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"Hello, Mr. King!"
"Ugh, my son. WHAT DID I SAY TO YOU?"
"Don't...get too attached?"
"You have failed, my son. They have poisoned you with their sentimentality. Free youself, Lancer. They care NOT for you. Their only goal is to destroy our glorious Fountain. They. Are. Scum."
" they aren't..."
"Let him go."
"Ha ha want me to LET HIM GO? Then how about this...I'll drop him off the edge and let him splatter...unless you all KNEEL and learn your place! What will it be, Lightners?"
"No, Susie, don't-"
This is a really stupid idea. but there's no way that he would- oh.
"Now WATCH, Lancer..."
Spades surround us. It seems the Fun Gang isn't so fun anymore.
"SEE what happens when you befriend Lightners!"
A single spade knocks the king off guard.
"Alright, enough already. Who do you think you are?"
"Hehe, to my people, I am a you? I'm the BAD GUY!"

"My apologies...I am...I am not used to...fighting like body is getting weak."
"Oh, don't say another word!"
Ralsei already casted a full healing spell on him.
"How do you feel?"
"...never been better."
Spades knock me down. I knew it. Ralsei's innocence got the best of him again.
"Did I say you could get up?"
I try to guard Susie, but spades come from below.
"Spare me the heroics."
Every single muscle in my body aches, trying not to give up.
"'re the leader, right? So what's your plan? To laugh, as you cast us all back into obscurity?"
"You can't even say? Lemme tell you a secret. Quiet people PISS ME OFF."
I tense for impact, but it never comes.
"Hey. Get away. From. My. Friend.
"OR WHAT? You'll KILL me?"
"So what's your plan? To TALK me to death? You stupid, stupid, lightner. You honestly think you have any way to convince me not to kill you?"
"You can't defeat me."
"I know. But they can."
Literally everyone in dark world
"Too late, dad! I have the belt of justice, the semi-automatic slipper rifle and the time-out corner!"

"...Y'alright, Kris?"
"Kris! Susie! Are you okay?"
" Yeah Ralsei! Kris is doing JUST FINE here!"
"I dunno, Susie, it looks like their in pain..."
"It's sarcasm."
"What's that?"
*Ralsei has not learned sarcasm yet.
"God. It hurts."
"Oh, Kris!"
Ralsei hugs me again. It felt...comforting. (You see what I did there hmm hmm)

"Kris, Susie...I'm...I'm sorry. Because I healed the king, we almost, we almost...Susie, you were right, I, I was folish to think we could act so soft to everyone. This isn't a world where kindness always wins, is it?"
"Eh, it's complicated. Yeah, sometimes there's people you just gotta fight. But if you never let your guard down, then you might just...hurt someone you care about."
"Aww, Susie! You're beginning to sound like a real hero!"
"Eh, don't get used to it."
"I...I won't! Then, I...I suppose you and Kris should return home now."
"Yeah, I...I guess that's right, huh. Well, uh, see ya, I guess."
"Susie...don't you think we should say goodbye to our friends?"
"Well, if I HAVE to, I guess. Let's go!"
"Kris! Susie! You came back!"
"Well, uh, we just wanted to say goodbye."
"...Everyone here wanted to say goodbye to you too."
"Please let me know when you leave, alright?"
"Yeah, yeah, we'll try not to skip you."
 It's kind of nostalgic even though it's only been, like, eight hours. Everyone comes to congratulate us. Seems like everyone really hated the guy.
"Kris, Susie? Are you leaving?"
"Hell if I know, I'm just walking right because the UI tells me to." 4th wall breaks yet again
Writer: GOD

"Umm, I...I just wanted to say...I...I...I really enjoyed meeting you two, and..."
"Hey, Ralsei, can you STOP mumbling into your hat for a sec? I can barely hear you."
"Oh! I'm sorry!"
Ralsei takes off his hat to reveal he's...a...
"Asriel. Asriel. Oh my god. It's fucking Asriel."
"Kris, language, please!"
"Um, Kris? Who's Asriel?"
"Don't worry, Kris! You don't have to answer."
"You can just be the dumb freak you are. And also, is it just me or did you just realize that Ralsei is A FREAKING GOAT?"
"Um...Kris, Susie..."
Ralsei smiles warmly to us.
"I hope I can see you again soon. Next time I'll make you lots of yummy cakes, alright?"
"???????? Umm, yeah! Sure, dude, haha! Let's go, Kris!"
This is a lot to take in. Ralsei looks like my freaking brother. The resemblance is uncanny. I gotta know.
"Do you like cinnamon and butterscotch?"
"Um...why do you ask, Kris?"
" always do all these things for friends, what did you do before you met us?"
"Why yes, I did use butterscotch and cinnamon for my pies. How did you know?"
" look a lot like a...friend of mine...who I have a lot of great memories with...)"
"Oh! Well...I hope I can be as good of a friend as them!"
"You're overdoing it, Ralsei. For once in your life, think about yourself."
"O-ok! Maybe you should go seal the fountain!"
"Umm, Kris, is it just me or did I say LET'S FUCKING GO?"
"Jeez, Susie, just wanted to say something."

The fountain's darkening aura spread around the room. The darkness is overwhelming. I feel...lightheaded.
"Is this...the fountain? Dunno how, feels like we stumbled into something really important, didn't we? Well, there's no time to think about that now. Right's time to go home, right Kris?"
I stood in front of the fountain...I felt something strange. It as if my very soul was glowing.
Boom cliffhanger haha
887 words

chapter 1 complete

more pain for later

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