's how dirty this place was. There were four cubicles in total all with dark bathroom covers. The threes sinks sat on the other side and the mirror per usual was cracked. One of the three sinks though was smashed so badly that it could no longer hold any water and was utterly useless. Ana didn't care she just needed to sit on the toilet right now. This new evil school food had taken its toll on her digestive system. It was bad enough to be school food let alone being evil school food. I'm not going to burden you with such details, dear reader. I would never forgive myself.

Ana exited the cubical doing up the zip of her skirt and adjusting it as she walked to the sink. She turned the tap to which unsurprisingly didn't work and neither did the soap dispenser. What is the point in having it if it does not work? Ana thought. So Ana just decided to wash then she got up stairs and attempt to touch as little things as possible.  She began to open the door with what was left of her burnt sleeve to shield her hand from the handle. Not that it made much difference from the school's hygiene but whatever made her feel better. Something stopped her though.

"Sophie? Is that you? " Someone's voice asked. Ana's eyes flew open as she spun around. There! She saw it more real then ever before. It didn't look like a ghost this time but a real person. It stood there, cloak and all. The red glow that came from the entity faded yet the mystery of who or what it was remained. This was due to the fact that you could still not make out it's face, if it had one. It stood at the end of the room just below the musty windows she hadn't noticed before. It was stood next to the end cubical and near the broken sink.

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